Front-End Changes Changelog
- Fixed possible remote code execution bug in KeyValues parsing. Thanks to xPaw for finding and reporting the issue!
- Fixed a bug allowing community servers to override certain game files.
- Added support in vbsp for clip brush textures with different material types.
- Added CS:GO in-game blog localization for Finnish.
- Significantly reduced holiday cheer.
- Added convars cl_weapon_debug_show_accuracy and cl_weapon_debug_show_accuracy_duration
- With “cl_weapon_debug_show_accuracy 1,” when a shot is fired, a 12 inch circle will be drawn at the Effective Range of the weapon, i.e, the farthest distance at which the shot is guaranteed to fall within a 12 inch circle.
- With “cl_weapon_debug_show_accuracy 2,” when a shot is fired, a circle will be drawn at the surface that is aimed at showing the area that could have been hit by the bullet given its inaccuracy.
- cl_weapon_debug_show_accuracy_duration ( default 10 ) determines how long the debug circles last.
- The further the shot is into the spray sequence, the more red the circle will be.
- Increased radius of c4 disarm sound
- Fixed some cases where alt-tabbing away and back to the game would cause incorrect sounds to play
- Cache
- Visibility improvements based on color-blind player feedback
- Texture improvements
- New vent models
- Added subtle markers for grenade throws (thanks James Bardolph)
- Added plant-zone decals to Bombsite B
- Added graphic for “Sun-room” (thanks Thurnip)
- Fixed fade distance on crate in checkers
- Fixed weapons being irretrievable under vent
- Fixed all known bomb-stuck spots
- Fixed an exploit involving flashbangs from mid into checkers
- Fixed pixelwalks at mid, T-Spawn, A main, A site
- Improved .nav mesh (thanks p_NM)
- Nuke
- Improved accuracy of grenade clips on metal containers
- Clip brushes now play the correct material type footstep sound
- Performance optimizations
- Removed crate stack from CT side
- Removed railings outside HUT
- Removed railings at top of Heaven ladder
- Lowered ambient soundscape volumes
- Door opening and closing predictability fixed
- Improved .nav mesh (thanks Bez)
- Fixed +use interaction through tool or clip brushes
- Fixed double doors being blocked by their sibling door being blocked by the player
Map Modification
De_Cache Changes
Cache Revamp Part 1 + 2– I did two seperate posts on the revamp of Cache that was introduce in this patch. If you want to see those differences check out the URLs
Part 1 –
Part 2 –
De_Nuke Changes
Ambient and Environment Sound Adjustments– The videos below showcase the difference in ambient sound effects across the map. The first video features locations outside, then inside, and the final clip show the one ambient sound that was removed.
Added Crate Corner Models– Three new models were added to the game in this patch for the corners of the crates around Nuke.
CT Crate Stack Removed– The crate on the CT side of the map has been removed. Also you can see the new models of the crate corners being added to each crate.
Dolly Removed– BibleThump
Steel Beams Removed– BibleThump
Hut Railing Removed– The railing outside of the hut has been removed.
Heaven Railing Removed– The railing at the the top of heaven ladder has been removed.
Background LoD Adjustments– The PoV of looking at certain background models have been adjusted. Depending on which part of the map you are you will load a few less models – so a slight optimization here. With this adjustment here the power lines were moved over to blend in to both PoVs.
Grenade Clip Brushes– The grenade clip brushes on the metal cargo crates have been readjusted for the new corner models that were added. Also the clip brushes were readjusted on the the most of the doors around the map.
Clip Brush Removed– A clip brush on the floor inside T has been removed.
Defuse Sound Radius Increased
The distance of the CTs defusing the bomb sound effect has been increased. The video below showcases the differences with the same sound settings on both:
Back-End Changes
Version Released
Client Version = 328
Server Version = 328
Patch Version =
Added Tournament UI Images
Background images for the tournament stream panel have been added for the current minors.
Test Stream Background |Valve| ~
CIS Minor Background |Starladder| ~
Europe Minor Background |Dreamhack| ~
Asia Minor Background |PGL| ~
Americas Minor Background |MLG| ~
Updated Strings
There has been an addition to the chicken text string that was added in the patch last week. It will leave a bit longer of a message with a time duration of how long it was following.
- Location of these additions are represented in the csgo_english.txt
- "Pet_Killed" " Your chicken has been killed." + "Pet_Killed" " Your chicken has been killed. She was yours for %s1 seconds."
Added Crate Models
The following models have been added for corners of the crates on De_Nuke:
Metal Crate 001 – 76 Corners ~

Metal Crate 001 – 76 Corners ~ MDL
Metal Crate 001 – 96 Corners ~

Metal Crate 001 – 96 Corners ~ MDL
Metal Crate 001 – 128x112x256 Corners ~

Metal Crate 001 – 128x112x256 Corners ~ MDL
Added New Low Violence Materials
Originally the low violence mode had taken the blood and the death/ragdoll animations out for certain rating boards when the game first launch. But with the many updates over years like the ones that involved how blood interacts between the server and client code; and then the updated skeleton/bones config make the old surrender animations irrelevant now. This addition could be a a little sign of the devs prepping a Chinese release of CS:GO (I hope) but for the short term you can see the black blood in action during the current PGL Minior.
Blood Splat ~
Blood and Gunshot Decals ~
Con Var Additions
The following con vars have been added to the CS:GO client, server, and engine code. ~
Client ~
+ korean
+ loot_lists
Engine ~
+ lowviolence
Server ~
+ Force all shots to have maximum inaccuracy
+ Force weapon inaccuracy to be in exactly the up direction
+ weapon_debug_inaccuracy_only_up
+ weapon_debug_max_inaccuracy
Surface Property Addition
A new surface entry has been created called \\\’glassfloor\\\’ and was created for the purpose of the glass floor surrounding the B bomb site on De_Nuke.
- Location of these modifications are represented in game_sounds_weapons.txt
"glassfloor" { "thickness" "0.5" "density" "2700" "elasticity" "0.2" "friction" "0.8" "stepleft" "glass.StepLeft" "stepright" "glass.StepRight" "scraperough" "Glass.ScrapeRough" "scrapesmooth" "Glass.ScrapeSmooth" "impacthard" "Glass.ImpactHard" "impactsoft" "Glass.ImpactSoft" "bulletimpact" "Glass.BulletImpact" // "strain" "Glass.Strain" "break" "Glass.Break" "audioreflectivity" "0.66" "audiohardnessfactor" "1.0" "audioroughnessfactor" "0.0" "gamematerial" "Y" "penetrationmodifier" "0.99" }
Game\\\’s Audio Adjustments
There has been a \\\’volume falloff\\\’ property added to the “C4.Disarmstart” entry. Which basically means the distance in which the defuse will be heard will be a bit louder.
- Location of these modifications are represented in game_sounds_weapons.txt
"channel" "CHAN_STATIC"
"volume" "0.7"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_85dB"
"wave" "weapons/c4/c4_disarm.wav"
"soundentry_version" "2"
"import_stack" "CS_limit_start"
"import_stack" "CS_update_foley"
"mixgroup" "All"
+ "volume_falloff"
+ {
+ "input_max" "2000.0"
+ }
De_Nuke\\\’s update involved many adjustments to the ambient and environmental sound effects.
- Location of these modifications are represented in soundscapes_nuke_new.txt
// Generic outdoors ambience "nuke.outside" { "fadetime" "1.0" // planes flying overhead "playrandom" { "time" "10,50" - "volume" "0.1, 0.3" + "volume" "0.05, 0.15" "pitch" "90,110" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/nuke/airplane_01.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/airplane_02.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/airplane_03.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/airplane_04.wav" } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Generic roof ambience "nuke.roof" { "dsp" "1" "fadetime" "1.0" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { - "volume" "0.7" + "volume" "0.4" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/nuke/exterior_10.wav" } "playrandom" { "time" "5,10" - "volume" "0.2" + "volume" "0.15" "pitch" "90,110" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/wind/wind_med1.wav" "wave" "ambient/wind/wind_med2.wav" } } // planes flying overhead "playrandom" { "time" "10,50" - "volume" "0.2, 0.4" + "volume" "0.05, 0.2" "pitch" "90,110" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/nuke/airplane_01.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/airplane_02.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/airplane_03.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/airplane_04.wav" } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // THE ELECRTICAL SUBSTATION AT CTSPAWN "nuke.substation1" { "dsp" "1" "playlooping" { "pitch" "100" - "volume" "1.0" - "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_85dB" + "volume" "0.6" + "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB" "origin" "2924, 173, -305;" "wave" "ambient/nuke/substation_hum_01.wav" } // ct silo "playlooping" { "pitch" "100" - "volume" "0.9" + "volume" "0.5" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_85dB" "origin" "2493, -856, -255;" "wave" "ambient/nuke/machine_03.wav" } "playrandom" { "time" "1, 10" - "volume" "0.5, 1.0" + "volume" "0.4, 0.9" "pitch" "90,110" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_80dB" "origin" "2924, 173, -305;" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/nuke/substation_oneshot_01.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/substation_oneshot_02.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/substation_oneshot_03.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/substation_oneshot_04.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/substation_oneshot_05.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/substation_oneshot_06.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/substation_oneshot_07.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/substation_oneshot_08.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/substation_oneshot_09.wav" } } } "nuke.substation2" { "dsp" "1" "playlooping" { "pitch" "100" - "volume" "0.9" - "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_80dB" + "volume" "0.4" + "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB" "origin" "2493, 310, -386" "wave" "ambient/nuke/substation_hum_02.wav" } // machine at end of substation fence "playlooping" { "pitch" "100" - "volume" "0.8" + "volume" "0.5" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_70dB" "origin" "1822, -107, -300;" "wave" ")ambient/nuke/fan_01.wav" } "playrandom" { "time" "2, 10" - "volume" "0.5, 1.0" + "volume" "0.4, 0.9" "pitch" "90,110" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_80dB" "origin" "2493, 310, -386" } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "nuke.ctspawn" { "dsp" "1" "playsoundscape" { "name" "nuke.outside" } // Position 0: The Tree "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "0" "name" "nuke.substation1" } "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "1" "name" "nuke.substation2" } "playlooping" { - "volume" "0.9" + "volume" "0.6" "origin" "4027, -1147, -275" "pitch" "100" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_95dB" "wave" ")ambient/nuke/exterior_08.wav" } // truck "playlooping" { - "volume" "0.9" + "volume" "0.3" "origin" "3596, -453, -268" "pitch" "100" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB" "wave" ")ambient/machines/truck_idle_lp_01.wav" } "playlooping" { "pitch" "100" - "volume" "0.6" + "volume" "0.2" "wave" "ambient/nuke/exterior_06.wav" } } "nuke.ctcourtyard" { "dsp" "1" "fadetime" "1.0" "playsoundscape" { "name" "nuke.outside" } // background "playlooping" { "pitch" "100" - "volume" "0.7" + "volume" "0.4" "wave" "ambient/nuke/exterior_06.wav" } } "nuke.ctalley" { "dsp" "1" "fadetime" "1.0" "playsoundscape" { "name" "nuke.outside" } // pipes "playlooping" { "pitch" "100" - "volume" "0.5" + "volume" "0.25" "origin" "2478, -1813, -351" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" "wave" "ambient/nuke/air_02.wav" } "playlooping" { "pitch" "100" - "volume" "0.3" + "volume" "0.15" "wave" "ambient/nuke/exterior_06.wav" } "playlooping" { "pitch" "100" - "volume" "0.2" + "volume" "0.15" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" "wave" "ambient/nuke/vent_01.wav" } } "nuke.middle" { "dsp" "1" "fadetime" "1.5" "playsoundscape" { "name" "nuke.outside" } // custom middle background "playlooping" { "pitch" "100" - "volume" "0.9" + "volume" "0.4" "wave" "ambient/nuke/exterior_09.wav" } // base outdoors sound "playlooping" { "pitch" "100" - "volume" "0.4" + "volume" "0.1" "wave" "ambient/nuke/exterior_06.wav" } // t water stream "playlooping" { - "volume" "0.5" + "volume" "0.25" "pitch" "95" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_80dB" "origin" "-57, -2626, -392" "wave" "ambient\\\\nuke\\\\water_stream_04.wav" } // ct water stream "playlooping" { - "volume" "0.5" + "volume" "0.25" "pitch" "100" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_80dB" "origin" "766, -2797, -443" "wave" "ambient\\\\nuke\\\\water_stream_04.wav" } // vent near catwalk 1 "playlooping" { - "volume" "0.4" + "volume" "0.3" "pitch" "95" "wave" ")ambient/nuke/vent_01.wav" "origin" "714, -1710, -196" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" } // vent near catwalk 2 "playlooping" { - "volume" "0.4" + "volume" "0.3" "pitch" "100" "wave" ")ambient/nuke/vent_01.wav" "origin" "634, -1707, -199" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" } // water pump behind fence "playrandom" { "time" "15,15" - "volume" "1.0" + "volume" "0.6" "pitch" "100" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_90dB" "origin" "-1055, -2168, -282" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient\\\\nuke\\\\water_pump_01.wav" } } } "nuke.tentrance" { "dsp" "1" "playsoundscape" { "name" "nuke.outside" } // background "playlooping" { - "volume" "0.5" + "volume" "0.3" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient\\\\nuke\\\\exterior_05.wav" } // t water stream "playlooping" { - "volume" "0.7" + "volume" "0.2" "pitch" "100" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_80dB" "origin" "-57, -2626, -392" "wave" "ambient\\\\nuke\\\\water_stream_04.wav" } // background trucks and traffic "playlooping" { - "volume" "0.9" + "volume" "0.4" "origin" "-700, -296, -339" "pitch" "100" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB" "wave" ")ambient/nuke/exterior_08.wav" } // big vent machine at top of ladder "playlooping" { "pitch" "100" - "volume" "0.4" + "volume" "0.3" "origin" "-379, -1008, -60" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" "wave" ")ambient/nuke/vent_03.wav" } // water pump behind fence "playrandom" { "time" "15,15" - "volume" "1.0" + "volume" "0.9" "pitch" "100" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_90dB" "origin" "-1055, -2168, -282" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient\\\\nuke\\\\water_pump_01.wav" } } } "nuke.talley" { "dsp" "1" "playsoundscape" { "name" "nuke.outside" } "playlooping" { "pitch" "100" - "volume" "1.0" + "volume" "0.7" "wave" "ambient/nuke/exterior_02.wav" } "playlooping" { "pitch" "100" - "volume" "0.8" + "volume" "0.6" "wave" "ambient/nuke/exterior_12.wav" } // pipes "playlooping" { "pitch" "90" - "volume" "0.3" + "volume" "0.2" "origin" "-1800, -1441, -338" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" "wave" "ambient/nuke/air_02.wav" } } "nuke.tspawn" { "dsp" "1" "playsoundscape" { "name" "nuke.outside" } "playlooping" { - "volume" "0.5" + "volume" "0.4" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient\\\\nuke\\\\exterior_05.wav" } "playlooping" { "pitch" "100" - "volume" "1.0" + "volume" "0.9" "origin" "-3139, -819, -338" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_85dB" "wave" "ambient/nuke/exterior_01.wav" } // pipes "playlooping" { "pitch" "100" - "volume" "0.4" + "volume" "0.3" "origin" "-2319, -1214, -344" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" "wave" "ambient/nuke/air_02.wav" } // truck "playlooping" { - "volume" "0.9" + "volume" "0.7" "origin" "-2702, -535, -337" "pitch" "90" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB" "wave" ")ambient/machines/truck_idle_lp_01.wav" } "playlooping" { "pitch" "110" - "volume" "0.3" + "volume" "0.2" "origin" "-2702, -535, -337" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB" "wave" "ambient/nuke/air_02.wav" } } "nuke.warehouse" { "dsp" "1" "fadetime" "1.0" // background warehouse "playlooping" { "pitch" "100" - "volume" "0.20" + "volume" "0.1" "wave" "ambient/nuke/interior_09.wav" } // light 1,2,3,4,5 "playlooping" { - "volume" "0.3" + "volume" "0.1" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/misc/flour_light_loud.wav" "origin" "1739, -1653, -161" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_70dB" } // circuitbreaker 1 "playrandom" { "time" "5,10" - "volume" "0.4" + "volume" "0.3" "pitch" "120" "origin" "2116, -1966, -340" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" "rndwave" { "wave" ")ambient/nuke/machine_05.wav" } } } "nuke.catwalk" { "dsp" "1" "fadetime" "1.0" "playsoundscape" { "name" "nuke.roof" } // ac unit at catwalk entrance "playlooping" { "pitch" "100" - "volume" "0.5" + "volume" "0.4" "origin" "1224, -699, -136" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_70dB" "wave" "ambient/nuke/fan_03.wav" } // Position 2: wind gusts at upstairs door "playrandom" { "position" "2" "time" "5,15" - "volume" "0.2" + "volume" "0.15" "pitch" "90,110" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/wind/wind_snippet4.wav" "wave" "ambient/wind/wind_snippet5.wav" } } } "nuke.troof" { "dsp" "1" "fadetime" "1.0" "playsoundscape" { "name" "nuke.roof" } // big vent machine at top of ladder "playlooping" { "pitch" "100" - "volume" "0.4" + "volume" "0.3" "origin" "-379, -1008, -60" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" "wave" ")ambient/nuke/vent_03.wav" } // tub 1 + 2 "playlooping" { "pitch" "70" - "volume" "0.5" + "volume" "0.4" "origin" "0, -872, 24" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" "wave" ")ambient/nuke/silo_01.wav" } // vent 1 + 2 "playlooping" { "pitch" "95" - "volume" "0.5" + "volume" "0.4" "origin" "-158, -566, -131" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" "wave" ")ambient/nuke/vent_01.wav" } } "nuke.ctinside" { "dsp" "1" "playsoundscape" { "name" "nuke.inside" } "playlooping" { - "volume" "0.4" + "volume" "0.15" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/nuke/interior_office_04.wav" } } "nuke.ramproom" { "dsp" "1" "fadetime" "1.0" "playsoundscape" { "name" "nuke.inside" } "playlooping" { - "volume" "0.2" + "volume" "0.1" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/nuke/interior_03.wav" } // metal "playrandom" { "time" "5,10" - "volume" "0.7" + "volume" "0.3" "pitch" "90, 110" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/nuke/ramproom_01.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/ramproom_02.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/ramproom_04.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/ramproom_05.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/ramproom_06.wav" } } // churning machines "playlooping" { "pitch" "100" - "volume" "0.3" + "volume" "0.2" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_85dB" "origin" "337, 162, 155;" "wave" "ambient/nuke/machine_03.wav" } // computers behind wall 1 + 2 "playrandom" { "time" "1,10" - "volume" "0.7" + "volume" "0.6" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB" "pitch" "100" "origin" "-29, -133, -358" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/nuke/machine_office_01.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/machine_office_02.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/machine_office_03.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/machine_office_04.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/machine_office_05.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/machine_office_06.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/machine_office_07.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/machine_office_08.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/machine_office_09.wav" } } } "nuke.tinside" { "dsp" "1" "playsoundscape" { "name" "nuke.inside" } // Position 0: crane "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "0" "name" "nuke.light" } "playlooping" { - "volume" "0.2" + "volume" "0.15" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/nuke/interior_07.wav" } - // tanks foreground - "playlooping" - { - "pitch" "100" - "volume" "0.4" - "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" - "origin" "-126, -1119, -360" - "wave" "ambient/nuke/silo_01.wav" - } - - // tanks - "playlooping" - { - "pitch" "100" - "volume" "0.4" - "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" - "origin" "-126, -1150, -360" - "wave" ")ambient/nuke/machine_02.wav" - } + //~ // tanks foreground + //~ "playlooping" + //~ { + //~ "pitch" "100" + //~ "volume" "0.3" + //~ "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" + //~ "origin" "-126, -1119, -360" + //~ "wave" "ambient/nuke/silo_01.wav" + //~ } + + //~ // tanks + //~ "playlooping" + //~ { + //~ "pitch" "100" + //~ "volume" "0.3" + //~ "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" + //~ "origin" "-126, -1150, -360" + //~ "wave" ")ambient/nuke/machine_02.wav" + //~ } "nuke.computerroom" { "dsp" "1" "fadetime" "1.0" "playsoundscape" { "name" "nuke.inside" } // computers behind wall 1 + 2 "playrandom" { "time" "1,10" - "volume" "0.7" + "volume" "0.6" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB" "pitch" "100" "origin" "-29, -133, -358" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/nuke/machine_office_01.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/machine_office_02.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/machine_office_03.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/machine_office_04.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/machine_office_05.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/machine_office_06.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/machine_office_07.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/machine_office_08.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/machine_office_09.wav" } } } "nuke.abomb" { "dsp" "1" // background "playlooping" { - "volume" "0.4" + "volume" "0.3" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/nuke/interior_02.wav" } // vent passage exit 1 + 2 "playlooping" { - "volume" "0.4" + "volume" "0.3" "pitch" "100" "wave" ")ambient/nuke/vent_01.wav" "origin" "442, -1378, -364" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" } "playlooping" { - "volume" "0.2" + "volume" "0.15" "pitch" "100" "wave" ")ambient/nuke/vent_02.wav" "origin" "442, -1398, -364" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" } // light 1.2,3,4,5,6 "playlooping" { - "volume" "0.2" + "volume" "0.15" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/misc/flour_light_loud.wav" "origin" "398, -1023, -12" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" } // sniper vent "playlooping" { - "volume" "0.3" + "volume" "0.2" "pitch" "100" "wave" ")ambient/nuke/vent_02.wav" "origin" "928, -440, 0" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" } } "nuke.vents" { "dsp" "1" "fadetime" "0.5" "playlooping" { - "volume" "0.4" + "volume" "0.15" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/wind/wind_tunnel1.wav" } } "nuke.bbomb" { "dsp" "1" "fadetime" "1.0" // computer wall 1 + 2 "playrandom" { "time" "1,10" - "volume" "0.5" + "volume" "0.4" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" "pitch" "110" "origin" "955, -863, -546" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/nuke/machine_office_01.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/machine_office_02.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/machine_office_03.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/machine_office_04.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/machine_office_05.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/machine_office_06.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/machine_office_07.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/machine_office_08.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/machine_office_09.wav" } } // deep pulsing ambience + water "playlooping" { - "volume" "1.0" + "volume" "0.6" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/nuke/nuke_room_01.wav" "origin" "-65, -893, -670" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_120dB" } // repetitive rattle "playrandom" { "time" "6, 8" - "volume" "0.85" + "volume" "0.5" "pitch" "100" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/nuke/nuclear_pump_01.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/nuclear_pump_02.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/nuclear_pump_04.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/nuclear_pump_05.wav" } "origin" "-65, -893, -670" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_120dB" } "playlooping" { - "volume" "0.25" + "volume" "0.1" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/nuke/interior_02.wav" } // vent passage exit 1 + 2 "playlooping" { - "volume" "0.3" + "volume" "0.2" "pitch" "100" "wave" ")ambient/nuke/vent_01.wav" "origin" "450, -1342, -553" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" } "playlooping" { "volume" "0.1" "pitch" "100" "wave" ")ambient/nuke/vent_02.wav" "origin" "450, -1350, -553" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" } // water lapping 1 + 2 + 3 "playrandom" { "time" "2,4" - "volume" "0.9" + "volume" "0.4" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB" "pitch" "90, 110" "origin" "660, -1077, -774" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/nuke/water_lap_01.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/water_lap_02.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/water_lap_03.wav" } } } "nuke.generatorroom" { "dsp" "1" "fadetime" "0.1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { - "volume" "0.5" + "volume" "0.3" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/nuke/interior_office_02.wav" } // background "playlooping" { - "volume" "0.2" + "volume" "0.15" "pitch" "100" "origin" "1450, -1829, -572" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" "wave" "ambient/nuke/interior_04.wav" } // Position 0: light "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "0" "name" "nuke.light" } // tanks foreground "playlooping" { "pitch" "100" - "volume" "1.0" + "volume" "0.7" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" "origin" "1450, -1829, -572" "wave" "ambient/nuke/silo_01.wav" } // tanks "playlooping" { "pitch" "100" - "volume" "1.0" + "volume" "0.8" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" "origin" "1450, -1829, -572" "wave" ")ambient/nuke/machine_02.wav" } } "nuke.tunnel" { "dsp" "1" "fadetime" "1.5" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { - "volume" "0.6" + "volume" "0.2" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/nuke/interior_office_02.wav" } // computer desk 1 + 2 "playrandom" { "time" "1,10" - "volume" "0.4" + "volume" "0.3" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB" "pitch" "100" "origin" "1064, -574, -601" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/nuke/machine_office_01.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/machine_office_02.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/machine_office_03.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/machine_office_04.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/machine_office_05.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/machine_office_06.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/machine_office_07.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/machine_office_08.wav" "wave" "ambient/nuke/machine_office_09.wav" } } // deep pulsing ambience + water "playlooping" { - "volume" "1.0" + "volume" "0.5" "pitch" "100" "wave" ")ambient/nuke/nuke_room_01.wav" "origin" "-65, -893, -670" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_120dB" } // vent passage entrance "playlooping" { - "volume" "0.15" + "volume" "0.1" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" "origin" "640, -1488, -563" "pitch" "100" "wave" ")ambient/nuke/vent_01.wav" } // tanks in generator room "playlooping" { "pitch" "100" - "volume" "1.0" + "volume" "0.4" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" "origin" "1450, -1829, -572" "wave" "ambient/nuke/silo_01.wav" } // pipes 1 "playlooping" { "pitch" "100" - "volume" "0.2" + "volume" "0.15" "origin" "1622, -2146, -561" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" "wave" "ambient/nuke/air_02.wav" } // pipes 1 "playlooping" { "pitch" "120" - "volume" "0.3" + "volume" "0.15" "origin" "1622, -2229, -578" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" "wave" "ambient/nuke/air_02.wav" } // machine room 1 "playlooping" { "pitch" "120" - "volume" "0.9" + "volume" "0.5" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB" "origin" "1276, -1583, -573" "wave" "ambient/nuke/machine_03.wav" } // machine room 2 "playlooping" { "pitch" "70" - "volume" "0.5" + "volume" "0.4" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB" "origin" "297, -1833, -674" "wave" ")ambient/nuke/machine_06.wav" } }
VBSP Clip Brush Support
Added within the game files this patch was support for the VBSPs to feature different materials with their associated texture. Below is a gallery of the images that were added for each material –
Language String Updates
- "PaintKit_cu_g3sg1_executioner" "Foi pintada à mão com uma horripilante decoração de ossos.\\\\n\\\\nEu sempre levo um troféu — Javier Alviso, punho da Fênix"
+ "PaintKit_cu_g3sg1_executioner" "Esta arma foi pintada à mão com uma horripilante decoração de ossos.\\\\n\\\\nEu sempre levo um troféu — Javier Alviso, punho da Fênix"
+ "CSGO_Item_Desc_knife_survival_bowie" "Esta faca Bowie, com uma lâmina de dorso serrilhado e perfeitamente fixada em seu cabo, foi projetada para uso intensivo em situações brutais de sobrevivência."
+ "Pet_Killed" "A sua galinha foi morta."
+ "CSGO_crate_community_12" "III Caixa Cromática"
+ "CSGO_crate_community_12_desc" " "
+ "CSGO_crate_key_community_12" "Chave da III Caixa Cromática"
+ "CSGO_crate_key_community_12_desc" "Esta chave só abre Caixas Cromáticas da III série"
+ "CSGO_set_community_12" "A III Coleção Cromática"
+ "CSGO_set_community_12_desc" " "
+ "PaintKit_cu_aug_swallows" "Esta arma foi pintada com um hidrográfico de aves voando pelas nuvens.\\\\n\\\\nCertas aves representam paz e harmonia... essas aqui são diferentes"
+ "PaintKit_cu_aug_swallows_Tag" "Debandada"
+ "PaintKit_cu_bizon_Curse" "Esta arma foi pintada em um tema egípcio.\\\\n\\\\nO seu gatilho é mais leve do que uma pena"
+ "PaintKit_cu_bizon_Curse_Tag" "Julgamento de Anúbis"
+ "PaintKit_gs_cz75a_redastor" "Esta arma foi pintada à mão com detalhes em vermelho e branco.\\\\n\\\\nBooth tornou-se sinônimo de drama familiar; e quem tem tempo para drama quando estamos falando sobre negócios?"
+ "PaintKit_gs_cz75a_redastor_Tag" "Açor Vermelho"
+ "PaintKit_gs_dualberettas_ventilators" "Estas pistolas foram pintadas elegantemente com tinta cromada.\\\\n\\\\nArmas para artistas, por artistas"
+ "PaintKit_gs_dualberettas_ventilators_Tag" "Ventiladores"
+ "PaintKit_sp_g3sg1_militiaorange" "Estênceis e spray laranja dão a este rifle o seu visual único.\\\\n\\\\nTorne-se um Shere Khan dos dias modernos"
+ "PaintKit_sp_g3sg1_militiaorange_Tag" "Impacto Laranja"
+ "PaintKit_gs_galilar_incenerator" "Esta arma foi pintada com detalhes carmesim e um ícone pintado à mão.\\\\n\\\\nBooth entregou essa arma para Valeria numa tentativa de acalmar as coisas com a Fênix"
+ "PaintKit_gs_galilar_incenerator_Tag" "Tiroteio"
+ "PaintKit_cu_m249_spectre" "Esta arma foi pintada com um tema nobre e contemporâneo.\\\\n\\\\nA guerra civil da Fênix está prestes a começar"
+ "PaintKit_cu_m249_spectre_Tag" "Espectro"
+ "PaintKit_cu_m4a1s_soultaker" "Esta arma foi pintada à mão com cores vibrantes e acentuada com um carimbo sorridente na coronha.\\\\n\\\\nProteja o que é seu"
+ "PaintKit_cu_m4a1s_soultaker_Tag" "Fogo de Chantico"
+ "PaintKit_am_mp9_bioleak" "Diferentes tons de verde criam a ilusão de um líquido químico derramado.\\\\n\\\\nEVITAR EXPOSIÇÃO DIRETA"
+ "PaintKit_am_mp9_bioleak_Tag" "Vazamento Biológico"
+ "PaintKit_hy_p2000_oceani" "Esta arma foi pintada com uma camada de base preta e depois detalhada com formas azuis.\\\\n\\\\nAlguém tem notícias de Kotaro ou Carmen? — Felix Riley, comandante"
+ "PaintKit_hy_p2000_oceani_Tag" "Oceânica"
+ "PaintKit_cu_p250_asiimov" "Esta arma foi pintada com um design de ficção científica.\\\\n\\\\nSe pensa que eu preciso de um rifle para matar alguém, você não sabe com quem está falando... — Mikha Biton, franco-atirador da Fênix"
+ "PaintKit_gs_sawedoff_fubar" "Esta escopeta muito viajada tem marcas de desgastes no cano.\\\\n\\\\nComeça com um estampido... termina com o silêncio"
+ "PaintKit_gs_sawedoff_fubar_Tag" "Irreconhecível"
+ "PaintKit_cu_sg553_atlas" "Esta arma foi pintada com um hidrográfico de camuflagem moderno.\\\\n\\\\nEsse design foi destinado para a Coalizão Força-tarefa, mas Huxley usou a sua espionagem empresarial para torná-lo exclusivo da Fênix"
+ "PaintKit_cu_sg553_atlas_Tag" "Atlas"
+ "PaintKit_gs_ssg08_armacore" "Esta arma foi pintada de branco e recebeu detalhes azulados.\\\\n\\\\nNunca poderei substituir o que foi tirado de nós... mas eu posso tirar ainda mais deles — A Fênix e o Iniciado, Parte 2"
+ "PaintKit_gs_ssg08_armacore_Tag" "Cruzado Fantasma"
+ "PaintKit_am_tec9_redblast" "O cano recebeu um decalque flamejante.\\\\n\\\\nOdeio estar certa o tempo todo — Carmen Cocinero, especialista em extrações"
+ "PaintKit_am_tec9_redblast_Tag" "Reentrada"
+ "PaintKit_cu_ump45_primalsaber" "Esta arma recebeu o decalque de uma caveira de tigre-dente-de-sabre.\\\\n\\\\nTodo predador eventualmente encontra o seu fim"
+ "PaintKit_cu_ump45_primalsaber_Tag" "Sabre Primitivo"
+ "PaintKit_cu_xm1014_spectrum" "Esta arma foi decorada com pinturas cromadas em preto e branco, perfeita para ocasiões formais.\\\\n\\\\nNós capturamos Izaki e Cocinero. Você precisa deles ou já posso matá-los? — O Mercenário e a Serpente, Parte 1"
+ "SFUI_Store_Hint_crate_community_12" "Esta caixa contém 17 revestimentos de armas da III Coleção Cromática criados pela comunidade"
+ "Pet_Killed" " Пилето Ви беше убито."
+ "CSGO_crate_community_12" "Сандък „Обагряне 3“"
+ "CSGO_crate_community_12_desc" "Chroma 3 Case"
+ "CSGO_crate_key_community_12" "Ключ за сандък „Обагряне 3“"
+ "CSGO_set_community_12" "Колекцията „Обагряне 3“"
+ "CSGO_set_community_12_desc" "The Chroma 3 Collection"
+ "PaintKit_cu_aug_swallows_Tag" "Ято в строй"
+ "PaintKit_cu_bizon_Curse" "Judgement of Anubis\\\\n \\\\nБоядисано с персонализиран египетски мотив.\\\\n\\\\nСпусъкът му е по-лек от перце"
+ "PaintKit_gs_dualberettas_ventilators_Tag" "Вентилатори"
+ "PaintKit_sp_g3sg1_militiaorange_Tag" "Оранжев сблъсък"
+ "PaintKit_gs_galilar_incenerator_Tag" "Престрелка"
+ "PaintKit_cu_m249_spectre_Tag" "Привидение"
+ "PaintKit_cu_m4a1s_soultaker_Tag" "Огънят на Чантико"
+ "PaintKit_cu_p250_asiimov_Tag" "Азимов"
+ "PaintKit_gs_sawedoff_fubar_Tag" "Крах"
+ "PaintKit_cu_sg553_atlas_Tag" "Атлас"
+ "PaintKit_gs_ssg08_armacore_Tag" "Призрачен кръстоносец"
+ "PaintKit_am_tec9_redblast_Tag" "Повторно влизане"
+ "PaintKit_cu_xm1014_spectrum_Tag" "Черна вратовръзка"
+ "SFUI_Store_Hint_crate_community_12" "Този сандък съдържа 17 обществени завършека за външния вид на оръжия от колекцията „Обагряне 3“"
- "quest_hud_guardian_kills_with" "Få drab: %s1"
+ "quest_hud_guardian_kills_with" "Få drab med: %s1"
+ "Pet_Killed" " Din høne er blevet dræbt."
+ "CSGO_crate_community_12" "Chroma 3-kasse"
+ "CSGO_crate_key_community_12" "Nøgle: Chroma 3-kasse"
+ "CSGO_crate_key_community_12_desc" "Denne nøgle åbner kun Chroma 3-kasser"
+ "CSGO_set_community_12" "Chroma 3-samlingen"
+ "PaintKit_cu_aug_swallows_Tag" "Fleet Flock"
+ "PaintKit_cu_bizon_Curse_Tag" "Judgement of Anubis"
+ "PaintKit_gs_cz75a_redastor_Tag" "Red Astor"
+ "PaintKit_gs_dualberettas_ventilators_Tag" "Ventilators"
+ "SFUI_Store_Hint_crate_community_12" "Denne kasse indeholder 17 fællesskabsskabte våbenlakeringer fra Chroma 3-samlingen"
- "SFUI_Store_Hint_crate_community_3" "Deze koffer bevat 15 door de community gemaakte wapenafwerkingen uit de Huntsman-collectie"
- "quest_guardian_maxmoneylimit" "Max. geld is tijdens deze missie gelimiteerd."
- "quest_bonus_chickenstreak_3" "wanneer je drie of meer kippen achter elkaar gedood hebt"
- "quest_bonus_de_santorini" "als de map Santorini is"
+ "SFUI_Store_Hint_crate_community_3" "Deze kist bevat 15 door de community gemaakte wapenafwerkingen uit de Huntsman-collectie"
+ "op07_quest_name_802" "Wat maakt ons sterk, teamwerk!"
+ "Pet_Killed" " Je kip is gedood."
+ "CSGO_crate_community_12" "Chroma 3-kist"
+ "CSGO_crate_key_community_12" "Chroma 3-kistsleutel"
+ "CSGO_crate_key_community_12_desc" "Deze sleutel opent alleen Chroma 3-kisten"
+ "CSGO_set_community_12" "De Chroma 3-collectie"
+ "SFUI_Store_Hint_crate_community_12" "Deze kist bevat 17 door de community gemaakte wapenafwerkingen uit de Chroma 3-collectie"
+ "SFUI_Graph_type_utilitydamage" "Dégâts divers infligés (total)"
+ "Pet_Killed" " Votre poulet a été tué."
+ "CSGO_crate_community_12" "Caisse d\\\'arme Saturation N°3"
+ "CSGO_crate_community_12_desc" " "
+ "CSGO_crate_key_community_12" "Cké de caisse Saturation N°3"
+ "CSGO_crate_key_community_12_desc" "Cette clé ouvre seulement les Caisses d\\\'arme Saturation N°3"
+ "CSGO_set_community_12" "Collection Saturation N°3"
+ "CSGO_set_community_12_desc" " "
+ "PaintKit_cu_aug_swallows" "Cette arme a été personnalisée en utilisant un film hydrographique d\\\'oiseaux volant à travers les nuages.\\\\n\\\\nCertains oiseaux représentent l\\\'harmonie et la paix... ce ne sont pas ces oiseaux"
+ "PaintKit_cu_aug_swallows_Tag" "Hirondelles"
+ "PaintKit_cu_bizon_Curse" "Cette arme a été personnalisée d\\\'un thème égyptien.\\\\n\\\\nSa gâchette est plus légère qu\\\'une plume"
+ "PaintKit_cu_bizon_Curse_Tag" "Jugement d\\\'Anubis"
+ "PaintKit_gs_cz75a_redastor" "Cette arme a été personnalisée d\\\'accents rouges et blancs peints à la main.\\\\n\\\\nBooth est devenu synonyme de scandale familial ; et qui a du temps pour les scandales lorsque l\\\'on parle de business ?"
+ "PaintKit_gs_cz75a_redastor_Tag" "Astor rouge"
+ "PaintKit_gs_dualberettas_ventilators" "Ces pistolets ont été élégamment peints à l\\\'aide de chrome.\\\\n\\\\nUne arme pour les artistes, créés par les artistes"
+ "PaintKit_gs_dualberettas_ventilators_Tag" "Conduits"
+ "PaintKit_sp_g3sg1_militiaorange" "Une peinture orange à la bombe et des pochoirs donnent à ce fusil un style unique et distinctif.\\\\n\\\\nDevenez un Shere Khan moderne"
+ "PaintKit_sp_g3sg1_militiaorange_Tag" "Impact orangé"
+ "PaintKit_gs_galilar_incenerator" "Cette arme a été personnalisée d\\\'accents cramoisis et d\\\'une icône peinte à la main.\\\\n\\\\nBooth a commandé cette arme à Valeria dans l\\\'espoir d\\\'arranger les choses avec The Phoenix"
+ "PaintKit_gs_galilar_incenerator_Tag" "Coups de feu"
+ "PaintKit_cu_m249_spectre" "Cette arme a été personnalisée d\\\'une manière épurée et contemporaine.\\\\n\\\\nLa guerre civile de The Phoenix est sur le point de démarrer"
+ "PaintKit_cu_m249_spectre_Tag" "Spectre"
+ "PaintKit_cu_m4a1s_soultaker" "Cette arme a été peinte à la main à l\\\'aide de couleurs vibrantes et accentuées par une émoticône peinte sur sa crosse.\\\\n\\\\nProtégez ce qui vous appartient"
+ "PaintKit_cu_m4a1s_soultaker_Tag" "Flammes de Chantico"
+ "PaintKit_am_mp9_bioleak" "Différents tons de vert créent l\\\'illusion d\\\'un déversement de produits chimiques.\\\\n\\\\nÉVITEZ UNE EXPOSITION DIRECTE"
+ "PaintKit_am_mp9_bioleak_Tag" "Fuite biologique"
+ "PaintKit_hy_p2000_oceani" "Cette arme a été personnalisée d\\\'une sous-couche noire et accentuée de touches de bleu.\\\\n\\\\nPersonne n\\\'a entendu parler de Kotaro ou de Carmen ? - Felix Riley, Commandant"
+ "PaintKit_hy_p2000_oceani_Tag" "Océanique"
+ "PaintKit_cu_p250_asiimov" "Cette arme a été personnalisée d\\\'un design de science-fiction.\\\\n\\\\nSi vous pensez que j\\\'ai besoin d\\\'un fusil pour tuer quelqu\\\'un, vous ne savez vraiment pas à qui vous parlez... - Mikha Biton, Sniper de The Phoenix"
+ "PaintKit_cu_p250_asiimov_Tag" "Asiimov"
+ "PaintKit_gs_sawedoff_fubar" "Ce fusil à pompe, ayant tellement voyagé, possède une étoile sculptée sur son canon.\\\\n\\\\nÇa commence avec une détonation... Ça finit avec un long moment de silence"
+ "PaintKit_gs_sawedoff_fubar_Tag" "Fubar"
+ "PaintKit_cu_sg553_atlas" "Cette arme a été personnalisée en utilisant un film hydrographique d\\\'un camouflage moderne.\\\\n\\\\nCe design était autrefois assigné à la Coalition Taskforce, mais Huxley a espionné leur industrie pour le rendre exclusif à The Phoenix"
+ "PaintKit_cu_sg553_atlas_Tag" "Atlas"
+ "PaintKit_gs_ssg08_armacore" "Cette arme a été personnalisée d\\\'une peinture blanche et d\\\'accents bleus arctiques.\\\\n\\\\nJe ne pourrai jamais remplacer ce qu\\\'ils nous ont pris... mais je ne peux pas prendre plus que ce qu\\\'ils ne possèdent déjà - The Phoenix et l\\\'initié, partie 2"
+ "PaintKit_gs_ssg08_armacore_Tag" "Chasseur de fantômes"
+ "PaintKit_am_tec9_redblast" "Le canon de cette arme a été personnalisé de décalcomanies de flammes.\\\\n\\\\nJe déteste avoir toujours raison - Carmen Cocinero, Experte en Extraction"
+ "PaintKit_am_tec9_redblast_Tag" "Retour de flamme"
+ "PaintKit_cu_ump45_primalsaber" "Cette arme a été personnalisée à l\\\'aide d\\\'un décalque d\\\'un crâne de tigre à dents de sabre.\\\\n\\\\nChaque prédateur arrivera à sa fin à un moment ou à un autre"
+ "PaintKit_cu_ump45_primalsaber_Tag" "Sabre primitif"
+ "PaintKit_cu_xm1014_spectrum" "Cette arme a été personnalisée et peinte de chrome blanc et noir. Il est recommandé d\\\'utiliser ce fusil à pompe pour les grandes occasions.\\\\n\\\\nNous avons Izaki et Cocinero. Vous en avez besoin, ou je peux les tuer dès maintenant ? - Le mercenaire et le serpent, partie 1"
+ "PaintKit_cu_xm1014_spectrum_Tag" "Smoking"
+ "SFUI_Store_Hint_crate_community_12" "Cette caisse contient 17 finitions d\\\'arme de la Collection Saturation N°3 créées par la communauté"
+ ""SFUIHUD_Spec_Event_DroppingItemsRewarded" "%s1 Zuschauer belohnt!"
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Commit" "Überprüfen Sie, ob Ihre Telefonnummer für den Prime-Status berechtigt ist."
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Invalid" "Die mit Ihrem Steam-Account verknüpfte Telefonnummer berechtigt Sie nicht für den Prime-Status. Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie in den oben stehenden FAQ."
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Different" "Ein anderer Steam-Account ist bereits mit Ihrer Steam-Telefonnummer verknüpft. Sie können die Verknüpfung auf den Account, mit dem Sie zurzeit angemeldet sind, übertragen."
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Cooldown" "Ein anderer CS:GO-Account ist bereits mit Ihrer Steam-Telefonnummer verknüpft.\\\\n%s1 bis Sie die Verknüpfung auf den Account, mit dem Sie zurzeit angemeldet sind, übertragen können."
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Verified" "Ihr Account wurde auf Prime-Status hochgestuft!"
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Warning" "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie Ihren aktuellen CS:GO-Account auf Prime-Status hochstufen möchten? Sie können den Prime-Status für sechs Monate nicht auf einen anderen Account übertragen."
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Faq_Title" "Häufig gestellte Fragen zu Prime-Account-Matchmaking"
+ "CSGO_crate_community_12" "\\\\"Chroma 3\\\\"-Kiste"
+ "CSGO_crate_key_community_12" "\\\\"Chroma 3\\\\"-Kistenschlüssel"
+ "CSGO_crate_key_community_12_desc" "Dieser Schlüssel öffnet ausschließlich \\\\"Chroma 3\\\\"-Kisten"
+ "CSGO_set_community_12" "Die \\\\"Chroma 3\\\\"-Kollektion"
+ "Pet_Killed" " Το κοτόπουλό σας σκοτώθηκε."
+ "CSGO_crate_community_12" "Θήκη Chroma 3"
+ "CSGO_crate_key_community_12" "Κλειδί θήκης Chroma 3"
+ "CSGO_crate_key_community_12_desc" "Αυτό το κλειδί ανοίγει μόνο θήκες Chroma 3"
+ "CSGO_set_community_12" "Η συλλογή Chroma 3"
+ "Pet_Killed" " Megölték a csirkédet."
+ "CSGO_crate_community_12" "Színözön 3 Láda"
+ "CSGO_crate_key_community_12" "Színözön 3 ládakulcs"
+ "CSGO_crate_key_community_12_desc" "Ez a kulcs csak Színözön 3 ládákat nyit."
+ "CSGO_set_community_12" "A Színözön 3 Gyűjtemény"
+ "PaintKit_cu_aug_swallows" "Víztranszferes eljárással felhőkön átrepülő madarakat festettek rá.\\\\n\\\\nBizonyos madarak a harmóniát és a békét jelképezik... de ezek nem azok a madarak."
+ "PaintKit_cu_aug_swallows_Tag" "Röppenő Madárraj"
+ "PaintKit_cu_bizon_Curse" "Egyiptom témájú egyedi festést kapott.\\\\n\\\\nRavasza a tollnál is könnyebb."
+ "PaintKit_cu_bizon_Curse_Tag" "Anubisz Ítélete"
+ "PaintKit_gs_cz75a_redastor" "Vörös és fehér mintás kézi festést kapott.\\\\n\\\\nBooth a családi dráma szinonimájává vált; és kinek van ideje a drámára, amikor üzletről beszélünk."
+ "PaintKit_gs_cz75a_redastor_Tag" "Vörös Héja"
+ "PaintKit_gs_dualberettas_ventilators" "Ezek a pisztolyok elegáns krómfestést kaptak.\\\\n\\\\nEgy fegyver művészektől művészeknek."
+ "PaintKit_gs_dualberettas_ventilators_Tag" "Kifüstölők"
+ "PaintKit_sp_g3sg1_militiaorange" "Takaróminták és szórt narancssárga festés adtak egyedi kinézetet ennek puskának.\\\\n\\\\nVálj modern kori Sir Kánná."
+ "PaintKit_sp_g3sg1_militiaorange_Tag" "Narancstörés"
+ "PaintKit_gs_galilar_incenerator" "Karmazsin mintákat és egy kézzel festett ikont kapott.\\\\n\\\\nBooth Valeriának rendelte ezt a fegyvert, hogy megpróbálja elsimítani a dolgokat a Phoenix-szel."
+ "PaintKit_gs_galilar_incenerator_Tag" "Tűzharc"
+ "PaintKit_cu_m249_spectre" "Menő, kortárs jellegű festést kapott.\\\\n\\\\nA Phoenix polgárháború hamarosan kezdődik."
+ "PaintKit_cu_m249_spectre_Tag" "Kísértet"
+ "PaintKit_cu_m4a1s_soultaker" "Élénk színű festést kapott, amit a markolaton levő mosolygó arc tesz hangsúlyossá.\\\\n\\\\nVédd, ami a tiéd."
+ "PaintKit_cu_m4a1s_soultaker_Tag" "Chantico Tüze"
+ "PaintKit_am_mp9_bioleak" "Különböző árnyalatú zöldek keltik vegyi szennyezés illúzióját.\\\\n\\\\nKERÜLD A KÖZVETLEN ÉRINTKEZÉST"
+ "PaintKit_am_mp9_bioleak_Tag" "Biokémiai Szivárgás"
+ "PaintKit_hy_p2000_oceani" "Fekete alapot, majd kék csíkos dizájnt kapott.\\\\n\\\\n„Hallott valaki Kotaro vagy Carmen felől?” - Felix Riley, rangidős tiszt"
+ "PaintKit_hy_p2000_oceani_Tag" "Óceáni"
+ "PaintKit_cu_p250_asiimov" "Sci-fi jellegű egyedi festést kapott.\\\\n\\\\n„Ha azt hiszed, szükségem van puskára egy ember megöléséhez, fogalmad sincs róla, kivel beszélsz... ” - Mikha Biton, a Phoenix mesterlövésze"
+ "PaintKit_cu_p250_asiimov_Tag" "Asiimov"
+ "PaintKit_gs_sawedoff_fubar" "Ennek a sokat utazott sörétes puskának vonalak vannak a csövébe karcolva.\\\\n\\\\nEgy durranással kezdődik... és csenddel végződik."
+ "PaintKit_gs_sawedoff_fubar_Tag" "Bukta"
+ "PaintKit_cu_sg553_atlas" "Víztranszferes eljárással modern terepminta került rá.\\\\n\\\\nValaha a Koalíciós Különítmény jellegzetes dizájnja volt, de Huxley vállalati kémkedésbe kezdett, hogy Phoenix exkluzívvá tegye."
+ "PaintKit_cu_sg553_atlas_Tag" "Atlasz"
+ "PaintKit_gs_ssg08_armacore" "Fehér festést és sarkvidéki kék csíkokat kapott.\\\\n\\\\n„Soha nem fogom tudni helyettesíteni, amit elvettek tőlünk... de én még többet elvehetek tőlük.” - A Phoenix és az újonc, 2. rész"
+ "PaintKit_gs_ssg08_armacore_Tag" "Keresztes Szellem"
+ "PaintKit_am_tec9_redblast" "A csőre lángmatricák kerültek.\\\\n\\\\n„Utálom, hogy mindig igazam van.” - Carmen Cocinero, kimenekítési szakértő"
+ "PaintKit_am_tec9_redblast_Tag" "Visszatérés"
+ "PaintKit_cu_ump45_primalsaber" "Egy kardfogú tigris koponyájának a matricáját kapta.\\\\n\\\\nVégül minden ragadozót utolér a vég."
+ "PaintKit_cu_ump45_primalsaber_Tag" "Ősi Kardfog"
+ "PaintKit_cu_xm1014_spectrum" "Egy fekete és fehér króm elképzelés; ezt a sörétes puskát hivatalos alkalmakkor a legjobb használni.\\\\n\\\\n„Elfogtuk Izakit és Cocinerót. Kellenek neked valamire, vagy máris megölhetem őket?” - A zsoldos és a kígyó, 1. rész"
+ "PaintKit_cu_xm1014_spectrum_Tag" "Fekete Nyakkendő"
+ "SFUI_Store_Hint_crate_community_12" "Ez a láda 17 közösség készítette fegyverfestést tartalmaz a Színözön 3 Gyűjteményből."
+ "musickit_mattlange_01_desc" "일렉트로닉 음악 작곡가이자 혁신가인 Matt Lange가 웅장하며 글리치 팝 분위기와 고동치는 리듬으로 우리의 청각을 만족시킵니다."
+ "SFUI_XP_Bonus_2" "다음 레벨업에 아이템을 받습니다!"
+ "SFUI_Scoreboard_XPBar_Tooltip" "%s3활성화된 추가 경험치:\\\\n +%s4\\\\n\\\\n현재 경험치는 %s1 (다음 레벨까지 %s2 경험치)\\\\n\\\\n경험치는 임의의 모드에서 매치를 끝까지 해서 마치거나 임무들을 완수함으로서 얻을 수 있습니다."
+ "SFUI_MapSelect_Upsell_season5" "참가권"
+ "SFUI_Scoreboard_XPBar_TooltipMax" "%s3활성화된 추가 경험치:\\\\n +%s4\\\\n\\\\n현재 경험치: %s1\\\\n\\\\n경험치는 임의의 모드에서 매치를 끝까지 해서 마치거나 임무들을 완수함으로서 얻을 수 있습니다."
+ "SFUI_mapgroup_op_op07" "들불 작전 모음"
+ "SFUI_mapgroup_op_op07_Short" "들불"
+ "SFUI_Map_cs_cruise" "유람선"
+ "SFUI_Map_de_coast" "해변"
+ "SFUI_Map_de_empire" "제국"
+ "SFUI_Map_de_royal" "왕실"
+ "SFUI_Map_de_mikla" "미클라"
+ "SFUI_Map_de_tulip" "튤립"
+ "SFUI_MainMenu_Global_Mission_Alert" "활성된 맹공 임무"
+ "SFUI_Missions_Title_Global_Active" "활성된 맹공 임무"
+ "SFUI_Missions_Title_Global_Upcoming" "다가오는 맹공 임무"
+ "SFUI_Missions_Global_Upcoming" "다가오는 맹공 임무"
+ "quest_bonus_de_santorini" "når kartet er Santorini"
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Switch_Btn" "Bytt kontoer"
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Loading" "Kontakter Steam..."
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Error" "Kunne ikke hente statusen din. Vennligst prøv igjen senere."
- "SFUI_Missions_Title_Global_Upcoming" "Nadchodząca misja błyskawiczna"
- "SFUI_Missions_Global_Upcoming" "Nadchodząca misja błyskawiczna"
+ "SFUI_Missions_Title_Global_Upcoming" "Nadch. misja błyskawiczna"
+ "SFUI_Missions_Global_Upcoming" "Nadch. misja błyskawiczna"
+ "SFUI_Vote_StartTimeoutTournament" "Rozpocząć przerwę taktyczną przed następną rundą?"
+ "SFUI_Graph_type_enemiesflashed" "Oślepionych przeciwników"
+ "quest_default_hud_0_items_desc" "%commandverb% %target% %actions%"
+ "quest_default_hud_1_items_desc" "%commandverb% %target% %actions%: %item_quality% %item1%"
+ "quest_default_hud_2_items_desc" "%commandverb% %target% %actions%: %item_quality% %item1%/%item2%"
+ "quest_default_hud_3_items_desc" "%commandverb% %target% %actions%: %item_quality% %item1%/%item2%/%item3%"
+ "quest_default_hud_4_items_desc" "%commandverb% %target% %actions%: %item_quality% %item1%/%item2%/%item3%/%item4"
+ "Pet_Killed" "Twój kurczak zginął."
+ "PaintKit_gs_galilar_incenerator_Tag" "Strzelanina"
+ "Pet_Killed" " A tua galinha foi morta."
+ "CSGO_crate_community_12" "Caixa Chroma 3"
+ "CSGO_crate_key_community_12" "Chave: Caixa Chroma 3"
+ "CSGO_crate_key_community_12_desc" "Esta chave só abre caixas Chroma 3"
+ "CSGO_set_community_12" "A Coleção Chroma 3"
+ "PaintKit_cu_aug_swallows" "Esta arma em particular foi decorada com um padrão hidrográfico de pássaros a voar pelas nuvens.\\\\n\\\\nAlguns pássaros representam harmonia e paz... estes não são desse tipo de pássaros"
+ "PaintKit_cu_bizon_Curse" "Esta arma em particular foi pintada com motivos egípcios.\\\\n\\\\nO gatilho desta arma é mais leve do que uma pena"
+ "PaintKit_gs_cz75a_redastor" "Esta arma em particular foi pintada à mão com motivos vermelhos e brancos.\\\\n\\\\nO Booth tornou-se sinónimo de dramas familiares... e quem é que tem tempo para dramas quando se está a falar de negócios?"
+ "PaintKit_gs_dualberettas_ventilators" "Estas pistolas em particular foram elegantemente cromadas.\\\\n\\\\nUma arma para artistas, por artistas"
+ "PaintKit_sp_g3sg1_militiaorange" "Stencils e tinta em spray cor de laranja deram a esta espingarda em particular o seu visual distinto.\\\\n\\\\nTorna-te num Shere Khan dos tempos modernos"
+ "PaintKit_gs_galilar_incenerator" "Esta arma em particular foi decorada com um ícone pintado à mão e certas partes da mesma foram pintadas de carmesim.\\\\n\\\\nBooth comissionou esta arma para a Valeria numa tentativa de melhorar a relação com a Fénix"
+ "PaintKit_cu_m249_spectre" "Esta arma em particular foi pintada de uma maneira sofisticada e contemporária.\\\\n\\\\nA guerra civil da Fénix está prestes a começar"
+ "PaintKit_cu_m4a1s_soultaker" "Esta arma em particular foi pintada à mão com cores vibrantes e decorada com um sorriso na coronha.\\\\n\\\\nProtege o que é teu"
+ "PaintKit_am_mp9_bioleak" "Tons variados de verde criam a ilusão de um derramamento de produtos químicos.\\\\n\\\\nPERIGO - RISCO DE MORTE"
+ "PaintKit_hy_p2000_oceani" "Esta arma em particular foi tratada com uma camada base de tinta preta e de seguida decorada com padrões azuis.\\\\n\\\\nE o Kotaro e Carmen, já disseram alguma coisa? - Felix Riley, Comandante"
+ "PaintKit_cu_p250_asiimov" "Esta arma em particular foi pintada com um tema de ficção científica.\\\\n\\\\nSe achas que eu preciso de uma espingarda para matar um homem, não fazes ideia de com quem estás a falar... - Mikha Biton, Sniper da Fénix"
+ "PaintKit_gs_sawedoff_fubar" "O cano desta caçadeira bem usada foi decorado com traços que representam as vítimas que ela causou.\\\\n\\\\nComeça com um estouro... e acaba em silêncio"
+ "PaintKit_cu_sg553_atlas" "Esta arma em particular foi decorada com um padrão hidrográfico moderno de camuflagem.\\\\n\\\\nFoi outrora um visual concebido especialmente para as Forças da Coligação, mas o Huxley e a espionagem industrial acabaram por torná-lo num dos visuais exclusivos da Fénix"
+ "PaintKit_gs_ssg08_armacore" "Esta arma em particular foi pintada de branco e decorada com tons de cor azul-ártico.\\\\n\\\\nEu nunca poderei substituir as coisas que eles nos tiraram... mas eu posso tirar ainda mais deles - A Fénix e o Aprendiz, 2ª Parte"
+ "PaintKit_am_tec9_redblast" "O cano desta arma em particular foi decorado com um decalque semelhante a chamas.\\\\n\\\\nDetesto ter sempre razão - Carmen Cocinero, Especialista em Resgates"
+ "PaintKit_cu_ump45_primalsaber" "Esta arma em particular foi decorada com um decalque de uma caveira de um tigre dentes-de-sabre\\\\n\\\\nNenhum predador vive para sempre"
+ "PaintKit_cu_xm1014_spectrum" "Esta caçadeira em particular foi cromada e decorada a preto e branco. É melhor usá-la em ocasiões formais.\\\\n\\\\nNós temos o Izaki e a Cocinero. Precisas deles para alguma coisa ou posso matá-los já? - O Mercenário e a Serpente, 1ª Parte"
- "SFUI_Screenshot" "Captură de ecran"
- "GameUI_Bug_TakeScreenshot" "Salvează o captură de ecran"
- "Store_Wallet" "Sold Cont Steam: $%s1 ($%s2 după finalizarea comenzii)"
- "Store_Wallet_EmptyCart" "Sold Cont Steam: $%s1"
- "SFUI_XP_Bonus_2" "Primește un obiect de fiecare dată când avansezi în nivel!"
- "SFUI_vote_failed_timeouts_exhausted" "Echipa ta nu mai are pauze disponibile."
+ "SFUI_Screenshot" "Fă captură de ecran"
+ "GameUI_Bug_TakeScreenshot" "Fă captură de ecran"
+ "Store_Wallet" "Soldul contului Steam: $%s1 ($%s2 după finalizarea comenzii)"
+ "Store_Wallet_EmptyCart" "Soldul contului Steam: $%s1"
+ "SFUI_XP_Bonus_2" "Primește un obiect data viitoare când crești în nivel!"
+ "SFUI_vote_failed_timeouts_exhausted" "Echipa ta nu mai are pauze disponibile."
+ "GameUI_Disconnect_User" "Deconectat de către utilizator"
+ "GameUI_Disconnect_Server" "Deconectat de la Server"
+ "GameUI_Disconnect_ConnectionLost" "Conexiune pierdută"
+ "quest_event_ending" "Se termină în %s1 minute"
+ "quest_event_soon_hours" "Începe în %s1 ore"
+ "quest_event_soon_hms" "Începe în %s1:%s2:%s3"
+ "quest_event_today" "Astăzi %s1:%s2"
+ "SFUI_Missions_Title_Global_Time_Left" "Se termină în %s1 minute"
+ "SFUI_Missions_Replay" "Rejoacă misiunea"
+ "SFUI_Block_Com_From_Enemy_Team" "Blochează comunicarea de la echipa inamică"
+ "quest_bonus_de_santorini" "când harta este Santorini"
+ "SFUI_Store_Timer_Weeks" "%s1 săptămâni"
+ "SFUI_Store_Timer_Week" "%s1 săptămână"
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Title" "Organizare de meciuri pentru cont Prime"
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Btn" "Mai multe informații"
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Check_Btn" "Verifică numărul de telefon"
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Confirm_Btn" "Actualizează"
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Switch_Btn" "Comută conturile"
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Add_Btn" "Adaugă număr de telefon"
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Update_Btn" "Schimbă numărul de telefon"
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Loading" "Se contactează Steam..."
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Error" "Nu se poate obține starea ta. Te rugăm să încerci mai târziu."
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_NoPhone" "Statutul Prime necesită un cont Steam cu un număr de telefon asociat cu acesta. Adaugă un număr de telefon eligibil contului tău Steam și încearcă din nou."
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Commit" "Vezi dacă numărul tău de telefon îndeplinește condițiile pentru statutul Prime."
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Invalid" "Numărul de telefon asociat cu contul tău Steam nu îndeplinește condițiile pentru statutul Prime. Poți afla mai multe informații în întrebările frecvente de mai sus."
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Different" "Un alt cont CS:GO este asociat deja cu numărul tău de telefon Steam. Poți comuta asocierea numărului de telefon la contul pe care ești autentificat în prezent."
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Eligable" "Actualizează la statutul Prime."
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Cooldown" "Un alt cont CS:GO este asociat deja cu numărul tău de telefon Steam.\\\\n%s1 până când poți comuta asocierea numărului de telefon la contul pe care ești autentificat în prezent."
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Verified" "Ai actualizat contul la statutul Prime!"
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Warning" "Sigur dorești să actualizezi contul CS:GO actual la statutul Prime? Nu vei putea să comuți statutul Prime la un cont diferit timp de șase luni."
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Faq_Title" "Întrebări frecvente privind organizarea de meciuri pentru conturile Prime"
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Confirmed" "Cont Prime Beta"
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Desc_Tooltip" "Contul tău a fost actualizat la statutul Prime. Odată ce există suficiente conturi Prime, vom începe organizarea de meciuri pentru conturi Prime și va începe prioritizarea de a potrivi jucătorii cu statut Prime unii cu ceilalți.\\\\n\\\\nNu este nimic altceva ce trebuie să faci (cu excepția de a-ți convinge prietenii să actualizeze la statutul Prime astfel încât să avem suficienți jucători pentru a începe testarea!)"
- "SFUI_Hint_AWP_Hint1" "El rifle de francotirador AWP es muy poderoso y puede, en condiciones normales, matar de un solo disparo. Aprovecha su gran alcance y apunta desde la distancia."
- "PaintKit_an_silver" "Se ha pintado con una base de cromo y decorado con un efecto de pintura anodizada plateado transparente.\\\\n\\\\nHay belleza en la simplicidad —Franz Kriegeld (estratega de Phoenix)"
- "SFUI_InvPanel_sort_slot" "espacio"
- "SFUI_Missions_Title" "Misión seleccionada: %s1"
- "quest_action_plural_act_income" "dólares"
- "quest_action_plural_act_spend" "dólares"
- "SFUI_InvTooltip_StickerCategoryTag" "Categoría de pegatina"
- "CSGO_Fantasy_Team_PlayerStats_Desc" "Las estadísticas de desempeño son los totales de %s1, el anterior Major Championship de CS:GO"
- "PaintKit_cu_ak47_point_disarray" "Se ha personalizado con un diseño hidrográfico geométrico.\\\\n\\\\nDe cerca es un caos... desde la distancia es una belleza —Franz Kriegeld (estratega de Phoenix)"
- "PaintKit_gs_sg553_tiger_moth" "Se ha personalizado con un patrón de ala de polilla.\\\\n\\\\nArruinará algo más que tu jersey"
+ "SFUI_Hint_AWP_Hint1" "El rifle de francotirador AWP es muy potente y puede, en condiciones normales, matar de un solo disparo. Aprovecha su gran alcance y ataca a distancia."
+ "PaintKit_an_silver" "Se ha pintado con una base de cromo y decorado con un efecto de pintura anodizada plateado transparente.\\\\n\\\\nLa sencillez es bella —Franz Kriegeld (estratega de Phoenix)"
+ "SFUI_InvPanel_sort_slot" "Espacio de equipo"
+ "SFUI_Missions_Title" "Misión de campaña: %s1"
+ "quest_action_plural_act_income" "dinero"
+ "quest_action_plural_act_spend" "dinero"
+ "SFUI_InvTooltip_StickerCategoryTag" "Tipo de pegatina"
+ "CSGO_Fantasy_Team_PlayerStats_Desc" "Las estadísticas de rendimiento son las totales del Major Championship de CS:GO seleccionado"
+ "PaintKit_cu_ak47_point_disarray" "Se ha personalizado con un diseño hidrográfico geométrico.\\\\n\\\\nDe cerca es un caos, pero de lejos es una belleza —Franz Kriegeld (estratega de Phoenix)"
+ "PaintKit_gs_sg553_tiger_moth" "Se ha personalizado con un patrón de ala de polilla.\\\\n\\\\nValeria es cada vez más audaz... ha llegado el momento de luchar contra ella —Felix Riley (oficial al mando)"
+ "SFUI_MajorEventVenue_Title_8_10" "Prueba de retransmisión - Evento en directo"
+ "SFUI_MajorEventVenue_Subtitle_8_10" "Esto es una prueba de los sistemas de retransmisión de torneos de CS:GO"
+ "SFUI_MajorEventVenue_Title_8_11" "Minor regional - En directo desde Minsk"
+ "SFUI_MajorEventVenue_Subtitle_8_11" "Observa a prometedores equipos competir por una invitación para las clasificatorias del próximo Major Championship de CS:GO"
+ "SFUI_MajorEventVenue_Title_8_12" "Minor regional - En directo desde Bucarest"
+ "SFUI_MajorEventVenue_Subtitle_8_12" "Observa a prometedores equipos competir por una invitación para las clasificatorias del próximo Major Championship de CS:GO"
+ "SFUI_MajorEventVenue_Title_8_13" "Minor regional - En directo desde Taipei"
+ "SFUI_MajorEventVenue_Subtitle_8_13" "Observa a prometedores equipos competir por una invitación para las clasificatorias del próximo Major Championship de CS:GO"
+ "SFUI_MajorEventVenue_Title_8_14" "Minor regional - En directo desde Columbus"
+ "SFUI_MajorEventVenue_Subtitle_8_14" "Observa a prometedores equipos competir por una invitación para las clasificatorias del próximo Major Championship de CS:GO"
+ "SFUI_PlayerCount_Alive" "VIVOS"
+ "GameUI_Disconnect_DifferentClassTables" "El servidor utiliza diferentes tablas de clases"
+ "GameUI_Disconnect_ConnectionClosing" "Cerrando conexión"
+ "GameUI_Disconnect_User" "Desconectado por el usuario"
+ "GameUI_Disconnect_Server" "Desconectado del servidor"
+ "GameUI_Disconnect_ConnectionLost" "Se ha perdido la conexión"
+ "GameUI_Disconnect_ConnectionOverflow" "Error de desbordamiento"
+ "GameUI_Disconnect_NoSpectators" "La partida no admite espectadores"
+ "GameUI_Disconnect_DisconnectByUser" "Desconexión por el usuario"
+ "GameUI_Disconnect_DisconnectByServer" "Desconexión por el servidor"
+ "GameUI_Disconnect_HLTVDirect" "SourceTV no puede conectarse al juego directamente"
+ "GameUI_Disconnect_PureServer_ClientExtra" "Servidor puro: el cliente ha descargado archivos adicionales"
+ "GameUI_Disconnect_PureServer_Mismatch" "Servidor puro: el archivo del cliente no coincide con el del servidor\\\\n\\\\n"
+ "GameUI_Disconnect_UserCmd" "Error al analizar los comandos del usuario"
+ "GameUI_Disconnect_RejectedByGame" "Conexión rechazada por el juego"
+ "GameUI_Clock_Format" "Formato horario del calendario"
+ "GameUI_Clock_12hr" "12 horas"
+ "GameUI_Clock_24hr" "24 horas"
+ "HutRoof" "Techo de la caseta"
+ "Crane" "Grúa"
+ "Decon" "Descontaminación"
+ "Observation" "Observación"
+ "Admin" "Administración"
+ "Toxic" "Almacén de tóxicos"
+ "Mini" "Entrada de A"
+ "Control" "Sala de control"
+ "Heaven" "Cielo"
+ "Trophy" "Sala de trofeos"
+ "Silo" "Silo"
+ "Forest" "Bosque"
+ "Tents" "Tiendas de campaña"
+ "SFUI_WPNHUD_knife_survival_bowie" "Cuchillo Bowie"
+ "SFUI_WPNHUD_TAGrenade" "Granada de reconocimiento táctico"
+ "SFUI_WPNHUD_Exploding_Barrel" "Barril explosivo"
+ "Team_Cash_Award_Loser_Bonus_Neg" " %s1 de ingresos por perder."
+ "CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_6_points_desc" "*Se cuentan todas las misiones completadas durante la Operación Wildfire."
+ "CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_6_hours_cm" "Horas jugadas"
+ "CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_6_wins_cm" "Victorias"
+ "CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_6_kills_cm" "Víctimas"
+ "CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_6_hsp_cm" "Disparos a la cabeza"
+ "CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_6_mvps_cm" "MJs"
+ "CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_6_points" "Misiones completadas*"
+ "CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_6_hours_op" "Horas jugadas"
+ "CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_6_wins_op" "Victorias"
+ "CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_6_kills_op" "Víctimas"
+ "CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_6_hsp_op" "Disparos a la cabeza"
+ "CSGO_official_leaderboard_season_6_mvps_op" "MJs"
+ "CSGO_Operation_Maps_Season_6_Active" "Los mapas en el grupo de servicio activo son Dust II, Train, Mirage, Inferno, Cobblestone, Overpass y Cache."
+ "CSGO_Operation_Maps_Season_6_Operation" "Los mapas en el grupo de la operación son Coast, Cruise, Empire, Nuke, Mikla, Royal, Santorini y Tulip."
+ "CSGO_Ticket_CommunitySeasonSeven2016" "Pase de acceso a la Operación Wildfire"
+ "CSGO_Ticket_CommunitySeasonSeven2016_Desc" "Da acceso a todas las características de la Operación Wildfire."
+ "CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonSeven2016_Coin1" "Moneda de desafío de la Operación Wildfire"
+ "CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonSeven2016_Coin1_Desc" "Participaste en la Operación Wildfire.\\\\nCompleta las misiones en servidores de matchmaking oficiales para mejorar esta moneda."
+ "CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonSeven2016_Coin2" "Moneda de plata de la Operación Wildfire"
+ "CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonSeven2016_Coin2_Desc" "Participaste en la Operación Wildfire.\\\\nCompleta las misiones en servidores de matchmaking oficiales para mejorar esta moneda."
+ "CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonSeven2016_Coin3" "Moneda de oro de la Operación Wildfire"
+ "CSGO_Collectible_CommunitySeasonSeven2016_Coin3_Desc" "Participaste en la Operación Wildfire."
+ "CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenSantorini" "Moneda del mapa Santorini"
+ "CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenCoast" "Moneda del mapa Coast"
+ "CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenMikla" "Moneda del mapa Mikla"
+ "CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenRoyal" "Moneda del mapa Royal"
+ "CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenEmpire" "Moneda del mapa Empire"
+ "CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenTulip" "Moneda del mapa Tulip"
+ "CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenCruise" "Moneda del mapa Cruise"
+ "CSGO_crate_community_11" "Caja de armas de la Operación Wildfire"
+ "CSGO_crate_key_community_11" "Llave de caja de la Operación Wildfire"
+ "CSGO_set_community_11" "La colección Wildfire"
+ "quest_uncommitted_points_chat_event" " Misión Blitz: %action% conseguidos/as."
+ "quest_event_totalgoal_points_desc" "Consigue un aumento de EXP por cada %action% durante este evento."
+ "quest_action_singular_headshot_kill" "muerte por disparo a la cabeza"
+ "quest_action_plural_headshot_kill" "muertes por disparo a la cabeza"
+ "quest_action_singular_multikill" "ronda con asesinato múltiple"
+ "quest_action_plural_multikill" "rondas con asesinato múltiple"
+ "quest_action_plural_bomb_plants_or_defuses" "bombas colocadas o desactivadas"
+ "quest_action_singular_bomb_plants_or_defuses" "bomba colocada o desactivada"
+ "quest_action_plural_rescue_or_kill_hostages" "rehenes rescatados o rescatadores abatidos"
+ "quest_action_singular_rescue_or_kill_hostages" "rehén rescatado o rescatador abatido"
+ "quest_action_plural_damage_burn" "de daño por fuego"
+ "quest_action_singular_damage_burn" "punto de daño por fuego"
+ "quest_LoadoutSlot_Melee" "cuchillo"
+ "quest_LoadoutSlot_Secondary" "pistola"
+ "quest_LoadoutSlot_SMG" "metralleta"
+ "quest_LoadoutSlot_Rifle" "rifle"
+ "quest_LoadoutSlot_Heavy" "arma pesada"
+ "quest_item_default" "arma"
+ "quest_event_ending" "Acaba en %s1 minutos"
+ "quest_event_soon_hours" "Comienza en %s1 horas"
+ "quest_event_soon_hms" "Comienza en %s1:%s2:%s3"
+ "quest_event_today" "Hoy a las %s1:%s2"
+ "quest_event_future" "Comienza el %s2 de %s1 a las %s3:%s4"
+ "Quest_Win_Rounds_Map_Short" "Rondas ganadas"
+ "Quest_Chicken_Kills" "Abastecimiento de suministros"
+ "quest_bonus_weapon_elite" "cuando se sostienen las Berettas dobles"
+ "quest_bonus_weapon_ssg08" "cuando se sostiene el SSG08"
+ "quest_bonus_weapon_revolver" "cuando se sostiene el Revólver R8"
+ "quest_bonus_weapon_glock_hkp2000_usp_silencer" "cuando se sostiene la P2000, la USP-S o la Glock-18"
+ "quest_bonus_set_community_11" "cuando el arma es de la colección Wildfire"
+ "quest_bonus_set_kimono" "cuando el arma es de la colección del Sol Naciente"
+ "csgo_campaign_7" "Campaña Wildfire"
+ "csgo_campaign_7_desc" "Las misiones Wildfire incluyen los modos Casual, Carrera de Armamentos, Demolición y Deathmatch. Obtén experiencia al ejecutar la acción especificada en la misión."
+ "csgo_campaign_8" "Campaña Gemini"
+ "csgo_campaign_8_desc" "Las misiones Gemini requieren que juegues con un amigo. Completa las misiones Guardián y Ataque para conseguir experiencia."
+ "op07_subtitle_701" "Felix Riley: La operación Bloodhound ha sido un éxito. Turner ha muerto y la Phoenix sigue recuperándose de su pérdida. Es hora de ponerse serios… para desbaratar varias operaciones de la Phoenix a la vez… y extenderse como la pólvora. Me llamo Major Felix Riley, y juntos vamos a pararle los pies a Valeria."
+ "op07_subtitle_712" "Felix Riley: Un rifle de francotirador en las manos adecuadas puede cambiar las tornas de una batalla completamente... Es el arma que Sebastien ha elegido."
+ "op07_comic_part_0_desc" "Valeria se despierta y descubre que algo no va como debería."
+ "op07_comic_part_2_desc" "Conocemos a Imogen; un traficante de armas que ha sido sentenciado por Valeria."
+ "op07_quest_name_701" "Avivando las llamas"
+ "op07_quest_name_702" "Control de crucero"
+ "op07_quest_name_704" "Operación: Precipitación"
+ "op07_quest_name_705" "Delicia turca"
+ "op07_quest_name_708" "Rey de la jungla"
+ "op07_quest_name_709" "Trampa para turistas"
+ "op07_quest_name_711" "Bóvedas azules, calles rojas"
+ "op07_quest_name_713" "Economía básica"
+ "op07_quest_name_714" "Caos en el Mediterráneo"
+ "op07_quest_name_715" "Superioridad de francotirador"
+ "op07_quest_name_718" "Retiro de fin de semana"
+ "op07_quest_name_719" "Encuentra el cable rojo"
+ "op07_quest_name_720" "Cegado por la luz"
+ "op07_quest_name_721" "Íntimo y personal"
+ "op07_quest_name_722" "Instrumentos de precisión"
+ "op07_quest_name_723" "Compartir es amar"
+ "op07_quest_name_725" "¿A quién le gusta el fuego?"
+ "op07_quest_name_726" "Ya no lo van a necesitar más"
+ "op07_quest_name_727" "Pistolero"
+ "op07_quest_name_728" "Los cascos no los salvarán"
+ "op07_quest_name_729" "¡ME LO QUEDO!"
+ "op07_quest_name_801" "La élite de la élite"
+ "op07_quest_name_803" "Examen final"
+ "op07_quest_name_804" "La extracción"
+ "op07_quest_name_807" "OPA hostil"
+ "op07_quest_name_809" "Quid pro quo"
+ "op07_quest_name_811" "Cortesía profesional"
+ "op07_quest_name_812" "Mantén el rumbo"
+ "op07_quest_name_813" "Perspectiva"
+ "op07_quest_name_815" "Disfruta del paseo"
+ "op07_quest_name_816" "De nuevo en la brecha"
+ "op07_quest_name_817" "Tomándose el día libre"
+ "op07_quest_name_820" "El fruto de tu trabajo"
+ "op07_quest_name_821" "Un poseso"
+ "op07_quest_name_822" "Cabos sueltos"
+ "op07_quest_name_823" "El enemigo de mi enemigo..."
+ "op07_quest_name_826" "Un minuto para la medianoche"
+ "op07_quest_name_827" "Aquí llega un nuevo aspirante"
+ "cp8_comicsection_title_2" "Un cambio de planes"
+ "op_wildfilre_comic_1" "Ver el cómic de la Operación Wildfire"
+ "op_wildfilre_comic_2" "Continuar el cómic de la Operación Wildfire"
+ "PaintKit_gs_ak47_supercharged_Tag" "Bujía Inyectora"
+ "PaintKit_cu_awp_mastery" "Se ha personalizado combinando el uso de plantillas con adhesivos hidrográficos y pegatinas de transferencia térmica.\\\\n\\\\nChase Turner era un buen tío... tienes el listón muy alto —Phoenix y el novato, primera parte"
+ "PaintKit_cu_bizon_citizen" "Se le ha aplicado un patrón personalizado de camuflaje acentuado con pintura fluorescente.\\\\n\\\\nNo es el romper de las olas lo que oyes..."
+ "PaintKit_cu_bizon_citizen_Tag" "Zona Fótica"
+ "PaintKit_aq_deserteagle_kumichodragon" "Se han grabado dragones con láser en corredera y empuñadura.\\\\n\\\\nSoy un gran admirador de tu trabajo, Yukako; deberíamos hablar... —Huxley (la competencia)"
+ "PaintKit_aq_deserteagle_kumichodragon_Tag" "Dragón Kumicho"
+ "PaintKit_aq_famas_contour" "Se ha personalizado con un diseño rojo y gris que complementa la forma del arma.\\\\n\\\\nJuntos siempre seremos más fuertes"
+ "PaintKit_cu_fiveseven_augmented_Tag" "Triunvirato"
+ "PaintKit_gs_glock18_award" "Se ha grabado laboriosamente.\\\\n\\\\nNaomi tiene asumido que algún día morirá por Valeria"
+ "PaintKit_gs_glock18_award_Tag" "Legión Real"
+ "PaintKit_gs_m4a4_pioneer" "Se han cortado las esquinas del recibo de la compra.\\\\n\\\\nCuidado con aquellos que hablan de la torre de vigilancia"
+ "PaintKit_gs_m4a4_pioneer_Tag" "La Estrella de Combate"
+ "PaintKit_am_mac10_electricity" "Se le ha aplicado un adhesivo hidrográfico de vibrante piel de cocodrilo.\\\\n\\\\nHidrodeslizador no incluido"
+ "PaintKit_am_mac10_electricity_Tag" "Cocodrilo Azul"
+ "PaintKit_sp_mp7_impire" "Se le ha aplicado un adhesivo hidrográfico que representa una multitud de diablillos.\\\\n\\\\nLa aniquilación nunca había sido tan adorable"
+ "PaintKit_cu_nova_hyperbeast" "Se ha personalizado con una horrible criatura en colores psicodélicos.\\\\n\\\\nTe llaman el Oni, ¿verdad? Qué nombre más aterrador para un tipo tan triste... –Elliot Kingsman (mercenario)"
+ "PaintKit_cu_ssg08_necropos" "Se ha pintado a mano con runas perversas.\\\\n\\\\nCada carpintero necesita su martillo; cada sastre, su husillo..."
+ "PaintKit_cu_ssg08_necropos_Tag" "Necropos"
+ "PaintKit_gs_tec9_jambiya_Tag" "Jambiya"
+ "PaintKit_gs_usp_voltage" "Se le ha aplicado un silenciador y una corredera personalizados con grabados.\\\\n\\\\nTienes lo que querías, ahora, ¿sabes lo que significa eso? –Booth (traficante de armas)"
+ "PaintKit_gs_usp_voltage_Tag" "Conducto de Plomo"
+ "CSGO_Wearable_ct_st6" "Equipo SEAL 6"
+ "CSGO_Wearable_ct_sas_Desc" "Una unidad del ejército británico organizada para realizar reconocimiento encubierto, antiterrorismo, recopilación de información humana... y \\\\"acción directa\\\\"."
+ "CSGO_Wearable_t_freefighter" "Libertador"
+ "CSGO_Wearable_t_phoenix" "Conexión Phoenix"
+ "crate_community_11_unusual_lootlist" "¡o el extraordinariamente raro Cuchillo Bowie!"
+ "crate_community_11_unusual_itemname" "★ Cuchillo Bowie ★"
+ "SFUI_GameMode_coopmission" "Ataque cooperativo"
+ "SFUI_GameModeCoopMission" "Ataque cooperativo"
+ "SFUI_mapgroup_op_op07" "Grupo de la Op. Wildfire"
+ "SFUI_Map_coop_cementplant" "Recinto Phoenix"
+ "SFUI_Map_Tooltip_Desc_cruise" "Unas vacaciones de ensueño se vuelven una pesadilla cuando los piratas toman un crucero como rehén."
+ "SFUI_Map_Tooltip_Desc_coast" "Un histórico pueblo de Italia se ha convertido en un objetivo terrorista... ven a desactivar la bomba y tómate un limoncello."
+ "SFUI_Map_Tooltip_Desc_mikla" "Los callejones de una ciudad mediterránea sirven como entorno para este escenario de desactivación."
+ "SFUI_MainMenu_Global_Mission_Alert" "Misión Blitz activa"
+ "SFUI_Store_Hint_CommunitySeasonSeven2016" "- Moneda de la Operación Wildfire \\\\n- La campaña Wildfire y la campaña cooperativa Gemini \\\\n- Nuevas eventos de misiones Blitz globales \\\\n- Cajas y armas aleatorias de la Operación Wildfire \\\\n- Diario de la Operación Wildfire y mucho más..."
+ "SFUI_Missions_Title_Global_Active" "Misión Blitz activa"
+ "SFUI_Missions_Title_Global_Time_Left" "Termina en %s1 minutos"
+ "SFUI_Missions_Title_Global_Upcoming" "Próxima misión Blitz"
+ "SFUI_Missions_Play_Active" "Jugar misión activa"
+ "SFUI_Missions_Comic" "Ver cómic"
+ "SFUI_Missions_Replay" "Repetir misión"
+ "SFUI_Missions_Global_Upcoming" "Próxima misión Blitz"
+ "SFUI_Missions_Global_ToolTip" "Las misiones Blitz son eventos durante los que los portadores de monedas pueden conseguir EXP adicional completando acciones específicas."
+ "SFUI_Stirke_Mission_Schedule" "Calendario de misiones Blitz"
+ "SFUI_InvPanel_filter_only_weapons" "Todas las armas"
+ "SFUI_InvContextMenu_Campaign_Map" "MAPA DE LA CAMPAÑA"
+ "CSGO_Watch_Cat_Tournament_2" "Test de Valve"
+ "CSGO_Journal_CoverId_6" "DO 15-6"
+ "CSGO_Journal_CoverTitle_6" "OPERACIÓN WILDFIRE"
+ "CSGO_Journal_CoverDate_6" "Expedido: %s1"
+ "CSGO_Journal_Badge_EndDate_6" "17 de junio de 2016 GMT"
+ "CSGO_Journal_Badge_Status_Title_6" "Estado de la Op. Wildfire"
+ "CSGO_Journal_Mission_Available" "%s1 misión disponible"
+ "CSGO_Journal_Campaign_Complete" "¡Campaña completada!"
+ "CSGO_Journal_Get_Mission_Lobby" "Solicitando misión"
+ "CSGO_Journal_Mission_Loading_Leader" "Cargando puntuaciones de amigos..."
+ "CSGO_Mission_Leaderboard_Header" "Amigos que han jugado esta misión"
+ "CSGO_Journal_Tooltip_Leaderboard_open" "Mostrar más..."
+ "CSGO_Journal_Leaderboard_Title" "Marcador de amigos de %s1"
+ "SFUI_Activate_Server_Mission" "Haz esta misión tu misión activa"
+ "CSGO_Journal_Comic_Instructions" "Haz clic en la imagen para avanzar"
+ "CSGO_Journal_Comic_TBC" "Continuará...\\\\nDesbloquea el siguiente episodio completando las misiones"
+ "CSGO_Journal_Mission_Leave_Lobby_Warning" "Iniciar esta misión cerrará la sala actual y creará una nueva."
+ "CSGO_Coop_Scoreboard_Better" "Tu mejor puntuación anterior era %s1. La has mejorado en %s2 puntos."
+ "CSGO_Coop_Scoreboard_Worse" "Tu puntuación anterior fue %s1"
+ "CSGO_Coop_Scoreboard_New_High" "¡TU NUEVO RÉCORD!"
+ "SFUI_Date_Format_DayOfWeek0" "Dom"
+ "SFUI_Date_Format_DayOfWeek1" "Lun"
+ "SFUI_Date_Format_DayOfWeek2" "Mar"
+ "SFUI_Date_Format_DayOfWeek3" "Mié"
+ "SFUI_Date_Format_DayOfWeek4" "Jue"
+ "SFUI_Date_Format_DayOfWeek5" "Vie"
+ "SFUI_Date_Format_DayOfWeek6" "Sáb"
+ "SFUI_XP_Bonus_RankUp_8" " %s1 de EXP de misión Blitz"
+ "SFUI_XP_Bonus_RankUp_58" " %s1 de EXP de misión Blitz (tu EXP x multiplicador reducido)"
+ "SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_Coop_DeployingIn3" "Desplegando en 3"
+ "SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_Coop_DeployCancelled" "Despliegue cancelado"
+ "SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_Coop_Deploying" "¡Desplegando!"
+ "SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_Coop_DeployMissionBust" "¡Misión fallida, los antiterroristas no se han podido desplegar a tiempo!"
+ "SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_Coop_CollectCoin" "Medalla coleccionable adquirida %s1/3"
+ "SFUI_WinPanel_Coop_Mission_Win" "¡Misión completada!"
+ "SFUI_WinPanel_Coop_Mission_Lose" "¡Misión fallida!"
+ "SFUI_Scoreboard_Coop_TimeLeft" "Tiempo restante"
+ "SFUI_Scoreboard_Coop_TeamAccuracy" "Precisión de tiro"
+ "SFUI_Scoreboard_Coop_Headshots" "Disparos a la cabeza"
+ "SFUI_Scoreboard_Coop_DamageTaken" "Daño recibido"
+ "SFUI_Scoreboard_Coop_NoDeaths" "Sin muertes"
+ "SFUI_Scoreboard_Coop_PistolsOnly" "Solo pistolas"
+ "SFUI_Scoreboard_Coop_HardMode" "Completado en modo difícil"
+ "SFUI_Scoreboard_Coop_Within3Rounds" "Completado en 3 rondas"
+ "SFUI_CoopSB_FinalScore" "Puntuación final del equipo"
+ "SFUI_CoopSB_FinalScore_Prev" "Puntuación anterior del equipo"
+ "SFUI_Settings_VOIP_Volume" "Volumen de VOIP"
+ "SFUI_Settings_VOIP_Volume_Tip" "Volumen general de voz sobre IP"
+ "SFUI_Confirm_ActivateRequiredItem_season7_Require" "Tienes un pase de la Operación Wildfire que aún no ha sido activado.\\\\n¿Te gustaría activarlo ahora?"
+ "SFUI_Confirm_ActivateRequiredItem_season7_Purchased" "¡Felicidades por comprar tu pase de acceso a la Operación Wildfire!\\\\n¿Te gustaría activarlo ahora?"
+ "SFUI_Confirm_ActivateRequiredItem_season7_Suggest" "Tienes un pase de la Operación Wildfire que aún no ha sido activado.\\\\n¿Te gustaría activarlo ahora?"
+ "SFUI_Confirm_ActivateRequiredItem_season7_SuggestTime" "Tienes un pase de la Operación Wildfire que aún no ha sido activado.\\\\n¿Te gustaría activarlo ahora?"
+ "SFUI_MapSelect_Upsell_season6" "PASE DE ACCESO"
+ "SFUI_Lobby_StatusRichPresence_casual_lobby_op07" "En una sala de \\\'Wildfire\\\' de CS:GO"
+ "SFUI_Lobby_StatusRichPresence_casual_game_op07" "Jugando a \\\'Wildfire\\\' de CS:GO"
+ "SFUI_Lobby_StatusRichPresence_casual_watch_op07" "Viendo \\\'Wildfire\\\' de CS:GO"
+ "SFUI_Lobby_StatusRichPresence_casual_review_op07" "Reproduciendo \\\'Wildfire\\\' de CS:GO"
+ "SFUI_Lobby_StatusRichPresence_coopmission_review" "Reproduciendo CS:GO"
+ "SFUI_Lobby_StatusRichPresence_deathmatch_lobby_op07" "En una sala de DM de \\\'Wildfire\\\' de CS:GO"
+ "SFUI_Lobby_StatusRichPresence_deathmatch_game_op07" "Jugando a DM de \\\'Wildfire\\\' de CS:GO"
+ "SFUI_Lobby_StatusRichPresence_deathmatch_watch_op07" "Viendo DM de \\\'Wildfire\\\' de CS:GO"
+ "SFUI_Lobby_StatusRichPresence_deathmatch_review_op07" "Reproduciendo DM de \\\'Wildfire\\\' de CS:GO"
+ "SFUI_Stirke_Xp_Info" "Consigues EXP completando misiones y partidas en cualquier modo."
+ "SFUI_Stirke_Rank_Warning" "Participa en misiones Blitz competitivas cuando alcances el rango 3 de Recluta"
+ "SFUI_Stirke_Rank_Warning_info" "Haz progresos rápidamente completando las misiones de la campaña"
+ "SFUI_Store_Hint_crate_community_11" "Esta caja contiene 16 acabados de arma creados por la comunidad de la colección Wildfire"
+ "quest_event_timer" "Comienza en %s1"
+ "CSGO_Journal_Mission_Accessible" "Elige tu próxima misión"
+ "CSGO_Journal_Missions_Accessible" "Elige tu próxima misión"
+ "CSGO_Journal_Mission_Timer_hr" "Nueva misión disponible en %s1"
+ "CSGO_Journal_Campaign_Has_Mission" "Esta campaña tiene una misión activa"
+ "CSGO_Tournament_Day_5" "Último día"
+ "CSGO_Tournament_Day_6" "Último día"
+ "SFUIHUD_Spec_Event_DroppingItemsRewarded" "¡%s1 espectadores recompensados!"
+ "SFUI_Settings_Chat_EnableGotv" "Chat de GOTV"
+ "StickerKit_desc_allstars_a_holo" " "
+ "quest_bonus_de_santorini" "cuando el mapa es Santorini"
+ "SFUI_Store_Timer_Weeks" "%s1 semanas"
+ "SFUI_Store_Timer_Week" "%s1 semana"
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Title" "Matchmaking de cuentas Prime"
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Btn" "Más información"
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Check_Btn" "Comprobar número de teléfono"
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Confirm_Btn" "Actualizar"
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Switch_Btn" "Cambiar de cuenta"
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Add_Btn" "Añadir número de teléfono"
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Update_Btn" "Cambiar número de teléfono"
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Loading" "Contactando con Steam..."
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Error" "No se ha podido recuperar tu estatus. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo más tarde."
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Commit" "Comprueba si tu número de teléfono cumple los requisitos para obtener el estatus Prime."
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Invalid" "El número de teléfono asociado con tu cuenta de Steam no cumple los requisitos para obtener el estatus Prime. Puedes encontrar más información en el FAQ de arriba."
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Different" "Ya hay otra cuenta de Steam asociada con tu número de teléfono. Puedes asociarlo con la cuenta que estás usando actualmente."
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Eligable" "Actualizar a estatus Prime."
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Cooldown" "Ya hay otra cuenta de CS:GO asociada con tu número de teléfono de Steam.\\\\nFaltan %s1 para que puedas asociarlo con la cuenta que estás usando actualmente."
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Verified" "¡Ahora tu cuenta es Prime!"
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Warning" "¿Seguro que quieres actualizar a estatus Prime esta cuenta de CS:GO? No podrás cambiar el estatus Prime a otra cuenta durante seis meses."
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Faq_Title" "FAQ sobre matchmaking de cuentas Prime"
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Confirmed" "Cuenta Prime beta"
+ "SFUI_ProPlayer_threat" "Björn Pers"
+ "Pet_Killed" " Han matado a tu gallina."
+ "CSGO_crate_community_12" "Caja Croma 3"
+ "CSGO_crate_key_community_12" "Llave de caja Croma 3"
+ "CSGO_crate_key_community_12_desc" "Esta llave solo abre cajas Croma 3"
+ "CSGO_set_community_12" "La colección Croma 3"
+ "PaintKit_cu_aug_swallows_Tag" "Flota Aviar"
+ "PaintKit_cu_bizon_Curse" "Se ha personalizado con un tema egipcio.\\\\n\\\\nSu gatillo pesa menos que una pluma"
+ "PaintKit_cu_bizon_Curse_Tag" "Juicio de Anubis"
+ "PaintKit_gs_cz75a_redastor" "Se ha pintado a mano con detalles blancos y rojos.\\\\n\\\\nBooth se ha convertido en sinónimo del drama familiar; y ¿quién tiene tiempo para dramas familiares cuando está hablando de negocios?"
+ "PaintKit_gs_cz75a_redastor_Tag" "Azor Rojo"
+ "PaintKit_gs_dualberettas_ventilators" "Estas pistolas han sido elegantemente pintadas de cromo.\\\\n\\\\nUn arma creada por y para artistas"
+ "PaintKit_sp_g3sg1_militiaorange" "Las plantillas y el espray naranja le dan a este rifle su aspecto distintivo.\\\\n\\\\nConviértete en un Shere Khan de hoy"
+ "PaintKit_sp_g3sg1_militiaorange_Tag" "Explosión Naranja"
+ "PaintKit_cu_m249_spectre" "Se ha pintado de forma elegante y contemporánea.\\\\n\\\\nLa guerra civil de Phoenix está apunto de comenzar"
+ "PaintKit_cu_m249_spectre_Tag" "Espectro"
+ "PaintKit_cu_m4a1s_soultaker_Tag" "Fuego de Chantico"
+ "PaintKit_am_mp9_bioleak" "Distintas tonalidades de verde crean la ilusión de un vertido químico.\\\\n\\\\nCUIDADO CON LA EXPOSICIÓN DIRECTA"
+ "PaintKit_am_mp9_bioleak_Tag" "Fuga Biológica"
+ "PaintKit_gs_ssg08_armacore_Tag" "Cruzado Fantasma"
+ "PaintKit_cu_xm1014_spectrum" "En cromo blanco y negro, esta escopeta es perfecta para ocasiones formales.\\\\n\\\\nTenemos a Izaki y a Cocinero. ¿Los necesitas para algo o puedo cargármelos ya? —El Mercenario y La Serpiente, primera parte"
+ "SFUI_Store_Hint_crate_community_12" "Esta caja contiene 17 acabados de arma creados por la comunidad de la colección Croma 3"
- "SFUI_Settings_Enabled_Triple" "Triple Buffered"
- "SFUI_Overwatch_Res_Major_Label" "เห็นได้ชัดว่าปราศจากข้อกังขา"
- "SFUI_GameUI_MatchDlPending" "ไม่สามารถดาวน์โหลดแมตช์จากเซิร์ฟเวอร์แบ่งปันแมตช์ของ CS:GO ในขณะที่กำลังดำเนินการดาวน์โหลดแมตช์อื่นได้"
- "SFUI_GameUI_MatchDlStartExpired" "ล้มเหลวในการโหลดแมตช์จากเซิร์ฟเวอร์แบ่งปันแมตช์ CS:GO เนื่องจากรีเพลย์แมตช์ได้หมดอายุลงแล้ว"
- "CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_kat2014_02" "ตำนานแห่ง EMS Katowice 2014"
- "CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_cologne2014_01" "ผู้ท้าชิง ESL Cologne 2014"
- "CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_cologne2014_02" "ESL One Cologne 2014 ระดับผู้ท้าชิง"
- "CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_cologne2014_02" "ทีมผู้ท้าชิง ESL One Cologne 2014"
- "CSGO_MatchInfoTxt_BracketDecider" "%name% | แมตช์การตัดสิน"
- "SFUI_QMM_ERROR_ClientUpdateRequired" "ไม่สามารถเริ่มต้นค้นหาแมตช์ได้ เนื่องจากไคลเอนต์ของคุณต้องการอัปเดต โปรดเริ่มใหม่อีกครั้ง"
- "CSGO_Watch_Tournament_Info_5" "สถานที่: เยินเชอปิง ประเทศสวีเดน \\\\n27 - 29 พฤศจิกายน"
- "CSGO_Watch_Tournament_Challengers" "สติกเกอร์ทีมระดับผู้ท้าชิง"
- "CSGO_Watch_Tournament_Legends" "สติกเกอร์ทีมระดับตำนาน"
- "CSGO_Watch_Tournament_Info_6" "สถานที่: คาโตวีตเซ ประเทศโปแลนด์ \\\\nวันที่ 12 - 15 มีนาคม"
- "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Error" "ไม่สามารถรับสถานะของคุณ กรุณาลองใหม่ภายหลัง"
+ "SFUI_Settings_Enabled_Triple" "ทริปเปิลบัฟเฟอร์"
+ "SFUI_Overwatch_Res_Major_Label" "หลักฐานชัดเจนโดยปราศจากข้อสงสัย"
+ "SFUI_GameUI_MatchDlPending" "ไม่สามารถดาวน์โหลดแมตช์จากเซิร์ฟเวอร์เเบ่งปันแมตช์ของ CS:GO ในขณะที่กำลังดำเนินการดาวน์โหลดแมตช์อื่นได้"
+ "SFUI_GameUI_MatchDlStartExpired" "ล้มเหลวในการดาวน์โหลดแมตช์จากเซิร์ฟเวอร์แบ่งปันแมตช์ของ CS:GO เนื่องจากรีเพลย์แมตช์ได้หมดอายุลงแล้ว"
+ "CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_kat2014_02" "ทีมตำนาน EMS Katowice 2014"
+ "CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_cologne2014_01" "ทีมผู้ท้าชิง ESL Cologne 2014"
+ "CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_cologne2014_02" "ทีมผู้ท้าชิง ESL One Cologne 2014"
+ "CSGO_MatchInfoTxt_BracketDecider" "%name% | แมตช์ตัดสิน"
+ "SFUI_QMM_ERROR_ClientUpdateRequired" "ไม่สามารถเริ่มต้นค้นหาแมตช์ได้ เนื่องจากไคลเอนต์ของคุณจำเป็นต้องอัปเดต โปรดเริ่มใหม่อีกครั้ง"
+ "CSGO_Watch_Tournament_Info_5" "สถานที่: เมืองเยินเชอปิง ประเทศสวีเดน \\\\nวันที่ 27 - 29 พฤศจิกายน"
+ "CSGO_Watch_Tournament_Challengers" "สติกเกอร์ทีมผู้ท้าชิง"
+ "CSGO_Watch_Tournament_Legends" "สติกเกอร์ทีมตำนาน"
+ "CSGO_Watch_Tournament_Info_6" "สถานที่: เมืองคาโตวีตเซ ประเทศโปแลนด์ \\\\nวันที่ 12 - 15 มีนาคม"
+ "CSGO_tool_stattrak_swap" "เครื่องมือสลับ StatTrak™"
+ "CSGO_Swap_Stattrak_Title" "เครื่องมือสลับ StatTrak™"
+ "SFUI_Statrak_ContextMenu_Remove" "ล้างจากการสลับ"
+ "CSGO_Watch_Loading_MatchData" "กำลังโหลดข้อมูลแมตช์..."
+ "SFUI_Country_BA" "บอสเนียและเฮอร์เซโกวีนา"
+ "GameUI_KeyNames_SC_Right_Pad_Touch" "สัมผัสแพดขวา"
+ "GameUI_KeyNames_SC_Right_Pad_Click" "คลิกแพดขวา"
+ "GameUI_KeyNames_SC_Right_Pad_DPad_N" "ดีแพดขวา ขึ้น"
+ "GameUI_KeyNames_SC_L_Trigger_Click" "คลิกทริกเกอร์ซ้าย"
+ "SFUI_Notice_Alert_Timeout" "%s2 หมดเวลา %s1"
+ "Control" "ห้องควบคุม"
+ "Vending" "ตู้จำหน่ายสินค้า"
+ "quest_commandverb_deal" "จัดสรร"
+ "quest_commandverb_execute" "ปฏิบัติ"
+ "quest_event_future" "เริ่ม %s1 %s2 %s3:%s4"
+ "SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_Coop_DeployingIn3" "กำลังเคลื่อนพลใน 3"
+ "SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_Coop_DeployingIn2" "กำลังเคลื่อนพลใน 2"
+ "SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_Coop_DeployingIn1" "กำลังเคลื่อนพลใน 1"
+ "SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_Coop_DeployingHARDIn3" "กำลังเคลื่อนพลบนระดับยากใน 3"
+ "SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_Coop_DeployingHARDIn2" "กำลังเคลื่อนพลบนระดับยากใน 2"
+ "SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_Coop_DeployingHARDIn1" "กำลังเคลื่อนพลบนระดับยากใน 1"
+ "SFUIHUD_InfoPanel_Coop_WaitingDeploying" "กำลังรอการเคลื่อนพล"
+ "CSGO_Watch_Cat_Tournament_9" "Columbus 2016"
+ "CSGO_Watch_Tournament_Desc_9" "การแข่งขันชิงแชมป์ CS:GO MLG Columbus 2016 เป็นทัวร์นาเมนต์ Counter-Strike แรกที่มีเงินรางวัลรวมถึง $1,000,000"
+ "CSGO_Watch_AllStar_Title" "เกมรวมดารา"
+ "CSGO_Tournament_Month_Short_9" "มี.ค."
+ "CSGO_Tournament_Month_Short_9_1" "เม.ย."
+ "CSGO_Tournament_Month_Final_Short_9" "เม.ย."
+ "SFUI_Country_KZ" "คาซัคสถาน"
+ "StickerKit_allstars_a_holo" "All-Stars Orange(โฮโล)"
+ "StickerKit_allstars_b_holo" "All-Stars Blue(โฮโล)"
+ "CSGO_Tournament_Day_5" "วันสุดท้าย"
+ "CSGO_Tournament_Day_6" "วันสุดท้าย"
+ "SFUIHUD_Spec_Event_DroppingItemsRound" "กำลังดรอปไอเท็ม"
+ "SFUIHUD_Spec_Event_DroppingItemsRewarded" "ผู้ชม %s1 คนได้รับรางวัล!"
+ "SFUI_Settings_Chat_EnableGotv" "แชท GOTV"
+ "quest_bonus_de_santorini" "เมื่อแผนที่เป็น Santorini"
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Title" "การค้นหาแมตช์บัญชีไพรม์"
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Error" "ไม่สามารถเรียกข้อมูลสถานะของคุณได้ กรุณาลองใหม่ภายหลัง"
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_NoPhone" "สถานะไพรม์จำเป็นต้องใช้บัญชี Steam พร้อมหมายเลขโทรศัพท์ที่ผ่านคุณสมบัติซึ่งถูกเชื่อมโยงไว้ด้วยกัน เพิ่มหมายเลขโทรศัพท์ที่ผ่านคุณสมบัติไปยังบัญชี Steam ของคุณ และลองใหม่อีกครั้ง"
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Commit" "ดูว่าหมายเลขโทรศัพท์มีคุณสมบัติเหมาะสมสำหรับสถานะไพรม์หรือไม่"
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Invalid" "หมายเลขโทรศัพท์ที่เชื่อมโยงกับบัญชี Steam ของคุณไม่ผ่านคุณสมบัติสำหรับสถานะไพรม์ คุณสามารถค้นหาข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมได้ในคำถามที่พบบ่อยด้านบน"
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Different" "บัญชี Steam อื่นได้เชื่อมโยงกับหมายเลขโทรศัพท์ Steam ของคุณอยู่แล้ว คุณสามารถสลับการเชื่อมโยงไปยังบัญชีที่คุณเข้าสู่ระบบในขณะนี้ได้"
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Eligable" "อัปเกรดเป็นสถานะไพรม์"
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Cooldown" "บัญชี Steam อื่นได้เชื่อมโยงกับหมายเลขโทรศัพท์ Steam ของคุณอยู่แล้ว\\\\n%s1 จนกว่าคุณจะสามารถสลับการเชื่อมโยงไปยังบัญชีที่คุณเข้าสู่ระบบในขณะนี้ได้"
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Verified" "คุณได้รับการอัปเกรดเป็นสถานะไพรม์แล้ว!"
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Warning" "คุณแน่ใจหรือไม่ว่าต้องการจะอัปเกรดบัญชี CS:GO ปัจจุบันเป็นสถานะไพรม์? คุณจะไม่สามารถสลับสถานะไพรม์ไปยังบัญชีอื่นได้เป็นเวลา หกเดือน"
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Faq_Title" "คำถามที่พบบ่อยเกี่ยวกับการค้นหาแมตช์บัญชีไพรม์"
+ "SFUI_Elevated_Status_Confirmed" "บัญชีไพรม์ เบต้า"
+ "Pet_Killed" "Tavuğunuz öldürüldü."
+ "CSGO_crate_community_12" "Kroma 3 Kasası"
+ "CSGO_crate_key_community_12" "Kroma 3 Kasası Anahtarı"
+ "CSGO_crate_key_community_12_desc" "Bu anahtar sadece Kroma 3 kasalarını açar"
+ "CSGO_set_community_12" "Kroma 3 Koleksiyonu"
+ "PaintKit_cu_aug_swallows_Tag" "Filo Yığını"
+ "PaintKit_cu_bizon_Curse_Tag" "Anubis\\\'in Adaleti"
+ "PaintKit_gs_cz75a_redastor_Tag" "Kırmızı Astor"
+ "PaintKit_gs_dualberettas_ventilators" "Bu tabancalar zarif bir şekilde kroma boyanmıştır.\\\\n\\\\nSanatçılardan, sanatçılar için bir silah"
+ "PaintKit_gs_dualberettas_ventilators_Tag" "Havalandırmalar"
+ "PaintKit_sp_g3sg1_militiaorange_Tag" "Turuncu Kaza"
+ "PaintKit_gs_galilar_incenerator_Tag" "Çatışma"
+ "PaintKit_cu_m249_spectre_Tag" "Hayalet"
+ "PaintKit_cu_m4a1s_soultaker_Tag" "Chantico\\\'nun Ateşi"
+ "PaintKit_am_mp9_bioleak_Tag" "Biyolojik Sızıntı"
+ "PaintKit_hy_p2000_oceani_Tag" "Okyanus"
+ "PaintKit_gs_ssg08_armacore_Tag" "Hayalet Akıncı"
+ "PaintKit_am_tec9_redblast_Tag" "Yeniden Giriş"
+ "PaintKit_cu_ump45_primalsaber_Tag" "İlkel Kılıç"
+ "PaintKit_cu_xm1014_spectrum_Tag" "Siyah Kravat"
+ "SFUI_Store_Hint_crate_community_12" "Bu kasa Kroma 3 Koleksiyonu\\\'ndan 17 adet topluluk yapımı silah tasarımı içermektedir"
- "PaintKit_sp_mesh_tan_Tag" "Африканська сітка"
- "CSGO_Watch_Your_Highlights" "Переглядайте свої найкращі моменти"
- "funfact_ace" "Отець! Гравець %s1 вбив усіх супротивників."
- "op07_quest_name_714" "Погром у Середземноморʼї"
+ "PaintKit_sp_mesh_tan_Tag" "Сітка сафарі"
+ "CSGO_Watch_Your_Highlights" "Переглянути свої найкращі моменти"
+ "funfact_ace" "Батько! Гравець %s1 вбив усіх супротивників."
+ "op07_quest_name_714" "Погром у Середземномор’ї"
+ "Pet_Killed" " Вашу курку було вбито."
+ "CSGO_crate_community_12" "Футляр «Хрома 3»"
+ "CSGO_crate_key_community_12" "Ключ від футляра «Хрома 3»"
+ "CSGO_crate_key_community_12_desc" "Chroma 3 Case Key\\\\nЦей ключ відкриває лише футляри «Хрома 3»"
+ "CSGO_set_community_12" "Колекція «Хрома»"
+ "PaintKit_cu_aug_swallows" "Fleet Flock\\\\nВодостійкою фарбою нанесено зображення пташок, які летять крізь хмари.\\\\n\\\\nДеякі птахи символізують гармонію і мир… однак це інші"
+ "PaintKit_cu_aug_swallows_Tag" "Прудка зграя"
+ "PaintKit_cu_bizon_Curse" "Judgement of Anubis\\\\nНанесено зображення на єгипетську тематику.\\\\n\\\\nСпрацьовує навіть на легшому за шовк."
+ "PaintKit_cu_bizon_Curse_Tag" "Суд Анубіса"
+ "PaintKit_gs_cz75a_redastor" "Red Astor\\\\nНанесено зображення з червоними та білими акцентами. \\\\n\\\\nБут — це синонім сімейної драми, але в кого є час для драм, коли мова іде про бізнес?"
+ "PaintKit_gs_cz75a_redastor_Tag" "Червоний радар"
+ "PaintKit_gs_dualberettas_ventilators" "Ventilators\\\\nЦі пістолети були елегантно пофарбовані в хром.\\\\n\\\\nЗброя для митців від митців"
+ "PaintKit_gs_dualberettas_ventilators_Tag" "Лопасті"
+ "PaintKit_sp_g3sg1_militiaorange" "Orange Crash\\\\nТрафарет і помаранчева фарба дали цій рушниці її особливий вигляд.\\\\n\\\\nСтаньте сучасним Шир-Ханом"
+ "PaintKit_sp_g3sg1_militiaorange_Tag" "Помаранчева катастрофа"
+ "PaintKit_gs_galilar_incenerator" "Firefight\\\\nВручну нанесено зображення з червоними акцентами.\\\\n\\\\nБут спродав цю зброю Валерії зі знижкою, аби загладити ситуацію з «Феніксом»"
+ "PaintKit_gs_galilar_incenerator_Tag" "Сутичка"
+ "PaintKit_cu_m249_spectre" "Spectre\\\\nРозфарбовано у лискучій сучасній манері.\\\\n\\\\nГромадянська війна «Фенікса» на порозі"
+ "PaintKit_cu_m249_spectre_Tag" "Спектр"
+ "PaintKit_cu_m4a1s_soultaker" "Chantico\\\'s Fire\\\\nРозфарбовано мінливими кольорами із зображенням усміхненого обличчя на руків’ї.\\\\n\\\\nЗахищайте свою власність"
+ "PaintKit_cu_m4a1s_soultaker_Tag" "Вогнище Чантіко"
+ "PaintKit_am_mp9_bioleak" "Bioleak\\\\nРізні відтінки зеленого створюють ілюзію хімічних розливів.\\\\n\\\\nОСТЕРІГАЙТЕСЯ ПРЯМОГО ПОТРАПЛЯННЯ"
+ "PaintKit_am_mp9_bioleak_Tag" "Біовитік"
+ "PaintKit_hy_p2000_oceani" "Oceanic\\\\nНанесено чорну основу, а потім синє зображення.\\\\n\\\\nЧи чутно щось від Котаро або Кармен? — командир Фелікс Райлі"
+ "PaintKit_hy_p2000_oceani_Tag" "Океанічний"
+ "PaintKit_cu_p250_asiimov" "Asiimov\\\\nНанесено малюнок у науково-фантастичному стилі.\\\\n\\\\n«Якщо ви думаєте, що для того, щоб вбити людину потрібна гвинтівка, то ви нічого не знаєте…» — Міха Бітон, снайпер «Феніксів»"
+ "PaintKit_cu_p250_asiimov_Tag" "Азімов"
+ "PaintKit_gs_sawedoff_fubar" "Fubar\\\\nЦей бувалий дробовик має позначки на стволі.\\\\n\\\\nПочинається з вибуху… а завершується у тиші"
+ "PaintKit_gs_sawedoff_fubar_Tag" "Фубар"
+ "PaintKit_cu_sg553_atlas" "Atlas\\\\nВодостійкою фарбою нанесено сучасний камуфляж.\\\\n\\\\nКолись цей дизайн було зарезервовано для оперативної групи коаліції, але Гакслі вдався до корпоративного шпигунства, аби зробити його ексклюзивним для «Фенікса»"
+ "PaintKit_cu_sg553_atlas_Tag" "Атлас"
+ "PaintKit_gs_ssg08_armacore" "Ghost Crusader\\\\nНанесено зображення із синіми арктичними акцентами.\\\\n\\\\nЯ ніколи не зможу замінити те, що у нас відібрали… але я можу відібрати у них ще більше — Фенікс та Посвячений, частина 2"
+ "PaintKit_gs_ssg08_armacore_Tag" "Примарний хрестоносець"
+ "PaintKit_am_tec9_redblast" "Re-Entry\\\\nНа ствол нанесено зображення полум’я.\\\\n\\\\nНенавиджу ніколи не помилятися — Кармен Кочінеро, спеціаліст з порятунку заручників"
+ "PaintKit_am_tec9_redblast_Tag" "Зворотний вхід"
+ "PaintKit_cu_ump45_primalsaber" "Primal Saber\\\\nНанесено зображення черепа шаблезубого тигра.\\\\n\\\\nУсякий хижак рано чи пізно помирає"
+ "PaintKit_cu_ump45_primalsaber_Tag" "Первісна шабля"
+ "PaintKit_cu_xm1014_spectrum" "Black Tie\\\\nПофарбований у чорний та білий хром, цей дробовик найкраще підходить для врочистих подій.\\\\n\\\\nМаємо Ізакі та Кочінеро. Вам вони для чогось потрібні чи я можу їх убити просто зараз? — Найманець і змія, частина 1"
+ "PaintKit_cu_xm1014_spectrum_Tag" "Чорний чай"
+ "SFUI_Store_Hint_crate_community_12" "Цей футляр містить 17 розфарбувань зброї, створених спільнотою, з колекції «Хрома 3»"
Extended OS Back End Log Changes
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