Front-End Changes Changelog
- Reduced latency of voice audio.
- Community servers now can show viewer counts when players are streaming their match.
- Fixed regression in Deathmatch Bonus mission evaluation.
- Fixed a Deathmatch exploit where players could maliciously cause the server to run out of entities.
- Fixed buymenu\\\’s Accurate Range weapon stats being computed incorrectly.
- Fixed AWP viewmodel rendering when zoomed.
- Added flavor text to Arms Deal Case 1 and fixed typos in previous flavor text.
- Positional sounds spatialize to within 15 inches of the player and no longer “spread” to stereo when nearby.
- Cobblestone
- Bombsite A:
- Made bombsite A courtyard smaller
- Removed spiral stairs at back of bombsite A
- Pushed forward side-balcony at bombsite A, making it easier to check corners before jumping down
- Added a static door to entrance to connector from bombsite A
- Shortened battlement in long A, making it easier to check
- Raised wall around bombsite A slightly, to give some cover when out in the open
- Added additional cover in bombsite A
- Removed balcony at CT side of long A
- Added an additional chest-height wall at A ramp
- Removed large boulders in A site
- Bombsite B:
- Made bombsite B courtyard smaller
- Rerouted T main entrance to bombsite B
- Made it easier to throw grenades into B site from a safe position as T
- Added some cover on T platform in bombsite B
- Moved bombsite B more to the middle of the courtyard
- Flattened ground at bombsite B
- Removed back of B area
- Hut at back of B can now be shot through
- Added a static door to entrance to bombsite B from connector
- Other:
- Removed stairs and overpass route from dropdown room
- Widened upper dropdown passage
- Added a ramp to dropdown to make it easier to peek into lower
- Players can now jump up via flowerbed in connector to get into dropdown room
- Removed walls in T tunnels
- Removed CT sniper room
- Added a static door to CT side of water room
- Tweaked layout of water room slightly
- Removed double window room near T spawn
- Moved T spawns forward a bit
- Added a direct ladder to T sniper tower
- Various optimizations
- Increased player visibility
- Fixed a bug where very few chickens were spawned
Map Modification
De_Cbble Changes
T\\\’s Spawn Position– The starting location for the Ts has been slightly pushed forward.
Artificial Lights Removed– Numerous placements of mechanical lighting has been removed from around the map. Another minor change was the removing of the bomb spray paint located in T spawn.
Removed T\\\’s Double Window Room– The sniper double window room above T\\\’s spawn has been removed; this modification has forced the ladder placement to the other side of the tunnel for it\\\’s connection to the above room. Other modifications involved removing the windows located in the spiral stairs, removing the clip brushes from outside the window room, and re-adjusting certain textures for the roof and windows.
Background Scenery Optimized– Numerous variations were taken to optimize the background setting; this mainly involved changes with the trees.
Water Room Tweaking– The overall layout of the room has changed with the removal of the needed ladder, and the sewer grates were replaced with a variation. The modification also included the addition of a door frame and wooden door to the T ramp side.
Removed T\\\’s Tunnel Wall– The divider wall in T tunnels has been totally removed thus creating a much more open area for the player.
Floor Light\\\’s Illuminance– The lighting display from the floor lights has been toned down slightly.
Extended Clip Brush– The clip brush has been extended to the ceiling above the display cases.
Drop Down Modifications– A stone wall has replace the opened arches on the side but the pathway\\\’s width has somewhat increased with the addition of the ramp.
Drop Down Clipping– The player will experience smoother movement with the addition of clip brushes to the newly placed ramp.
Drop Down Room– The staircase and overpass route has been removed since that pathway is closed.
B Site Main Entrance– The T\\\’s main B entrance has been rerouted to it\\\’s own separate pathway.
CT Sniper Room Removed– The sniper room for the CT\\\’s has been totally removed and sealed up.
Removed Mid Flower Planters– The flower planters that were located in the middle courtyard of the map have been taken out.
Removed Back B– The area that was behind the stone arches has been sealed off and removed.
B Bomb Site– The B site area has been heavily modfied with many different changes. This includes: moving the site to the middle of the courtyard, making the overall site a bit smaller, and adding a assortment of cover throughout the site.
B Hut Remodeled– The hut in back B bomb site has been changed from a storage closet to a chicken coop; which changes the surrounding walls to a wood texture the player is able to shoot through now.
A Long Hallway– There were many minor adjustments through out long A like fixing up certain textures or the light of the area. But the more major changes involved eliminating a certain corner through the passage way, and making the CT balcony a bit shorter.
T Ramp Adjustments– The T ramp section was cleaned and smoothed out; it also had the addition of wall on the top side.
A Bomb Site– In align with the changes at B bomb site; major adjustments took place at A also. This includes making A courtyard smaller, removing the spiral stairs from the site, and additional cover objects around the site like raising the wall surrounding the plant area.
A Connector Door– The same wood frame and door added to the water room has been placed on both sides of the connector passage.
Removed CT Balcony– The balcony located near long A has been removed along with the rocks, and now has a wall that is separating it from T ramp.
A Long Cover– The wood cover coming out of long A has been extended down.
Connector Changes– Like stated previously there was the wood door and frames added to both sides of the connector with the now sealed off spiral stairs passage. Another change to note is that players are able to jump on the flower box to get in to drop down room.
Side Balcony Adjusted– The floor area of the balcony has increased meaning the railing has moved a little bit farther out. You will also notice that the coloring of all the boxes on the map have been changed.
De_Cbble\\\’s Radar
Overview Map Updated– The map needed to be updated to align with the current layout and geometry of the modifications.
Back-End Changes
Version Released
Client Version = 160
Server Version = 160
Patch Version =
Cbble\\\’s Map Placements
The updates that involved De_Cbble has moved around the placement for the B bomb site icons.
- Location of these modifications are represented in de_cbble.txt
// HLTV overview description file for de_cbble.bsp "de_cbble" { "material" "overviews/de_cbble" // texture file "pos_x" "-3840" // upper left world coordinate "pos_y" "3072" "scale" "6" // loading screen icons and positions "CTSpawn_x" "0.22" "CTSpawn_y" "0.73" "TSpawn_x" "0.63" "TSpawn_y" "0.10" "bombA_x" "0.17" "bombA_y" "0.78" - "bombB_x" "0.73" - "bombB_y" "0.68" + "bombB_x" "0.65" +"bombB_y" "0.64"
Audio Modifications
The coinciding file adjustments relate to the official patch note point of \\\’ positional sounds spatialize to within 15 inches of the player and no longer “spread” to stereo when nearby\\\’.
- Location of these modifications are represented in sound_operator_stacks.txt
"CS_timed_random_music_entry_start" //replaces null.wav { "host_time" { "input_execute" "1.0" "operator" "get_sys_time" } "mod_time" { "operator" "math_float" "apply" "mod" "input_execute" "1.0" "input1" "@host_time.output_host_time" "input2" "1.0" } "add_time" { "operator" "math_float" "apply" "add" "input_execute" "1.0" "input1" "@mod_time.output" "input2" "0.5" } "round_mod_time" { "operator" "math_func1" "function" "round" "input_execute" "1.0" "input1" "@add_time.output" } "compare_1" { "operator" "math_float" "apply" "equals" "input_execute" "1.0" "input1" "@round_mod_time.output" "input2" "1.0" } "compare_2" { "operator" "math_float" "apply" "equals" "input_execute" "1.0" "input1" "@round_mod_time.output" "input2" "2.0" } "compare_3" { "operator" "math_float" "apply" "equals" "input_execute" "1.0" "input1" "@round_mod_time.output" "input2" "3.0" } "play_variation_1" { "operator" "sys_start_entry" "execute_once" "true" "input_execute" "@compare_1.output" "input_start" "1" "entry_name" "Default.Null" //Replace with the sound you want to play. } "play_variation_2" { "operator" "sys_start_entry" "execute_once" "true" "input_execute" "@compare_2.output" "input_start" "1" "entry_name" "Default.Null" //Replace with the sound you want to play. } "play_variation_3" { "operator" "sys_start_entry" "execute_once" "true" "input_execute" "@compare_3.output" "input_start" "1" "entry_name" "Default.Null" //Replace with the sound you want to play. } --------------------- ///////////////////// // SPEAKERS // NOTE: uses player data, ie: SS, calculates all players and merges them "speakers_spatialize" { "operator" "calc_spatialize_speakers" - "input_radius" "300" + "input_radius_max" "15" + "input_radius_min" "14" "input_distance" "@source_distance.output" "input_position" "@source_info.output_position" "input_rear_stereo_scale" "1.0"
- Location of these modifications are represented in game_sounds_diagnostics.txt
"Test.Noise.0" { "channel" "CHAN_STATIC" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_150dB" "volume" "1.0" "pitch" "100" "wave" "common/pink_noise_mono_loop.wav" "soundentry_version" "2" "operator_stacks" { "start_stack" { "import_stack" "CS_limit_footsteps_start" } "update_stack" { "import_stack" "CS_update_footsteps" "speakers_spatialize" { - "input_radius" "75" + "input_radius_max" "75" + "input_radius_min" "35" "input_distance" "350" "input_position[0]" "0" "input_position[1]" "378.002045" "input_position[2]" "65" } } } } "Test.Step.0" { "channel" "CHAN_STATIC" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_150dB" "volume" "1.0" "pitch" "100" "wave" "common/step_test_loop.wav" "soundentry_version" "2" "operator_stacks" { "start_stack" { "import_stack" "CS_limit_footsteps_start" } "update_stack" { "import_stack" "CS_update_footsteps" "speakers_spatialize" { - "input_radius" "75" + "input_radius_max" "75" + "input_radius_min" "35" "input_distance" "350" "input_position[0]" "0" "input_position[1]" "378.002045" "input_position[2]" "65" } } } } "Test.Noise.45" { "channel" "CHAN_STATIC" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_150dB" "volume" "1.0" "pitch" "100" "wave" "common/pink_noise_mono_loop.wav" "soundentry_version" "2" "operator_stacks" { "start_stack" { "import_stack" "CS_limit_footsteps_start" } "update_stack" { "import_stack" "CS_update_footsteps" "speakers_spatialize" { - "input_radius" "75" + "input_radius_max" "75" + "input_radius_min" "35" "input_distance" "350" "input_position[0]" "184" "input_position[1]" "184" "input_position[2]" "65" } } } } "Test.Step.45" { "channel" "CHAN_STATIC" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_150dB" "volume" "1.0" "pitch" "100" "wave" "common/step_test_loop.wav" "soundentry_version" "2" "operator_stacks" { "start_stack" { "import_stack" "CS_limit_footsteps_start" } "update_stack" { "import_stack" "CS_update_footsteps" "speakers_spatialize" { - "input_radius" "75" + "input_radius_max" "75" + "input_radius_min" "35" "input_distance" "350" "input_position[0]" "184" "input_position[1]" "184" "input_position[2]" "65" } } } } "Test.Noise.90" { "channel" "CHAN_STATIC" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_150dB" "volume" "1.0" "pitch" "100" "wave" "common/pink_noise_mono_loop.wav" "soundentry_version" "2" "operator_stacks" { "start_stack" { "import_stack" "CS_limit_footsteps_start" } "update_stack" { "import_stack" "CS_update_footsteps" "speakers_spatialize" { - "input_radius" "75" + "input_radius_max" "75" + "input_radius_min" "35" "input_distance" "350" "input_position[1]" "0" "input_position[0]" "378.002045" "input_position[2]" "65" }
Con Var Additions
The following two con vars have been added to the CS:GO engine and mostly likely relate to the patch note change of \\\’reduced latency of voice audio\\\’ –
Amount of time between receiving voice data and playing the audio when watching HLTV.
Amount of time between receiving voice data and playing the audio.
VMT | VTF Additions
The following material and texture files have been added for the map update involvement with De_Cbble:
VMT ~ Valve Material Format:
Metal ~

Metal ~ VMT
Metal A ~

Metal A ~ VMT
Ornate Door A ~

Ornate Door A ~ VMT
Wood ~

Wood ~ VMT
VTF ~ Valve Texture Format:
Metal A ~

Metal A ~ VTF
Ornate Door A ~

Ornate Door A ~ VTF
Added/Modified Models
The following models have either been modified or added for the update involvement with De_Cbble:
Trim D ~
Ornate Door: Wood Door ~

Wood Door ~ MDL
Ornate Door: Metal Door ~

Metal Door ~ MDL
Ornate Door: Metal Door B ~

Metal Door B ~ MDL
Updated Strings
The flavored text that was added for each \\\’Chroma\\\’ collection skin has now been added for \\\’Arms Deal Case 1\\\’ set. Also there were some grammar/typo errors that now have been corrected from the previous flavored text.
- Location of these modifications are represented in csgo_english.txt
// Paint Kits - "PaintKit_so_purple" "It has individual parts spray-painted solid colors in a black and purple color scheme.\\\\n\\\\nElegent design paired with brutal intent" - "PaintKit_so_night" "It has individual parts spray-painted solid colors in a night ops color scheme." - "PaintKit_hy_ddpat" "It has been painted using a Digital Disruptive Pattern (DDPAT) hydrographic." - "PaintKit_hy_forest" "It has been painted using a forest camouflage hydrographic." - "PaintKit_hy_skulls" "It has been painted using a skull-patterned hydrographic with red or black accents." - "PaintKit_hy_webs" "It has been painted using a spider web-patterned hydrographic over a red base coat and finished with a semi-gloss topcoat." - "PaintKit_sp_tape" "It has been spray-painted using a tangle of masking tape as a stencil." - "PaintKit_sp_mesh" "It has been spray-painted using mesh fencing and cardboard cutouts as stencils." - "PaintKit_am_dragon_glock" "It has been painted using a dragon decal over a metallic base coat." - "PaintKit_am_lightning_awp" "It has been painted with a lightning strike motif using anodizing effect paints over a metallic base coat." - "PaintKit_aa_fade" "It has been painted by airbrushing transparent paints that fade together over a chrome base coat." - "PaintKit_aq_blued" "It has been cold blued." - "PaintKit_aq_forced" "It has been given a forced patina using lemon and mustard dripped onto the surface." - "PaintKit_aq_oiled" "It has been color case-hardened through the application of wood charcoal at high temperatures." - "PaintKit_am_zebra" "It has been painted in a zebra-stripe pattern with aluminum and chrome paints with various reflectivities, and has then been covered with a tomato red candy coat." - "PaintKit_am_zebra_dark" "It has been painted in an aquatic-stripe pattern with charcoal metallic paints of various reflectivities over a chrome base coat." - "PaintKit_aa_vertigo" "It has been painted with a pearl base coat, then spray-painted black through a stencil in a graphic pattern." - "PaintKit_hy_feathers_aug" "It has been decorated with dry-transfer decals of eagle feathers." - "PaintKit_sp_dapple" "It has been spray-painted in a sun-dappled pattern." - "PaintKit_aq_scar20_leak" "It has been sponged and brush-painted with blue metallic effect paints.\\\\n\\\\nThe founder of Season Corporation had this piece comissioned after being rescued by reknowned Operator Kotaro Izaki" + "PaintKit_so_purple" "It has individual parts spray-painted solid colors in a black and purple color scheme.\\\\n\\\\nElegant design paired with brutal intent" + "PaintKit_so_night" "It has individual parts spray-painted solid colors in a night ops color scheme.\\\\n\\\\nIt\\\'s the whisper of the wind... it\\\'s the bite at your neck" + "PaintKit_hy_ddpat" "It has been painted using a Digital Disruptive Pattern (DDPAT) hydrographic.\\\\n\\\\nBy the time you\\\'re close enough to notice the pixels it\\\'s already too late" + "PaintKit_hy_forest" "It has been painted using a forest camouflage hydrographic.\\\\n\\\\nThe woods can be a dangerous place... never travel alone" + "PaintKit_hy_skulls" "It has been painted using a skull-patterned hydrographic with red or black accents.\\\\n\\\\nA mass grave that fits snugly in the palm of your hands" + "PaintKit_hy_webs" "It has been painted using a spider web-patterned hydrographic over a red base coat and finished with a semi-gloss topcoat.\\\\n\\\\nBe careful where you walk, you never know where the web is spread" + "PaintKit_sp_tape" "It has been spray-painted using a tangle of masking tape as a stencil.\\\\n\\\\nTrue power is demonstrated with subtle application" + "PaintKit_sp_mesh" "It has been spray-painted using mesh fencing and cardboard cutouts as stencils.\\\\n\\\\nA predator is a predator, no matter the enviornment" + "PaintKit_am_dragon_glock" "It has been painted using a dragon decal over a metallic base coat.\\\\n\\\\nIn a fairy tale the knight always slays the dragon... but this is the real world - Valeria Jenner, Revolutionary" + "PaintKit_am_lightning_awp" "It has been painted with a lightning strike motif using anodizing effect paints over a metallic base coat.\\\\n\\\\nSometimes you don\\\'t need to strike the same place twice" + "PaintKit_aa_fade" "It has been painted by airbrushing transparent paints that fade together over a chrome base coat.\\\\n\\\\nThis isn\\\'t just a weapon, it\\\'s a conversation piece - Imogen, Arms Dealer In Training" + "PaintKit_aq_blued" "It has been cold blued.\\\\n\\\\nThis is the malbec of blade work - Booth, Arms Dealer" + "PaintKit_aq_forced" "It has been given a forced patina using lemon and mustard dripped onto the surface.\\\\n\\\\nIf you think it\\\'s messy now, wait until you see it under a blacklight" + "PaintKit_aq_oiled" "It has been color case-hardened through the application of wood charcoal at high temperatures.\\\\n\\\\nA little color never hurt anyone" + "PaintKit_am_zebra" "It has been painted in a zebra-stripe pattern with aluminum and chrome paints with various reflectivities, and has then been covered with a tomato red candy coat.\\\\n\\\\nValeria doesn\\\'t pay Javier to ask questions... she pays him to pry out answers" + "PaintKit_am_zebra_dark" "It has been painted in an aquatic-stripe pattern with charcoal metallic paints of various reflectivities over a chrome base coat.\\\\n\\\\nWater gives life, but it can also take it..." + "PaintKit_aa_vertigo" "It has been painted with a pearl base coat, then spray-painted black through a stencil in a graphic pattern.\\\\n\\\\nYou\\\'re not getting sleepy, you\\\'re passing out from blood loss" + "PaintKit_hy_feathers_aug" "It has been decorated with dry-transfer decals of eagle feathers.\\\\n\\\\nAn eagle looks majestic until it\\\'s clawing your eyes out" + "PaintKit_sp_dapple" "It has been spray-painted in a sun-dappled pattern.\\\\n\\\\nThe Phoenix is not a symbol of destruction... it\\\'s a symbol of rebirth - Valeria Jenner, Revolutionary" + "PaintKit_aq_scar20_leak" "It has been sponged and brush-painted with blue metallic effect paints.\\\\n\\\\nThe founder of Season Corporation had this piece comissioned after being rescued by renowned Operator Kotaro Izaki"
Language String Updates
- "SFUI_Hint_Walk_Accuracy" "Když běžíš, nepřátelé slyší tvé kroky. Při chůzi uslyší tvé kroky hůře a tvá přesnost se zvýší."
- "PaintKit_so_purple" "Zbraň má jednotlivé části nasprejované barvami v odstínech černé a fialové."
- "PaintKit_aq_steel" "Zbraň stále perfektně funguje, přestože její vnější povrch je zrezlý."
- "PaintKit_aq_p250_cartel" "Do zbraně byly vyřezány motivy kostlivců, květin a hadů."
- "PaintKit_am_awp_glory" "Zbraň byla nabarvena modrou metalickou základní barvou a poté pomalována zlatým metalickým motivem s vlnkami a akcenty."
- "PaintKit_cu_elites_urbanstorm" "Na zbraň byl nanesen městský maskovací vzor a barva s modrým odstínem."
- "PaintKit_aq_deagle_naga" "Do zbraně byl vyřezán mytologický motiv."
- "PaintKit_cu_galil_abrasion" "Zbraň byla pomalována a byla na ni použita technika štokování. Na prachovém filtru je namalovaná lebka, která při pohybu závěru vypadá, jako kdyby mluvila."
- "PaintKit_cu_glock_deathtoll" "Zbraň byla nabarvena stříbrnou metalickou barvou a následně na ni byl hydrografikou nanesen motiv lebek."
- "PaintKit_cu_m4a4_ancestral" "Zbraň byla pomalována obrázkem červenomodrého draka."
- "PaintKit_cu_m249_sektor" "Zbraň byla pomalována sci-fi motivem."
- "PaintKit_am_mac10_malachite" "Zbraň byla pomalována barvami s metalickým efektem a poté na ní byl gumovým kartáčem vytvořen vzor vln."
- "PaintKit_cu_mp9_deadly_poison" "Na zbraň byl namalován různorodý vzor s hranatými tvary a na pažbu byl přidán obrázek pavouka."
- "PaintKit_cu_p250_mandala" "Zbraň byla pomalována kruhovými motivy."
- "PaintKit_cu_sawedoff_deva" "Na zbraň byl namalován obrázek ženy s křídly."
- "PaintKit_aq_scar20_leak" "Zbraň byla pomocí houby a štětce pomalována modrými barvami s metalickým efektem."
- "PaintKit_aq_xm1014_sigla" "Zbraň byla nabarvena stříbrnou metalickou barvou a poté na ni byl hydrografikou nanesen průhledný motiv hor."
- "PaintKit_an_tiger_orange" "Zbraň byla eloxována oranžovou barvou a ručně na ni byl vyleptán vzor tygřích pruhů."
- "PaintKit_am_marble_fade" "Zbraň byla pomalována černou a stříbrnou metalickou barvou s příměsí vytvářející efekt mramoru a poté namáčena do tří barev."
- "PaintKit_am_marbleized" "Zbraň byla pomalována černou a stříbrnou metalickou barvou s příměsí vytvářející efekt mramoru a poté namáčena do tří barev."
+ "SFUI_Hint_Walk_Accuracy" "Když běžíš, nepřátelé mohou tvé kroky slyšet. Při chůzi nevydáváš téměř žádný zvuk a tvá přesnost je vyšší."
+ "PaintKit_so_purple" "Zbraň má jednotlivé části nasprejované barvami v odstínech černé a fialové.\\\\n\\\\nElegantní design se potkal s krutostí války a vznikla tato zbraň"
+ "PaintKit_aq_steel" "Zbraň stále perfektně funguje, přestože její vnější povrch je zrezlý.\\\\n\\\\nHned na první pohled je vidět, že tato zbraň zažila spoustu nepěkných věcí"
+ "PaintKit_aq_p250_cartel" "Do zbraně byly vyřezány motivy kostlivců, květin a hadů.\\\\n\\\\nKouzelná zbraň, která stiskem spouště udělá ze živých mrtvé"
+ "PaintKit_am_awp_glory" "Zbraň byla nabarvena modrou metalickou základní barvou a poté pomalována zlatým metalickým motivem s vlnkami a akcenty.\\\\n\\\\nNepřátelé budou stát fronty, aby se nechali zabít touto zbraní"
+ "PaintKit_cu_elites_urbanstorm" "Na zbraň byl nanesen městský maskovací vzor a barva s modrým odstínem.\\\\n\\\\nŽlutý pes sice nezpíval o modrých zbraních, ale kdyby viděl tyhle dvě krásky, hned by změnil názor"
+ "PaintKit_aq_deagle_naga" "Do zbraně byl vyřezán mytologický motiv.\\\\n\\\\nZa trochou historie už nemusíte do muzea, stačí jen bojiště"
+ "PaintKit_cu_galil_abrasion" "Zbraň byla pomalována a byla na ni použita technika štokování. Na prachovém filtru je namalovaná lebka, která při pohybu závěru vypadá, jako kdyby mluvila.\\\\n\\\\nPokud Vám nestačí, že se nepřátelům smějete Vy, pořiďte si tuto zbraň, bude se smát s Vámi"
+ "PaintKit_cu_glock_deathtoll" "Zbraň byla nabarvena stříbrnou metalickou barvou a následně na ni byl hydrografikou nanesen motiv lebek.\\\\n\\\\nNa této zbrani je vyobrazeno, jak bude bojiště vypadat 5 minut poté, co Vás na něj vpustí s touto zbraní v ruce"
+ "PaintKit_cu_m4a4_ancestral" "Zbraň byla pomalována obrázkem červenomodrého draka.\\\\n\\\\nRozsévejte zkázu jako mýtičtí draci – Mike, obchodník se zbraněmi"
+ "PaintKit_cu_m249_sektor" "Zbraň byla pomalována sci-fi motivem.\\\\n\\\\nBudoucnost je ve Vašich rukou, doslova"
+ "PaintKit_am_mac10_malachite" "Zbraň byla pomalována barvami s metalickým efektem a poté na ní byl gumovým kartáčem vytvořen vzor vln.\\\\n\\\\nVypadá neškodně, ale dokáže natropit slušnou neplechu"
+ "PaintKit_cu_mp9_deadly_poison" "Na zbraň byl namalován různorodý vzor s hranatými tvary a na pažbu byl přidán obrázek pavouka.\\\\n\\\\nPokud přežijete první kousnutí, je tu 29 dalších"
+ "PaintKit_cu_p250_mandala" "Zbraň byla pomalována kruhovými motivy.\\\\n\\\\nTyto kruhy Vás nezabijí za 7 dní, ale za 7 sekund"
+ "PaintKit_cu_sawedoff_deva" "Na zbraň byl namalován obrázek ženy s křídly.\\\\n\\\\nS touto zbraní vymalujete zeď vnitřnostmi nepřátel lépe než Michelangelo Sixtinskou kapli"
+ "PaintKit_aq_scar20_leak" "Zbraň byla pomocí houby a štětce pomalována modrými barvami s metalickým efektem.\\\\n\\\\nExperimentální maskovací vzor č. 80085. Praktické využití – nulové. Krása – nezměrná"
+ "PaintKit_aq_xm1014_sigla" "Zbraň byla nabarvena stříbrnou metalickou barvou a poté na ni byl hydrografikou nanesen průhledný motiv hor.\\\\n\\\\nKdyž se dobře trefíte, odletí nepřítel až k těm horám vyobrazeným na zbrani"
+ "PaintKit_an_tiger_orange" "Zbraň byla eloxována oranžovou barvou a ručně na ni byl vyleptán vzor tygřích pruhů.\\\\n\\\\nVzácná jako tygr, smrtící jako tygr"
+ "PaintKit_am_marble_fade" "Zbraň byla pomalována černou a stříbrnou metalickou barvou s příměsí vytvářející efekt mramoru a poté namáčena do tří barev.\\\\n\\\\nTolik hezkých barviček. Škoda, že za chvíli zůstane jen jedna. Červená"
+ "PaintKit_am_marbleized" "Zbraň byla pomalována černou a stříbrnou metalickou barvou s příměsí vytvářející efekt mramoru a poté namáčena do tří barev.\\\\n\\\\nNůž tak pěkný, že si ho nepřítel bude chtít nechat ve svém těle i po smrti"
+ "PaintKit_cu_galil_abrasion_Tag" "Kletskous"
+ "PaintKit_am_mac10_malachite_Tag" "Malachiet"
+ "PaintKit_cu_mp9_deadly_poison_Tag" "Dodelijk Vergif"
+ "PaintKit_cu_sawedoff_deva_Tag" "Sereenheid"
+ "PaintKit_aq_xm1014_sigla_Tag" "Kwikzilver"
+ "PaintKit_an_tiger_orange_Tag" "Tijgertand"
+ "PaintKit_am_marble_fade_Tag" "Marmervervaging"
+ "SFUI_Store_Hint_Community_Case_Key_6" "Open de Chroma-kist"
- "PaintKit_so_purple" "Des parties de cette arme ont été peintes selon un jeu de couleurs noir et violet."
- "PaintKit_cu_elites_urbanstorm" "Cette arme a été personnalisée d\\\'un camouflage urbain et de touches bleutées."
- "PaintKit_aq_deagle_naga" "Cette arme a été gravée de motifs mythologiques."
- "PaintKit_cu_glock_deathtoll" "Cette arme a été personnalisée en utilisant un film hydrographique de crânes sur une base de peinture en métal argenté."
- "PaintKit_cu_m4a4_ancestral" "Cette arme a été personnalisée avec l\\\'image d\\\'un rouge et bleu."
- "PaintKit_cu_m249_sektor" "Cette arme a été personnalisée d\\\'un design de science-fiction."
- "PaintKit_cu_p250_mandala" "Cette arme a été personnalisée de motifs circulaires."
- "PaintKit_cu_sawedoff_deva" "Cette arme a été peinte à la main d\\\'après l\\\'image d\\\'une femme avec des ailes."
- "PaintKit_an_tiger_orange" "Cette arme a été anodisée en orange puis des rayures de tigre ont été peintes à la main."
- "PaintKit_am_marbleized" "Cette arme a été personnalisée en utilisant des peintures métalliques noires et argentées pour obtenir des marbrures moyennes, puis elle a été revêtue de couleurs plus attrayantes."
+ "PaintKit_so_purple" "Des parties de cette arme ont été peintes selon un jeu de couleurs noir et violet.\\\\n\\\\nUn design élégant associé d\\\'intention brutale"
+ "PaintKit_cu_elites_urbanstorm" "Cette arme a été personnalisée d\\\'un camouflage urbain et de touches bleutées.\\\\n\\\\nAvec la foudre vient toujours le tonnerre"
+ "PaintKit_aq_deagle_naga" "Cette arme a été gravée de motifs mythologiques.\\\\n\\\\nUne bête de la mythologie indienne et du champ de bataille"
+ "PaintKit_cu_glock_deathtoll" "Cette arme a été personnalisée en utilisant un film hydrographique de crânes sur une base de peinture en métal argenté.\\\\n\\\\nL\\\'intimidation est la forme la plus sincère de la flatterie"
+ "PaintKit_cu_m4a4_ancestral" "Cette arme a été personnalisée avec l\\\'image d\\\'un rouge et bleu.\\\\n\\\\nUne arme digne du Roi des singes - Booth, Marchand d\\\'armes"
+ "PaintKit_cu_m249_sektor" "Cette arme a été personnalisée d\\\'un design de science-fiction.\\\\n\\\\nLa couverture n\\\'a jamais été aussi bonne"
+ "PaintKit_cu_p250_mandala" "Cette arme a été personnalisée de motifs circulaires.\\\\n\\\\nElle est ancrée dans la tradition et le sang"
+ "PaintKit_cu_sawedoff_deva" "Cette arme a été peinte à la main d\\\'après l\\\'image d\\\'une femme avec des ailes.\\\\n\\\\nLa sérénité est un luxe que peu peuvent se permettre - Valeria Jenner, Révolutionnaire"
+ "PaintKit_an_tiger_orange" "Cette arme a été anodisée en orange puis des rayures de tigre ont été peintes à la main.\\\\n\\\\nComme le tigre, il est rare... comme le tigre, il est mortel..."
+ "PaintKit_am_marbleized" "Cette arme a été personnalisée en utilisant des peintures métalliques noires et argentées pour obtenir des marbrures moyennes, puis elle a été revêtue de couleurs plus attrayantes.\\\\n\\\\nSe perdre dans sa couleur peut s\\\'avérer mortelle"
- "PaintKit_so_yellow" "Έχει μεμονωμένα μέρη βαμμένα με σπρέι από κίτρινο στερεό χρώμα."
- "PaintKit_so_red" "Έχει μεμονωμένα μέρη βαμμένα με σπρέι από κόκκινο και μαύρο στερεό χρώμα."
- "PaintKit_so_purple" "Έχει μεμονωμένα μέρη βαμμένα με σπρέι από μαύρο και μωβ στερεό χρώμα."
- "PaintKit_so_night" "Έχει μεμονωμένα μέρη βαμμένα με σπρέι από στερεό χρώμα νυκτερινών επιχειρήσεων."
- "PaintKit_so_caramel" "Έχει μεμονωμένα μέρη βαμμένα με σπρέι από καραμελέ και μαύρο στερεό χρώμα."
- "PaintKit_so_grassland" "Έχει μεμονωμένα μέρη βαμμένα με σπρέι από στερεό χρώμα πράσινο γρασιδιού."
- "PaintKit_so_sand" "Έχει μεμονωμένα μέρη βαμμένα με σπρέι από στερεό χρώμα άμμου."
- "PaintKit_so_tornado" "Έχει μεμονωμένα μέρη βαμμένα με σπρέι από στερεό χρώμα ανεμοστρόβιλου."
- "PaintKit_so_jungle" "Έχει μεμονωμένα μέρη βαμμένα με σπρέι από στερεό χρώμα ζούγκλας."
- "PaintKit_so_jungle_bravo" "Αυτό το ενθύμιο από Ruins έχει βαφεί με σπρέι ξεχωριστά σε τμήματα με μοτίβο ζούγκλας."
- "PaintKit_so_tornado_bravo" "Αυτό το ενθύμιο από Ali έχει βαφεί με σπρέι σε ξεχωριστά μέρη με συμπαγή χρώμα με θέμα τυφώνα."
- "PaintKit_so_sand_bravo" "Αυτό το ενθύμιο από Gwalior έχει βαφεί με σπρέι σε ξεχωριστά μέρη με συμπαγή χρώματα με θέμα ανεμοθύελλας."
- "PaintKit_so_olive_bravo" "Αυτό το ενθύμιο από Cache έχει βαφεί με σπρέι ξεχωριστά σε τμήματα με μοτίβο χρώματος ελιάς."
- "PaintKit_so_olive" "Έχει μεμονωμένα μέρη βαμμένα με σπρέι με χρωματισμό ελιάς."
- "PaintKit_aq_steel" "Είναι ακόμα πλήρως λειτουργικό αν και η εξωτερική επιφάνειά του έχει σκουριάσει."
- "PaintKit_aq_p250_cartel" "Έχει χαραχθεί με σκελετούς, λουλούδια και φίδια."
- "PaintKit_am_awp_glory" "Έχει μια βασική στρώση μπλε μεταλλικής μπογιάς και και έχει βαφεί στο χέρι με στροβίλους και εμφάσεις σε μεταλλικό χρυσό χρώμα."
- "PaintKit_cu_elites_urbanstorm" "Έχει βαφεί ειδικά με αστική παραλλαγή και μπλε εμφάσεις."
- "PaintKit_aq_deagle_naga" "Έχει χαραχθεί με μυθολογικό μοτίβο."
- "PaintKit_cu_galil_abrasion" "Έχει βαφεί στο χέρι και συνθλιβεί. Το κρανίο που είναι ζωγραφισμένο στο κάλυμμα της θύρας εκτίναξης φαίνεται σαν να πολυλογεί όταν το κάλυμμα κινείται πέρα-δώθε."
- "PaintKit_cu_glock_deathtoll" "Έχει βαφεί χρησιμοποιώντας υδρογραφική ταινία με κρανία πάνω σε βασική στρώση ασημένιας μεταλλικής μπογιάς."
- "PaintKit_cu_m4a4_ancestral" "Έχει βαφεί ειδικά με την εικόνα ενός δράκου με κόκκινο και μπλε χρώμα."
- "PaintKit_cu_m249_sektor" "Έχει βαφεί ειδικά με sci-fi σχέδιο."
- "PaintKit_am_mac10_malachite" "Έχει βαφεί με μπογιά με μεταλλικό εφέ και έχει καλυφθεί με ένα κυματιστό μοτίβο, με χρήση λαστιχένιας χτένας."
- "PaintKit_cu_mp9_deadly_poison" "Έχει βαφεί ειδικά με δυναμικά, γωνιώδη σχήματα και μια στυλιζαρισμένη αράχνη."
- "PaintKit_cu_p250_mandala" "Έχει βαφεί ειδικά με κυκλικά μοτίβα."
- "PaintKit_cu_sawedoff_deva" "Έχει βαφεί στο χέρι με την εικόνα μιας γυναίκας με φτερά."
+ "PaintKit_so_yellow" "Έχει μεμονωμένα μέρη βαμμένα με σπρέι από κίτρινο πλακάτο χρώμα."
+ "PaintKit_so_red" "Έχει μεμονωμένα μέρη βαμμένα με σπρέι από κόκκινο και μαύρο πλακάτο χρώμα."
+ "PaintKit_so_purple" "Έχει μεμονωμένα μέρη βαμμένα με σπρέι από μαύρο και μωβ πλακάτο χρώμα.\\\\n\\\\nΚομψός σχεδιασμός σε συνδυασμό με βάναυση πρόθεση"
+ "PaintKit_so_night" "Έχει μεμονωμένα μέρη βαμμένα με σπρέι από πλακάτο χρώμα για νυκτερινές επιχειρήσεις."
+ "PaintKit_so_caramel" "Έχει μεμονωμένα μέρη βαμμένα με σπρέι από καραμελέ και μαύρο πλακάτο χρώμα."
+ "PaintKit_so_grassland" "Έχει μεμονωμένα μέρη βαμμένα με σπρέι από πλακάτο χρώμα πράσινο γρασιδιού."
+ "PaintKit_so_sand" "Έχει μεμονωμένα μέρη βαμμένα με σπρέι από πλακάτο χρώμα της άμμου."
+ "PaintKit_so_tornado" "Έχει μεμονωμένα μέρη βαμμένα με σπρέι από πλακάτο χρώμα σε μοτίβο ανεμοστρόβιλου."
+ "PaintKit_so_jungle" "Έχει μεμονωμένα μέρη βαμμένα με σπρέι από πλακάτο χρώμα ζούγκλας."
+ "PaintKit_so_jungle_bravo" "Αυτό το ενθύμιο από Ruins έχει βαφεί με σπρέι με πλακάτο χρώμα ξεχωριστά σε τμήματα με μοτίβο ζούγκλας."
+ "PaintKit_so_tornado_bravo" "Αυτό το ενθύμιο από Ali έχει βαφεί με σπρέι με πλακάτο χρώμα σε ξεχωριστά μέρη με συμπαγή χρώμα με θέμα ανεμοστρόβιλου."
+ "PaintKit_so_sand_bravo" "Αυτό το ενθύμιο από Gwalior έχει βαφεί με σπρέι με πλακάτο χρώμα σε ξεχωριστά μέρη με συμπαγή χρώματα με θέμα ανεμοθύελλας."
+ "PaintKit_so_olive_bravo" "Αυτό το ενθύμιο από Cache έχει βαφεί με σπρέι με πλακάτο χρώμα ξεχωριστά σε τμήματα με μοτίβο χρώματος ελιάς."
+ "PaintKit_so_olive" "Έχει μεμονωμένα μέρη βαμμένα με σπρέι με πλακάτο χρώμα σε μοτίβο χρώματος ελιάς."
+ "PaintKit_aq_steel" "Είναι ακόμα πλήρως λειτουργικό αν και η εξωτερική επιφάνειά του έχει σκουριάσει.\\\\n\\\\nΜερικοί άνθρωποι δεν χρειάζονται να κρύβουν το πόσο βρώμικες είναι οι βρωμοδουλειές τους"
+ "PaintKit_aq_p250_cartel" "Έχει χαραχθεί με σκελετούς, λουλούδια και φίδια.\\\\n\\\\nΈνα μικρό σφίξιμο, και κάθε μέρα γίνεται Ημέρα των Νεκρών"
+ "PaintKit_am_awp_glory" "Έχει μια βασική στρώση μπλε μεταλλικής μπογιάς και και έχει βαφεί στο χέρι με στροβίλους και εμφάσεις σε μεταλλικό χρυσό χρώμα.\\\\n\\\\nΚάντε μερικά κεφάλια να γυρίσουν, πριν τα ανατινάξετε"
+ "PaintKit_cu_elites_urbanstorm" "Έχει βαφεί ειδικά με αστική παραλλαγή και μπλε εμφάσεις.\\\\n\\\\nΜετά την αστραπή έρχεται πάντα και η βροντή"
+ "PaintKit_aq_deagle_naga" "Έχει χαραχθεί με μυθολογικό μοτίβο.\\\\n\\\\nΘηρίο τόσο στην ινδική μυθολογία όσο και στο πεδίο της μάχης"
+ "PaintKit_cu_galil_abrasion" "Έχει βαφεί στο χέρι και συνθλιβεί. Το κρανίο που είναι ζωγραφισμένο στο κάλυμμα της θύρας εκτίναξης φαίνεται σαν να πολυλογεί όταν το κάλυμμα κινείται πέρα-δώθε.\\\\n\\\\nΚάποιοι λένε πως όταν γελάς, γελά κι ο κόσμος μαζί σου...μα όταν γελά το κρανίο πάνω στο όπλο, ηχούν μόνο κραυγές"
+ "PaintKit_cu_glock_deathtoll" "Έχει βαφεί χρησιμοποιώντας υδρογραφική ταινία με κρανία πάνω σε βασική στρώση ασημένιας μεταλλικής μπογιάς.\\\\n\\\\nΟ εκφοβισμός είναι η πιο ειλικρινής μορφή κολακείας"
+ "PaintKit_cu_m4a4_ancestral" "Έχει βαφεί ειδικά με την εικόνα ενός δράκου με κόκκινο και μπλε χρώμα.\\\\n\\\\nΈνα όπλο αντάξιο του ίδιου του Βασιλιά Πίθηκου - Booth, έμπορος όπλων"
+ "PaintKit_cu_m249_sektor" "Έχει βαφεί ειδικά με sci-fi σχέδιο.\\\\n\\\\nΠοτέ τα πυρά κάλυψης δεν έδειχναν τόσο ωραία"
+ "PaintKit_am_mac10_malachite" "Έχει βαφεί με μπογιά με μεταλλικό εφέ και έχει καλυφθεί με ένα κυματιστό μοτίβο, με χρήση λαστιχένιας χτένας.\\\\n\\\\nΤα φωτεινά χρώματα κρύβουν το σκοτεινό σκοπό του όπλου"
+ "PaintKit_cu_mp9_deadly_poison" "Έχει βαφεί ειδικά με δυναμικά, γωνιώδη σχήματα και μια στυλιζαρισμένη αράχνη.\\\\n\\\\nΔεν είναι το πρώτο δάγκωμα αυτό που σε σκοτώνει, αλλά τα 29 που το ακολουθούν"
+ "PaintKit_cu_p250_mandala" "Έχει βαφεί ειδικά με κυκλικά μοτίβα.\\\\n\\\\nΒυθισμένο στην παράδοση και στο αίμα"
+ "PaintKit_cu_sawedoff_deva" "Έχει βαφεί στο χέρι με την εικόνα μιας γυναίκας με φτερά.\\\\n\\\\nΗ γαλήνη είναι πολυτέλεια που λίγοι μπορούν να αποκτήσουν - Valeria Jenner, επαναστάτρια"
- "PaintKit_so_purple" "Egyes részeit szórással egyszínű fekete és bíbor színsémára festették."
- "PaintKit_aq_steel" "Még mindig tökéletesen működőképes, bár felületét rozsda borítja."
- "PaintKit_aq_p250_cartel" "Csontvázak, virágok és kígyók lettek belegravírozva."
- "PaintKit_am_awp_glory" "Fémes kék alapbevonatot kapott, majd kézi festéssel fémes arany forgatagokat és csíkokat festettek rá."
- "PaintKit_cu_elites_urbanstorm" "Városi terepmintás és kék csíkos egyedi festést kapott."
- "PaintKit_aq_deagle_naga" "Mitológiai motívumot véstek rá."
- "PaintKit_cu_galil_abrasion" "Kézzel festették és kopottassá tették. A porvédőre festett koponya mintha beszélne, mikor a závár hátrasiklik."
- "PaintKit_cu_glock_deathtoll" "Víztranszferes nyomtatással koponyákat festettek az ezüst fémfesték alapra."
- "PaintKit_cu_m4a4_ancestral" "Egy vörös és kék sárkány képét festették rá."
- "PaintKit_cu_m249_sektor" "Sci-fi dizájn szerint festették be."
- "PaintKit_am_mac10_malachite" "Fémes hatású festékkel festették le, majd gumi fésűs lehúzóval hullámos mintát készítettek rá."
- "PaintKit_cu_mp9_deadly_poison" "Dinamikus, szögletes formákat és egy stilizált pókot festettek rá."
- "PaintKit_cu_p250_mandala" "Körkörös motívumú egyedi festést kapott."
- "PaintKit_cu_sawedoff_deva" "Egy szárnyas nő képét festettek rá."
- "PaintKit_aq_scar20_leak" "Ecsettel és szivaccsal fémhatású kék festékkel festették be."
- "PaintKit_aq_xm1014_sigla" "Áttetsző víztranszferes nyomtatással fémes ezüst festékre domborzati térkép motívumot festettek."
- "PaintKit_an_tiger_orange" "Narancs színűre eloxálták és kézzel tigriscsíkos mintát véstek bele."
- "PaintKit_am_marble_fade" "Fekete és ezüst fémes festékkel, márványosító anyagot használva festették be, majd három színű átlátszó lakkozást kapott."
- "PaintKit_am_marbleized" "Fekete és ezüst fémes festékkel, márványosító anyagot használva festették be, majd átlátszó lakkozást kapott."
+ "PaintKit_so_purple" "Egyes részeit szórással egyszínű fekete és bíbor színsémára festették.\\\\n\\\\nAz elegáns tervezés és a brutális szándék ötvözete."
+ "PaintKit_aq_steel" "Még mindig tökéletesen működőképes, bár felületét rozsda borítja.\\\\n\\\\nVannak, akiknek nem kell rejtegetniük mocskos tetteiket."
+ "PaintKit_aq_p250_cartel" "Csontvázak, virágok és kígyók lettek belegravírozva.\\\\n\\\\nEgy könnyed mozdulat, és minden reggel A holtak napjává válik."
+ "PaintKit_am_awp_glory" "Fémes kék alapbevonatot kapott, majd kézi festéssel fémes arany forgatagokat és csíkokat festettek rá.\\\\n\\\\nSokan felkapják rá a fejüket, mielőtt szétloccsantanád nekik."
+ "PaintKit_cu_elites_urbanstorm" "Városi terepmintás és kék csíkos egyedi festést kapott.\\\\n\\\\nHa villámlik, dörögni is fog."
+ "PaintKit_aq_deagle_naga" "Mitológiai motívumot véstek rá.\\\\n\\\\nUgyanúgy szörnyeteg a csatatéren, mint ahogy az indián mitológiában is."
+ "PaintKit_cu_galil_abrasion" "Kézzel festették és kopottassá tették. A porvédőre festett koponya mintha beszélne, mikor a závár hátrasiklik.\\\\n\\\\nAzt mondják, ha nevetünk, a világ is velünk nevet... De amikor a Szószátyár nevet, mindenki más csak sikolt."
+ "PaintKit_cu_glock_deathtoll" "Víztranszferes nyomtatással koponyákat festettek az ezüst fémfesték alapra.\\\\n\\\\nA megfélemlítés a hízelgés legőszintébb formája."
+ "PaintKit_cu_m4a4_ancestral" "Egy vörös és kék sárkány képét festették rá.\\\\n\\\\n„A Majomkirályhoz méltó fegyver.” - Booth, fegyverkereskedő"
+ "PaintKit_cu_m249_sektor" "Sci-fi dizájn szerint festették be.\\\\n\\\\nFedezőtűz még sosem nézett ki ilyen jól."
+ "PaintKit_am_mac10_malachite" "Fémes hatású festékkel festették le, majd gumi fésűs lehúzóval hullámos mintát készítettek rá.\\\\n\\\\nAz élénk színek elfedik a fegyver sötét szándékát."
+ "PaintKit_cu_mp9_deadly_poison" "Dinamikus, szögletes formákat és egy stilizált pókot festettek rá.\\\\n\\\\nNem az első csípés a halálos, hanem az azt követő 29."
+ "PaintKit_cu_p250_mandala" "Körkörös motívumú egyedi festést kapott.\\\\n\\\\nHagyománnyal és vérrel átitatva."
+ "PaintKit_cu_sawedoff_deva" "Egy szárnyas nő képét festettek rá.\\\\n\\\\n„A nyugalom kiváltsága csak keveseknek adatik meg.” - Valeria Jenner, forradalmár"
+ "PaintKit_aq_scar20_leak" "Ecsettel és szivaccsal fémhatású kék festékkel festették be.\\\\n\\\\nA Season Corporation alapítója azután bocsátotta ezt ki, hogy a híres ügynök, Kotaro Izaki megmentette őt."
+ "PaintKit_aq_xm1014_sigla" "Áttetsző víztranszferes nyomtatással fémes ezüst festékre domborzati térkép motívumot festettek.\\\\n\\\\n„Időnként instabil elemre van szükségünk problémáink megoldásához.” - Kotaro Izaki, behatolási szakértő"
+ "PaintKit_an_tiger_orange" "Narancs színűre eloxálták és kézzel tigriscsíkos mintát véstek bele.\\\\n\\\\nOly\\\' ritka, mint a tigris... És oly\\\' halálos is..."
+ "PaintKit_am_marble_fade" "Fekete és ezüst fémes festékkel, márványosító anyagot használva festették be, majd három színű átlátszó lakkozást kapott.\\\\n\\\\nUgyan a penge sok színben játszik, de hamarosan csak vörös lesz."
+ "PaintKit_am_marbleized" "Fekete és ezüst fémes festékkel, márványosító anyagot használva festették be, majd átlátszó lakkozást kapott.\\\\n\\\\nVégzetes lehet, ha megbabonáznak a színei."
- "PaintKit_so_purple" "Ha le varie parti spruzzate di vernice a tinta unita in uno schema di colori nero e viola."
- "PaintKit_aq_steel" "È ancora perfettamente funzionante sebbene la scocca esterna si sia arrugginita."
- "PaintKit_aq_p250_cartel" "Presenta un bassorilievo con scheletri, fiori e serpenti."
- "PaintKit_am_awp_glory" "Ha uno strato base di vernice metallizzata blu ed è rifinito a mano con ghirigori dorati."
- "PaintKit_cu_elites_urbanstorm" "Sono state verniciate con una mimetizzazione urbana e delle rifiniture blu."
- "PaintKit_aq_deagle_naga" "È stata incisa con un fregio a tema mitologico."
- "PaintKit_cu_galil_abrasion" "È stato verniciato a mano e raschiato. Il teschio dipinto sullo sportellino di espulsione sembra sganasciarsi quando l\\\'otturatore scarrella."
- "PaintKit_cu_glock_deathtoll" "È stata verniciata usando la stampa idrografica di una serie di teschi su di una base di vernice metallizzata argentata."
- "PaintKit_cu_m4a4_ancestral" "È stato verniciato con l\\\'immagine di un drago in uno schema di colori rosso e blu."
- "PaintKit_cu_m249_sektor" "È stata verniciata con uno stile fantascientifico."
- "PaintKit_am_mac10_malachite" "È stato verniciato usando delle tinte a effetto metallizzato, ondulate grazie all\\\'impiego di un pettine gommato."
- "PaintKit_cu_mp9_deadly_poison" "È stato verniciato con forme angolose e dinamiche, e con l\\\'immagine stilizzata di un ragno."
- "PaintKit_cu_p250_mandala" "È stata verniciata con dei motivi circolari."
- "PaintKit_cu_sawedoff_deva" "È stato dipinto a mano con l\\\'immagine di una donna alata."
- "PaintKit_aq_scar20_leak" "È stato spugnato e spennellato con vernici blu a effetto metallizzato."
- "PaintKit_aq_xm1014_sigla" "È stato verniciato usando una stampa idrografica traslucida con una fantasia a curve isometriche su di uno strato di vernice metallizzata."
- "PaintKit_an_tiger_orange" "È stato anodizzato in arancione e intagliato a mano in una trama a strisce di tigre."
- "PaintKit_am_marble_fade" "È stato marmorizzato con tinte metallizzate nere e argentate, e poi caramellato con tre diversi colori."
- "PaintKit_am_marbleized" "È stato marmorizzato con tinte metallizzate nere e argentate, e poi caramellato."
+ "PaintKit_so_purple" "Ha le varie parti spruzzate di vernice a tinta unita in uno schema di colori nero e viola.\\\\n\\\\nUno stile elegante combinato a un intento brutale."
+ "PaintKit_aq_steel" "È ancora perfettamente funzionante sebbene la scocca esterna si sia arrugginita.\\\\n\\\\nAd alcune persone non interessa nascondere quanto è sporca la loro anima."
+ "PaintKit_aq_p250_cartel" "Presenta un bassorilievo con scheletri, fiori e serpenti.\\\\n\\\\nUna leggera pressione del grilletto trasforma ogni giornata nel giorno dei morti."
+ "PaintKit_am_awp_glory" "Ha uno strato base di vernice metallizzata blu ed è rifinito a mano con ghirigori dorati.\\\\n\\\\nFai girare qualche testa, prima di farle esplodere."
+ "PaintKit_cu_elites_urbanstorm" "Sono state verniciate con una mimetizzazione urbana e delle rifiniture blu.\\\\n\\\\nIl lampo precede sempre il tuono."
+ "PaintKit_aq_deagle_naga" "È stata incisa con un fregio a tema mitologico.\\\\n\\\\nUna belva sia nella mitologia indiana che sul campo di battaglia."
+ "PaintKit_cu_galil_abrasion" "È stato verniciato a mano e raschiato. Il teschio dipinto sullo sportellino di espulsione sembra sganasciarsi quando l\\\'otturatore scarrella.\\\\n\\\\nC\\\'è chi sostiene che quando ridi, il mondo rida insieme a te... ma quando il teschio di quest\\\'arma inizia a ridere, il mondo risponde solo urlando..."
+ "PaintKit_cu_glock_deathtoll" "È stata verniciata usando la stampa idrografica di una serie di teschi su di una base di vernice metallizzata argentata.\\\\n\\\\nL\\\'intimidazione è una delle forme più oneste dell\\\'adulazione."
+ "PaintKit_cu_m4a4_ancestral" "È stato verniciato con l\\\'immagine di un drago in uno schema di colori rosso e blu.\\\\n\\\\nUn\\\'arma degna del Re Scimmia stesso. - Booth, trafficante d\\\'armi."
+ "PaintKit_cu_m249_sektor" "È stata verniciata con uno stile fantascientifico.\\\\n\\\\nIl fuoco di copertura non ha mai avuto un aspetto così grandioso."
+ "PaintKit_am_mac10_malachite" "È stato verniciato usando delle tinte a effetto metallizzato, ondulate grazie all\\\'impiego di un pettine gommato.\\\\n\\\\nI colori brillanti nascondono un\\\'arma dallo scopo oscuro."
+ "PaintKit_cu_mp9_deadly_poison" "È stato verniciato con forme angolose e dinamiche, e con l\\\'immagine stilizzata di un ragno.\\\\n\\\\nNon è il primo morso che ti uccide, ma i 29 che lo seguono..."
+ "PaintKit_cu_p250_mandala" "È stata verniciata con dei motivi circolari.\\\\n\\\\nÈ intrisa di tradizione e sangue."
+ "PaintKit_cu_sawedoff_deva" "È stato dipinto a mano con l\\\'immagine di una donna alata.\\\\n\\\\nLa serenità è un lusso che pochi possono permettersi. - Valeria Jenner, rivoluzionaria."
+ "PaintKit_aq_scar20_leak" "È stato spugnato e spennellato con vernici blu a effetto metallizzato.\\\\n\\\\nIl fondatore della Season Corporation ha ordinato la realizzazione di questa arma dopo essere stato salvato dal rinomato incursore Kotaro Izaki."
+ "PaintKit_aq_xm1014_sigla" "È stato verniciato usando una stampa idrografica traslucida con una fantasia a curve isometriche su di uno strato di vernice metallizzata.\\\\n\\\\nA volte devi sfruttare gli elementi instabili per risolvere i tuoi problemi. - Kotaro Izaki, esperto incursore."
+ "PaintKit_an_tiger_orange" "È stato anodizzato in arancione e intagliato a mano in una trama a strisce di tigre.\\\\n\\\\nCome le tigri, è raro... e letale..."
+ "PaintKit_am_marble_fade" "È stato marmorizzato con tinte metallizzate nere e argentate, e poi caramellato con tre diversi colori.\\\\n\\\\nLa lama ha molti colori, ma alla fine ne avrà uno solo: il rosso."
+ "PaintKit_am_marbleized" "È stato marmorizzato con tinte metallizzate nere e argentate, e poi caramellato.\\\\n\\\\nPerdersi nel suo colore può dimostrarsi letale."
- "SFUI_Settings_Music_Volume" "BGM 音量"
+ "SFUI_Settings_Music_Volume" "マスター BGM 音量"
+ "CSGO_Item_Desc_Incindiary_Grenade" "投げると、焼夷手榴弾は、広い爆破範囲内の全員を燃やしてしまうことができる高温の化学反応を発します。"
+ "CSGO_Item_desc_Knife" "静かで、いつでも使えるナイフには、高速だがダメージの少ない第一攻撃と、遅いがダメージの多い第二攻撃があります。バックスタブで静かに一撃必殺。"
+ "PaintKit_so_whiteout_Tag" "ホワイトアウト"
+ "PaintKit_so_jungle_Tag" "ジャングル"
+ "PaintKit_cu_season_elites_bravo_Tag" "ブラックリンバ"
+ "PaintKit_an_emerald_bravo_Tag" "エメラルド"
+ "PaintKit_sp_star_bravo_Tag" "Zirka"
+ "Workshop_Preview_Hold" "ホールド"
+ "Workshop_Preview_GreenScreen" "グリーンスクリーン"
+ "PaintKit_am_slither_p90_Tag" "冷血"
+ "PaintKit_am_electric_red_Tag" "血清"
+ "PaintKit_cu_m4_asimov_tag" "アシモフ"
+ "SFUI_Notice_Alert_Waiting_For_Players" "プレイヤー %s1 を待っています"
+ "PaintKit_so_orca_Tag" "タキシード"
+ "quest_remaining_points_desc" " 残り %s2: %s1 "
+ "Quest_Kills_Mapgroup_desc" " %gamemode% : %mapgroup% のマッチで、指定された人数の敵を倒せ。"
+ "Quest_Kills_Mode_desc" " %gamemode% のマッチで、指定された人数の敵を倒せ。"
+ "PaintKit_cu_kaiman_tag" "カイマン"
+ "PaintKit_cu_bizon-osiris_tag" "オシリス"
+ "PaintKit_cu_c75a-tiger_tag" "虎柄"
+ "PaintKit_cu_nova_koi_tag" "鯉"
+ "PaintKit_cu_p2000_ivory_tag" "象牙"
+ "PaintKit_cu_bittersweet_tag" "超新星"
+ "PaintKit_am_chainmail_Tag" "チェインメイル"
+ "PaintKit_so_indigo_and_grey_Tag" "インディゴ"
+ "PaintKit_cu_well_traveled_ak47_Tag" "ジェットセット"
+ "PaintKit_cu_green_leather_Tag" "ファーストクラス"
+ "PaintKit_cu_luggage_usp-s_Tag" "ビジネスクラス"
+ "SFUI_Missions_Title" "オペレーションミッション"
+ "SFUI_Missions_Hint_Mission_Full" "割り当てられたミッションを完了して、既定の報酬を入手しよう。"
+ "SFUI_Missions_Status_Active" "%s1/2 割り当て済み"
+ "SFUI_Missions_Status_Completed" "%s1/2 割り当て済み"
+ "SFUI_Missions_In_Map" "有効"
+ "CSGO_Journal_CoverDate_3" "発行: %s1"
+ "CSGO_Journal_Blackgold_Author" "az, Holiest Cow, The Horse Strangler"
+ "CSGO_Journal_Mist_Author" "Invalid nick"
+ "CSGO_Journal_Badge_Id" "グレード支払い"
+ "CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_cologne2014_desc" "このカプセルには、1つの ESL Cologne 2014 参加者ステッカーが入っています。収益の一部は含まれる組織に平等に分配されます。"
+ "CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_cologne2014_desc01" "このカプセルには、1つの ESL One Cologne 2014 参加者ステッカーが入っています。収益の一部は含まれる組織に平等に分配されます。"
+ "CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_cologne2014_desc02" "このカプセルには、1つの ESL One Cologne 2014 参加者ステッカーが入っています。収益の一部は含まれる組織に平等に分配されます。"
+ "CSGO_Watch_Tournament_Info_Link" "トーナメント情報"
+ "CSGO_Watch_Tournament_Market_Link2" "Steam マーケット上のチームステッカー"
+ "CSGO_Scoreboard_CasterControl_Camera_On" "** キャスターカメラコントロール: ON"
+ "CSGO_Scoreboard_CasterControl_Camera_Off" "** キャスターカメラコントロール: OFF"
+ "CSGO_Scoreboard_CasterControl_Voice_On" "** キャスター音声: ON"
+ "CSGO_Scoreboard_CasterControl_Voice_Off" "** キャスター音声: OFF"
+ "CSGO_Scoreboard_CasterControl_Xray_On" "** キャスター X-ray コントロール: ON"
+ "CSGO_Scoreboard_CasterControl_Xray_Off" "** キャスター X-ray コントロール: OFF"
+ "CSGO_Scoreboard_CasterControl_UI_On" "** キャスター UI コントロール: ON"
+ "CSGO_Scoreboard_CasterControl_UI_Off" "** キャスター UI コントロール: OFF"
+ "Description_Heading" "説明:"
+ "StickerKit_comm02_handmadeflash" "フラッシュグレネード"
+ "GameUI_Category_MyMusic" "ミュージックオプション"
+ "musickit_valve_csgo_01_desc" "標準のクラシックな CS:GO 音楽。"
+ "SFUI_Settings_Menu_Music_Volume" "メインメニュー音量"
+ "SFUI_Settings_Start_Round_Music_Volume" "ラウンドスタート音量"
+ "SFUI_Settings_End_Round_Music_Volume" "ラウンド終了音量"
+ "SFUI_Settings_Map_Objective_Music_Volume" "爆弾/人質 音量"
+ "SFUI_Settings_Ten_Second_Warning_Music_Volume" "10秒カウント音量"
+ "SFUI_Settings_Death_Camera_Music_Volume" "デスカメラ音量"
+ "SFUI_OfficialDatacenterID_1" "アメリカ西海岸"
+ "SFUI_OfficialDatacenterID_2" "アメリカ東海岸"
+ "SFUI_OfficialDatacenterID_3" "ルクセンブルグ"
+ "SFUI_OfficialDatacenterID_4" "韓国"
+ "SFUI_OfficialDatacenterID_5" "シンガポール"
+ "SFUI_OfficialDatacenterID_6" "アラブ首長国連邦"
+ "SFUI_OfficialDatacenterID_7" "オーストラリア"
+ "SFUI_OfficialDatacenterID_8" "スウェーデン"
+ "SFUI_OfficialDatacenterID_9" "オーストリア"
+ "SFUI_OfficialDatacenterID_10" "ブラジル"
+ "SFUI_OfficialDatacenterID_11" "南アフリカ"
+ "Econ_Quest_Reward_Loot_List_Singular" "報酬は以下の通り:"
+ "campaign" "キャンペーン"
+ "SFUI_Missions_Status_Single" "%s1 割り当て済み"
+ "CSGO_Journal_CoverId_3" "OJ 21-5"
+ "CSGO_Journal_CoverId_4" "OJ 12-7"
+ "CSGO_Journal_Badge_EndDate_4" "2月 ------"
+ "CSGO_Journal_Mission_Start_Mission" "ミッション開始"
+ "CSGO_Journal_Mission_Unlock" "このミッションをアンロックするには前のミッションを完了してください。"
+ "CSGO_Journal_Mission_Complete" "✔ このミッションは完了しました。"
+ "CSGO_Journal_Coin_level_Bronze" "ブロンズ"
+ "CSGO_Journal_Coin_level_Silver" "シルバー"
+ "CSGO_Journal_Coin_level_Gold" "ゴールド!"
+ "CSGO_Journal_Mission_Unavailable" "ミッション未完了"
+ "SFUI_OfficialDatacenterID_14" "チリ"
+ "SFUI_OfficialDatacenterID_15" "ペルー"
+ "SFUI_OfficialDatacenterID_16" "インド"
+ "CSGO_Journal_Badge_Status_Title_4" "Op Vanguard ステータス"
+ "StickerKit_dhw2014_dhw_foil" "DreamHack Winter 2014 (キラ)"
+ "CSGO_Watch_Tournament_Stickers_Title_5" "2014 DreamHack チームステッカー"
+ "CSGO_Journal_Mission_day" "日"
+ "CSGO_Journal_Mission_days" "日"
+ "CSGO_Journal_Mission_hour" "時間"
+ "CSGO_Journal_Mission_hours" "時間"
+ "PaintKit_so_grey_nuclear_green_bizon_Tag" "화학적 녹색"
- "PaintKit_so_purple" "Se han pintado algunas partes con spray en colores sólidos de tonos negro y púrpura."
- "PaintKit_aq_steel" "Sigue perfectamente operativa aunque las superficies exteriores se hayan oxidado."
- "PaintKit_aq_p250_cartel" "Ha sido grabado con esqueletos, flores y serpientes."
- "PaintKit_am_awp_glory" "Se le ha aplicado una capa base de color azul metalizado sobre la que se ha pintado a mano con motivos de color oro metalizado."
- "PaintKit_cu_elites_urbanstorm" "Se ha personalizado con camuflaje urbano y motivos azules."
- "PaintKit_aq_deagle_naga" "Ha sido grabado con un motivo mitológico."
- "PaintKit_cu_galil_abrasion" "Se ha envejecido y pintado a mano. La calavera pintada sobre el guardapolvo aparenta hablar cuando se mueve el cerrojo."
- "PaintKit_cu_glock_deathtoll" "Se le ha aplicado un adhesivo hidrográfico de calaveras sobre una base de pintura metálica plata."
- "PaintKit_cu_m4a4_ancestral" "Se ha personalizado con la imagen de un dragón en rojo y azul."
- "PaintKit_cu_m249_sektor" "Se ha personalizado con un diseño de ciencia ficción."
- "PaintKit_am_mac10_malachite" "Se ha pintado con un efecto metálico y se le ha aplicado un patrón ondulado mediante una herramienta de peine de goma."
- "PaintKit_cu_mp9_deadly_poison" "Se ha personalizado con formas angulares dinámicas y una araña estilizada."
- "PaintKit_cu_p250_mandala" "Se ha personalizado con motivos circulares."
- "PaintKit_cu_sawedoff_deva" "Se ha pintado a mano con la imagen de una mujer con alas."
- "PaintKit_aq_scar20_leak" "Se ha esponjado y a continuación pintado a pincel mediante efectos metálicos azules."
- "PaintKit_aq_xm1014_sigla" "Se le ha aplicado un adhesivo hidrográfico translúcido con un mapa del terreno sobre pintura metálica plata."
- "PaintKit_an_tiger_orange" "Se ha anodizado en naranja y a continuación grabado a mano mediante un patrón de rayas de tigre."
- "PaintKit_am_marble_fade" "Se ha pintado con un marmoleado medio usando tonos negros y plata metalizados, luego recubierto de caramelo en tres colores."
- "PaintKit_am_marbleized" "Se ha pintado con un marmoleado medio usando tonos negros y plata metalizados, luego recubierto de caramelo."
+ "PaintKit_so_purple" "Se han pintado algunas partes con spray en colores sólidos de tonos negro y púrpura.\\\\n\\\\nDiseño elegante a la par que brutal"
+ "PaintKit_aq_steel" "Sigue perfectamente operativa aunque las superficies exteriores se hayan oxidado.\\\\n\\\\nHay quien no necesita ocultar cuán sucios son sus actos"
+ "PaintKit_aq_p250_cartel" "Ha sido grabado con esqueletos, flores y serpientes.\\\\n\\\\nUna pequeña intimidación que convierte cada mañana en el Día de los Muertos"
+ "PaintKit_am_awp_glory" "Se le ha aplicado una capa base de color azul metalizado sobre la que se ha pintado a mano con motivos de color oro metalizado.\\\\n\\\\nHaz que vuelvan sus cabezas antes de acabar con ellos"
+ "PaintKit_cu_elites_urbanstorm" "Se ha personalizado con camuflaje urbano y motivos azules.\\\\n\\\\nAl rayo siempre lo sigue el trueno"
+ "PaintKit_aq_deagle_naga" "Ha sido grabado con un motivo mitológico.\\\\n\\\\nUna bestia en la mitología india y también en el campo de batalla"
+ "PaintKit_cu_galil_abrasion" "Se ha envejecido y pintado a mano. La calavera pintada sobre el guardapolvo aparenta hablar cuando se mueve el cerrojo.\\\\n\\\\nHay quien dice que cuando ríes, el mundo ríe contigo... pero cuando el que ríe es el Charlatán, lo único que se oye son gritos"
+ "PaintKit_cu_glock_deathtoll" "Se le ha aplicado un adhesivo hidrográfico de calaveras sobre una base de pintura metálica plata.\\\\n\\\\nLa intimidación es la forma más sincera de adulación"
+ "PaintKit_cu_m4a4_ancestral" "Se ha personalizado con la imagen de un dragón en rojo y azul.\\\\n\\\\nUn arma digna del mismísimo Rey Mono —Booth (traficante de armas)"
+ "PaintKit_cu_m249_sektor" "Se ha personalizado con un diseño de ciencia ficción.\\\\n\\\\nEl fuego de cobertura nunca fue tan hermoso"
+ "PaintKit_am_mac10_malachite" "Se ha pintado con un efecto metálico y se le ha aplicado un patrón ondulado mediante una herramienta de peine de goma.\\\\n\\\\nLuminosos colores ocultan un arma con un oscuro propósito"
+ "PaintKit_cu_mp9_deadly_poison" "Se ha personalizado con formas angulares dinámicas y una araña estilizada.\\\\n\\\\nNo es el primer mordisco el que te mata, son los veintinueve que vienen después"
+ "PaintKit_cu_p250_mandala" "Se ha personalizado con motivos circulares.\\\\n\\\\nEmpapada en tradición y sangre"
+ "PaintKit_cu_sawedoff_deva" "Se ha pintado a mano con la imagen de una mujer con alas.\\\\n\\\\nLa serenidad es un lujo que pocos pueden permitirse —Valeria Jenner (revolucionaria)"
+ "PaintKit_aq_scar20_leak" "Se ha esponjado y a continuación pintado a pincel mediante efectos metálicos azules.\\\\n\\\\nEl fundador de Season Corporation encargó esta pieza tras ser rescatado por el renombrado agente Kotaro Izaki"
+ "PaintKit_aq_xm1014_sigla" "Se le ha aplicado un adhesivo hidrográfico translúcido con un mapa del terreno sobre pintura metálica plata.\\\\n\\\\\\\\ veces necesitas un elemento inestable para resolver tus problemas —Kotaro Izaki (experto en infiltración)"
+ "PaintKit_an_tiger_orange" "Se ha anodizado en naranja y a continuación grabado a mano mediante un patrón de rayas de tigre.\\\\n\\\\nExcepcional como el tigre... Mortal como el tigre..."
+ "PaintKit_am_marble_fade" "Se ha pintado con un marmoleado medio usando tonos negros y plata metalizados, luego recubierto de caramelo en tres colores.\\\\n\\\\nLa hoja está hecha de muchos colores, pero pronto todo será rojo"
+ "PaintKit_am_marbleized" "Se ha pintado con un marmoleado medio usando tonos negros y plata metalizados, luego recubierto de caramelo.\\\\n\\\\nPerderse en su colorido puede resultar fatal"
- "SFUI_PauseMenu_AudioVideoSettingsButton" "ตั้งค่า" [$X360]
- "Game_radio_location" "(Color 03)%s1(Color 01) @ %s2(Color 01) (วิทยุ): %s3"
- "SFUI_InvTooltip_Keyless_Case" "แพ็คเกจนี้ไม่จำเป็นต้องใช้กุญแจในการเปิด"
+ "SFUI_PauseMenu_AudioVideoSettingsButton" "การตั้งค่า" [$X360]
+ "Game_radio_location" "%s1 @ %s2 (Color 03)(วิทยุ): %s3"
+ "SFUI_InvTooltip_Keyless_Case" "แพ็กเกจนี้ไม่จำเป็นต้องใช้กุญแจในการเปิด"
- "PaintKit_so_purple" "Siyah ve mor renk düzeninde koyu renklerle boyanmış bireysel parçalara sahiptir."
- "PaintKit_sp_spray_sage_Tag" "Ada Çayı Spreyi"
- "PaintKit_am_turqoise_halftone_tag" "Yarım Ton Kobalt"
- "PaintKit_aq_steel" "Dış yüzeyleri paslanmasına rağmen mükemmel bir şekilde kullanıma hazırdır."
- "PaintKit_aq_p250_cartel" "İskelet, çiçek ve yılan desenleri oyularak süslenmiştir."
- "PaintKit_cu_elites_urbanstorm" "Şehir içi kamuflajı ve mavi vurgular ile özel olarak boyanmıştır."
- "PaintKit_aq_deagle_naga" "Mitolojik bir motif ile işlenmiştir."
- "PaintKit_cu_m249_sektor" "Bir bilim kurgu tasarımı ile özel olarak boyanmıştır."
- "PaintKit_am_mac10_malachite" "Lastik tarak aletiyle dalgalı bir tasarım ve metallik efekt renkleri kullanılarak boyanmıştır."
- "PaintKit_cu_mp9_deadly_poison" "Dinamik, açılı şekiller ve stilize edilmiş bir örümcek figürü ile özel olarak boyanmıştır."
- "PaintKit_cu_p250_mandala" "Dairesel motifler kullanılarak özel olarak boyanmıştır."
- "PaintKit_cu_sawedoff_deva" "Kanatlı bir kadın resmi kullanılarak el ile boyanmıştır."
- "PaintKit_am_marbleized" "Mermerleştirilmiş bir ortam kullanılarak siyah ve gümüş metalik boyalarla boyanmış, şeker ile kaplanmıştır."
+ "SFUI_Overwatch_Res_Griefing_Desc" "Sunduğunuz delilde görülen olayda, herhangi bir CS:GO topluluğu üyesinin de sonuca varacağı gibi, Şüpheli kişinin davranışları son derece yıkıcı, rekabet ve sosyal düzene aykırıdır. Örneğin; takım arkadaşlarına kasten müdahele ederek hasar görmelerini ya da vermelerini ister nitelikte."
+ "SFUI_Overwatch_Res_AimHacking_Desc" "Sunduğunuz delilde görülen olayda, herhangi bir CS:GO topluluğu üyesinin de sonuca varacağı gibi, Şüpheli kişi nişanını geliştirmek adına çeşitli bir yazılım kullanmıştır. Örneğin; otomatik nişan alma, geri-tepme azaltması veya eliminasyon gibi."
+ "SFUI_Overwatch_Res_WallHacking_Desc" "Sunduğunuz delilde görülen olayda, herhangi bir CS:GO topluluğu üyesinin de sonuca varacağı gibi, Şüpheli kişi rakiplerinin yerini saptamak adına çeşitli bir yazılım kullanmıştır. Örneğin; duvardan veya gaz bombasından görüş, flashbang etkisi azaltımı veya eliminasyon gibi."
+ "SFUI_Overwatch_Res_SpeedHacking_Desc" "Sunduğunuz delilde görülen olayda, herhangi bir CS:GO topluluğu üyesinin de sonuca varacağı gibi, Şüpheli kişi rakiplerinden kural dışı bir avantaj sağlamak adına çeşitli bir yazılım kullanmıştır. Örneğin; hız hilesi, otomatik zıplama, ters-görüntü gibi."
+ "PaintKit_so_purple" "Siyah ve mor renk düzeninde koyu renklerle boyanmış bireysel parçalara sahiptir.\\\\n\\\\nZarif tasarım gaddar niyet ile birleşti"
+ "PaintKit_sp_spray_sage_Tag" "Adaçayı Spreyi"
+ "PaintKit_am_turqoise_halftone_tag" "Noktalı Kobalt"
+ "PaintKit_aq_steel" "Dış yüzeyleri paslanmasına rağmen mükemmel bir şekilde kullanıma hazırdır.\\\\n\\\\nBazı insanlar emellerinin ne kadar kötü olduuğunu saklama gereği hissetmiyorlar"
+ "PaintKit_aq_p250_cartel" "İskelet, çiçek ve yılan desenleri oyularak süslenmiştir.\\\\n\\\\nTetiğe bir küçük darbe her sabahı Ölülerin Günü\\\'ne döndürür"
+ "PaintKit_cu_elites_urbanstorm" "Şehir içi kamuflajı ve mavi vurgular ile özel olarak boyanmıştır.\\\\n\\\\nYıldırımın ardından her zaman gök gürültüsü gelir"
+ "PaintKit_aq_deagle_naga" "Mitolojik bir motif ile işlenmiştir.\\\\n\\\\nBir Hint mitolojisinin yanı sıra savaş alanının da canavarı"
+ "PaintKit_cu_m249_sektor" "Bir bilim kurgu tasarımı ile özel olarak boyanmıştır.\\\\n\\\\nYaylım ateşi hiç bu kadar güzel gözükmemişti"
+ "PaintKit_am_mac10_malachite" "Lastik tarak aletiyle dalgalı bir tasarım ve metallik efekt renkleri kullanılarak boyanmıştır.\\\\n\\\\nParlak renkler bu silahı karanlık bir amaç uğruna saklıyor"
+ "PaintKit_cu_mp9_deadly_poison" "Dinamik, açılı şekiller ve stilize edilmiş bir örümcek figürü ile özel olarak boyanmıştır.\\\\n\\\\nSeni öldüren o ilk ısırığı değil, ondan sonra gelen 29 tanesi"
+ "PaintKit_cu_p250_mandala" "Dairesel motifler kullanılarak özel olarak boyanmıştır.\\\\n\\\\nBu silah gelenek ve kan ile demlendi"
+ "PaintKit_cu_sawedoff_deva" "Kanatlı bir kadın resmi kullanılarak el ile boyanmıştır.\\\\n\\\\nHuzur bazılarının sahip olabildiği bir lükstür - Valeria Jenner, Devrimci"
+ "PaintKit_am_marbleized" "Mermerleştirilmiş bir ortam kullanılarak siyah ve gümüş metalik boyalarla boyanmış, şeker ile kaplanmıştır.\\\\n\\\\nRenginin etkisinde kalmak ölümcül olabilir"
- "PaintKit_so_purple" "Ultraviolet\\\\nЧастини зброї пофарбовані аерозольною фарбою у пурпурово-чорній кольоровій гамі."
- "PaintKit_aq_steel" "Rust Coat\\\\nУсе ще чудово працює, незважаючи на іржу зовні."
+ "PaintKit_so_purple" "Ultraviolet\\\\nЧастини зброї пофарбовані аерозольною фарбою у пурпурово-чорній кольоровій гамі.\\\\n\\\\nЕлегантний дизайн поєднано зі злочинними намірами"
+ "PaintKit_aq_steel" "Rust Coat\\\\nУсе ще чудово працює, незважаючи на іржу зовні.\\\\n\\\\nДекотрі особи не приховують, якими брудними є їхні діяння"
+ "CSGO_community_crate_key_6" "Ключ від футляра «Chroma»"
+ "CSGO_community_crate_key_6_desc" "Chroma Case Key\\\\nЦей ключ відкриває лише футляри «Chroma»"
+ "CSGO_crate_community_6" "Футляр «Chroma»"
+ "CSGO_crate_community_6_desc" "Chroma Case"
+ "CSGO_set_community_6" "Колекція «Chroma»"
+ "CSGO_set_community_6_desc" "The Chroma Collection"
+ "PaintKit_cu_elites_urbanstorm_Tag" "Міський перламутр"
+ "PaintKit_aq_deagle_naga_Tag" "Нага"
+ "PaintKit_cu_galil_abrasion_Tag" "Тріскачка"
+ "PaintKit_cu_glock_deathtoll_Tag" "Катакомби"
+ "PaintKit_cu_m249_sektor_Tag" "Блокування системи"
+ "PaintKit_am_mac10_malachite_Tag" "Малахіт"
+ "PaintKit_cu_mp9_deadly_poison_Tag" "Смертельна отрута"
+ "PaintKit_cu_p250_mandala_Tag" "День мертвих"
+ "PaintKit_cu_sawedoff_deva_Tag" "Спокій"
+ "PaintKit_aq_scar20_leak_Tag" "Грот"
+ "PaintKit_aq_xm1014_sigla_Tag" "Ртуть"
+ "PaintKit_an_tiger_orange_Tag" "Тигряче ікло"
+ "PaintKit_am_marble_fade_Tag" "Мармуровий перелив"
+ "PaintKit_am_marbleized_Tag" "Доплер"
+ "SFUI_Store_Hint_Community_Case_Key_6" "Відкриває футляр «Chroma»"
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