Front-End Changes Changelog
- Added a holiday-themed Midnight Riders Music Kit, available as an offer for a limited time.
- Updated the artwork on the M4A4 | Griffin.
- Fixed server browser displaying very few results to users. (Thanks, Gamemann)
- Fixed some cases where players would not smoothly slide along certain kinds of geometry while moving.
- Train
- Widened lower ladder room.
- Blocked visibility from Bombsite B lower ramp to T ramp.
- Pushed back T spawn slightly.
- Updated collision model on train bumper models.
- Fixed some spots where C4 could get stuck.
- Fixed sun orientation.
Map Modification
De_Train Changes
Terrorist Spawn Position– The terrorist spawning location has been slightly push back overall.
B Bomb Site Visibility– A bucket has been placed on the lower B ramp for blocking the CT\\\’s view of T ramp.
Lower Ladder Room– The lower ladder hallway had it\\\’s width almost double in size.
Sun\\\’s Position– The position of the sun has been modified to match up with the current shadows being displayed around the map.
Unreachable Bomb Location– A another location where the bomb could get stuck behind the door in lower-back B has been fixed. Clip brushes were added for blocking off the possibility of items going behind the doors.
Clipping Cleaned– Numerous locations around the map had their clipping cleaned up to match their related model.
Clip Brushes Moved– The overhead pipes that were next to Ivy have now been properly clipped and the same can be said for the wall in connects to.
Holiday Music Kit Added
Midnight Riders

Midnight Riders
Bomb Planted
- bombplanted.mp3
Bomb Ten Second Warning
- bombtenseccount.mp3
Choose Team
- chooseteam.mp3
Death Camera
- deathcam.mp3
Round Lost
- lostround.mp3
Main Menu Music
- mainmenu.mp3
Round MVP Anthem
- roundmvpanthem.mp3
Round MVP Anthem
- roundmvpanthem.mp3
Round End Warning
- roundtenseccount.mp3
Start Action 1
- startaction_01.mp3
Start Action 2
- startaction_02.mp3
Start Round 1
- startround_01.mp3
Start Round 2
- startround_02.mp3
Round Won
- wonround.mp3
Back-End Changes
Version Released
Client Version = 154
Server Version = 154
Patch Version =
Model Changes ~ Bumper Post
De_Train\\\’s model for the bump post has been reworked with this update release. The model\\\’s texture has been slightly change to match the surrounding environment a little more; but the important change involved the collision physics being matched with the model more. The previous physic characteristics accounted for another beam on the top section, and the player model would account for that invisible beam. The comparison between the two versions is showcased below with the second image displaying the model\\\’s physics characteristics.
Skin Replacement ~ M4A4 Griffin
With the surrounding drama around the creation of the \\\’Griffin\\\’ skin; Valve has silently replaced the skin with an alternative version. Staying true to the Valve image, there has been no official statement/comment from the developer unlike the previous incident with the \\\’Howl\\\’ skin. But there has been public statements/comments made by multiple parties that are involved within this conflict; and for a current temporary solution Valve has replaced the VTF skin texture with a new design.
Updated Strings
Strings needed to be added for the attributes and details of the coupons distributed for the music kits.
- Location of these additions are represented in items_game.txt
"10050" { "name" "coupon - midnightriders_01" "item_name" "#coupon" "item_description" "#coupon_desc" "image_inventory" "econ/coupon/offer" "prefab" "coupon_crate_prefab" "loot_list_name" "coupon loot list - midnightriders_01" "tool" { "restriction" "coupon_midnightriders_01" } "associated_item" "20050" } "20050" { "name" "coupon key - midnightriders_01" "item_name" "#coupon_key_midnightriders_01" "item_description" "#coupon_key_desc" "prefab" "valve coupon_key_prefab" "tool" { "restriction" "coupon_midnightriders_01" } "associated_item" "10050"
Strings added for the contents of the new coupon loot list to receive the option to purchase a music kit.
- Location of these additions are represented in items_game.txt
"coupon loot list - midnightriders_01" { "public_list_contents" "1" "[midnightriders_01]musickit" "1"
Strings needed to be added for the music kit set item with it\\\’s own description.
- Location of these additions are represented in items_game.txt
"12" { "name" "midnightriders_01" "loc_name" "#musickit_midnightriders_01" "loc_description" "#musickit_midnightriders_01_desc" "image_inventory" "econ/music_kits/midnight_riders_01" "pedestal_display_model" "models/inventory_items/music_kits/music_kit_midnight_riders_01.mdl"
Strings added for the music kits’s description + it\\\’s related claim coupon.
- Location of these additions are represented in csgo_english.txt
// Music Kits "musickit_midnightriders_01" "Midnight Riders, All I Want for Christmas" "musickit_midnightriders_01_desc" "\\\\"HAPPY HOLIDAYS, ****ERS!\\\\"\\\\n -Midnight Riders" "coupon_key_midnightriders_01" "Claim: MusicKit | Midnight Riders, All I Want for Christmas"
Extended OS Back End Log Changes
Modified file – csgo/bin/client.dylib (+156 B)
Modified file – csgo/bin/server.dylib (+68 B)
Modified file – bin/engine.dylib
Modified file – bin/ (+64 B)
Modified file – csgo/bin/
Modified file – csgo/bin/
Modified file – csgo/bin/
Modified file – csgo/bin/client.dll
Modified file – bin/serverbrowser.dll
Modified file – csgo/bin/server.dll