A new update for Counterstrike: Global Offensive has arrived bringing revisions to de_cbble, changes to the CZ-75, and a few other minor gameplay adjustments.
Front-End Changes Changelog
- The CZ75-Auto has been moved from the P250 slot to the Tec9/Five-seveN slot and its price has been raised to $500.
- Flashbang blast and HE grenade explosion damage now travels through water volumes (thanks starix)
- Buy time in official competitive config has been reduced to 20 seconds.
- Teamkill money penalty in official competitive config has been changed to -$300.
- Cobblestone
- Added T spawns to lower position, prioritized them over battlement spawns
- Added ladder from bottom of T spawn to battlement near T sniper tower
- Neutralized corner when moving through archhouse on B upper catwalk
- Neutralized corner when entering B site through connector
- Moved back CT spawns
- Tightened entrance corridor to Long A, T side
- Reduced depth of CT sniper room and made windows more open
- Reconfigured B tunnels for faster T rotation time
- Added path from T side of underpass into B tunnels
- Reduced sightlines from back of B to entrances
- Lowered railing at back of B to make characters on platform easier to spot
- Cut out area behind the toilet in back of B
- Minor lighting/texturing changes at A for better visibility
- Rotated window overlooking connector
- Dust2
- Expanded bomb plant zone at Bombsite A to include outside of boxes
- Smoothed out collision on door to Bombsite B
Gameplay Adjustments
CZ-75 Changes

Notification of the CZ-75 changes
This patch has moved the CZ-75 from being located with the P-250 slot to the Tec-9/Five-seveN slot. The player will now be able to have the P-250 and CZ-75 in their active slots. In addition this patch has raised the CZ-75 price to $500.

New Default Pistol Loadout Slots
Team Kill Penalty

Display of the new team kill penalty.
The teamkill penalty within the competitive config has been changed to -$300 for match making and official matches.
Buy Time

Display alert showcasing the new time.
Another modification to the competitive config has reduced the buy time from 45 seconds to 20 seconds.
Map Modifications
De_Dust2 Changes
A Site Plant Zone– The bomb plant zone for the A bomb site has been expanded to included outside the boxes towards short A.
Comparison Slider
B Door\\\’s Collision– The player\\\’s movement collision against the B doors has been smoothed out for the textures. The doors were causing some movement issues for user\\\’s movement.
Comparison Slider
De_Cbble Changes
Terrorist\\\’s Spawn Location– The spawning location of the terrorist has been pushed up to be on the low ground.
CT\\\’s Spawn Location– The opposite has taken place on the CT\\\’s side with them being pushed back a few feet.
Back B Bombsite– The allowed space behind B bomb site has been scaled back, the railing has been lowered, and the arches have been adjusted to change some sight lines.
B Bomb Site– The option of a player camping this corner has been minimized with the extension of the wall.
B Bomb Site– Unnecessary extra space has been closed up around the B bomb site.
A Bomb Site– A few adjustments have taken place at the A Bomb site. This includes the side platform being raised higher; thus blocking a individual player from jumping to that location. In addition there were multiple modifications to lighten up the area on certain textures surrounding the location of the A Bomb Site.
A Long Hallway– A corner has been covered up that gave the player a hiding location, and other minor changes took place involving the building itself.
CT Sniper Room– The CT sniper room has been redesigned on Cbble. The windows feature a more open design with the room being more shallow now. The platform located underneath the sniper room has been removed with the ladder being extended downward.

New CT Sniper Room
Drop Zone– Lighting has been added within the arches.
Middle– The window placement from exiting out the room had it\\\’s position turned with the extension of the room.
B Tunnels– A connector has been placed to link B tunnels with underpass/middle courtyard.

New Connector- Between Underpass and B Tunnels

New Connector – Between Underpass and B Tunnels
Middle Courtyard Connection– With the addition of the new connector the location of the door leading toward it has been moved.
Terrorist\\\’s Spawn– A ladder has been added to the Terrorist\\\’s spawn giving them the option of going up to the sniper tower since their spawn location is on the lower ground now.
Radar Map Updates
The modifications made to Cbble this week required a map overview update.
Back-End Changes
Version Released
Client Version = 132
Server Version = 132
Patch Version =
Updated Strings
The new CZ alert notification UI was built on top of the operation vote UI.
- Location of these additions are represented in the csgo_english.txt
//Main Menu
"SFUI_MainMenu_MapVote_Thanks" "Thanks for your Vote!"
"SFUI_MainMenu_CZUpdate_Header" "CZ75-Auto Has Moved!"
"SFUI_MainMenu_CZUpdate_Desc" "The CZ75-Auto is now an alternative for the Tec-9/Five-SeveN pistol slot.\\\\nIt has a new price of $500.\\\\nIt is no longer an alternative to the P250."
"SFUI_MainMenu_CZUpdate_Equip" "Your CZ75-Auto is currently unequipped."
"SFUI_MainMenu_CZUpdate_Thanks" "Opening Loadout..."
"SFUI_MainMenu_CZUpdate_Ok" "GOT IT!"
Back end strings that represent the reorganization of the weapon\\\’s slot changes are located below:
- Location of these modifications are represented in the items_game.txt
"3" { "name" "weapon_fiveseven" "prefab" "weapon_fiveseven_prefab" "item_quality" "normal" "baseitem" "1" "default_slot_item" "1" "item_sub_position" "secondary3" +"item_shares_equip_slot" "1" "30" { "name" "weapon_tec9" "prefab" "weapon_tec9_prefab" "item_quality" "normal" "baseitem" "1" "default_slot_item" "1" "item_sub_position" "secondary3" +"item_shares_equip_slot" "1" "36" { "name" "weapon_p250" "prefab" "weapon_p250_prefab" "item_quality" "normal" "baseitem" "1" "default_slot_item" "1" "item_sub_position" "secondary2" +"item_shares_equip_slot" "1" "63" { "name" "weapon_cz75a" "prefab" "weapon_cz75a_prefab" "item_quality" "normal" "baseitem" "1" - "item_sub_position" "secondary2" + "item_sub_position" "secondary3" "item_shares_equip_slot" "1"
The correct price has been added to the CZ-75\\\’s prefrab
- Location of these modifications are represented in the items_game.txt
"prefab" "weapon_p250_prefab"
"item_name" "#SFUI_WPNHUD_CZ75"
"item_description" "#CSGO_Item_Desc_cz75a"
"model_player" "models/weapons/v_pist_cz_75.mdl"
"model_world" "models/weapons/w_pist_cz_75.mdl"
"icon_default_image" "materials/icons/inventory_icon_weapon_cz75a.vtf"
"image_inventory" "econ/weapons/base_weapons/weapon_cz75a"
"is full auto" "1"
+"in game price" "500"
Strings for a new separate community case key have been added for the month of August. Valve started keeping track of keys for each month a while ago.
- Location of these modifications are represented in the items_game.txt
"1310" { "name" "Community Case Key 4 August 2014" "item_name" "#CSGO_community_crate_key_4" "item_description" "#CSGO_community_crate_key_4_desc" "first_sale_date" "2014/06/23" "prefab" "weapon_case_key" "image_inventory" "econ/tools/crate_key_community_4" "tool" { "restriction" "community_case_4" } } "1311" { "name" "Community Case Key 4" "item_name" "#CSGO_community_crate_key_4" "item_description" "#CSGO_community_crate_key_4_desc" "first_sale_date" "2014/07/01" "prefab" "weapon_case_key" "image_inventory" "econ/tools/crate_key_community_4" "tool" { "restriction" "community_case_4" } } "4018" { "item_name" "#CSGO_crate_community_4" "name" "crate_community_4" "image_inventory" "econ/weapon_cases/crate_community_4" "prefab" "weapon_case" "associated_items" { -"1310" "1" +"1311" "1" }
These represent the changes that took place in this patch for the competitive config.
- Location of these modifications are represented in the gamemode_competitive.cfg
+ cash_player_killed_teammate -300 + mp_buytime 20 - cash_player_killed_teammate -3300 - mp_buytime 45
These represent the changes that took place in this patch for the casual config.
- Location of these modifications are represented in the gamemode_casual.cfg
+ cash_player_killed_teammate -300 - cash_player_killed_teammate -3300
Updated UI Features
NOTICE: The following UI displays do not picture the final product. These images shows us the viewer a visual difference between the two versions. Also the following displays will feature the default/sample entries that the devs used.
Operation Vote/Notification UI
Instead of creating a new alert notification UI, the developers have reworked the Operation Vote UI to be multipurpose now. Below showcases the before/after of a developer look at comparing the UIs.

Display of solely the involved UI
Main Menu Select Panel UI
The above CZ-75 alert notification was built upon the alert tab located on the select panel.

Display of solely the involved UI
- The action-script included modifications of adding a new variable within the Scale Form. The NewGameAlert function was rewritten to include other options rather than just the operation vote panel. A whole new function was created for giving the client a reason for displaying the new alerts.

Image of the action-script modifications.
Language String Updates
+ "Attrib_OperationMinutesPlayedAsHrs" "Timp Înregistrat: %s1"
+ "Attrib_OperationWins" "Victorii Operațiune: %s1"
+ "Attrib_OperationKills" "Operațiune - Inamici Uciși: %s1"
+ "Attrib_OperationHSP" "Operațiune - Lovituri precise: %s1%"
+ "Attrib_Operation3k" "Operațiune - Runde cu 3 IU: %s1"
+ "Attrib_Operation4k" "Operațiune - Runde cu 4 IU: %s1"
+ "Attrib_Operation5k" "Operațiune - Runde cu 5 IU: %s1"
+ "Attrib_OperationMVPs" "MVP Operațiune: %s1"
+ "Attrib_QuestsComplete" "Operațiune - Misiuni îndeplinite: %s1"
+ "Attrib_DeploymentDate" "Data activării: %s1"
+ "CSGO_Scorecard_Title_Active" "Registru scor Active Duty"
+ "CSGO_Scorecard_Title_Operation" "Registru scor Operațiune"
+ "CSGO_Operation_Scorecard_NotStats_Operation" "Încheie un meci competitiv pe o hartă ce face parte dintr-o Operațiune pentru activarea registrului de scor."
+ "CSGO_Operation_Scorecard_NotStats_Active" "Încheie un meci competitiv pe o hartă din grupul Active Duty pentru activarea registrului de scor."
+ "CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenBlackgold" "Monedă hartă - Black Gold"
+ "CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenRush" "Monedă hartă - Rush"
+ "CSGO_Collectible_MapTokenMist" "Monedă hartă - Mist"
+ "CSGO_Collectible_Pin_DustII" "Insignă Dust II"
+ "CSGO_Collectible_Pin_DustII_Desc" "Insignă prezență evenimente CS:GO - Seria 1 - Dust II"
+ "CSGO_Collectible_Pin_GuardianElite" "Insignă Guardian Elite"
+ "CSGO_Collectible_Pin_GuardianElite_Desc" "Insignă prezență evenimente CS:GO - Seria 1 - Guardian Elite"
+ "CSGO_Collectible_Pin_Mirage" "Insignă Mirage"
+ "CSGO_Collectible_Pin_Mirage_Desc" "Insignă prezență evenimente CS:GO - Seria 1 - Mirage"
+ "CSGO_Collectible_Pin_Inferno" "Insignă Inferno"
+ "CSGO_Collectible_Pin_Inferno_Desc" "Insignă prezență evenimente CS:GO - Seria 1 - Inferno"
+ "CSGO_Collectible_Pin_Italy" "Insignă Italy"
+ "CSGO_Collectible_Pin_Italy_Desc" "Insignă prezență evenimente CS:GO - Seria 1 - Italy"
+ "CSGO_Collectible_Pin_Victory" "Insignă Victory"
+ "CSGO_Collectible_Pin_Victory_Desc" "Insignă prezență evenimente CS:GO - Seria 1 - Victory"
+ "CSGO_Collectible_Pin_Militia" "Insignă Militia"
+ "CSGO_Collectible_Pin_Militia_Desc" "Insignă prezență evenimente CS:GO - Seria 1 - Militia"
+ "CSGO_Collectible_Pin_Nuke" "Insignă Nuke"
+ "CSGO_Collectible_Pin_Nuke_Desc" "Insignă prezență evenimente CS:GO - Seria 1 - Nuke"
+ "CSGO_Collectible_Pin_Train" "Insignă Train"
+ "CSGO_Collectible_Pin_Train_Desc" "Insignă prezență evenimente CS:GO - Seria 1 - Train"
+ "CSGO_Collectible_Pin_Guardian" "Insignă Guardian"
+ "CSGO_Collectible_Pin_Guardian_Desc" "Insignă prezență evenimente CS:GO - Seria 1 - Guardian"
+ "CSGO_Collectible_Pin_Tactics" "Insignă Tactics"
+ "CSGO_Collectible_Pin_Tactics_Desc" "Insignă prezență evenimente CS:GO - Seria 1 - Tactics"
+ "CSGO_MessageBox_CommunitySeasonFourSummer2014_Desc" "- Monedă Operațiune Breakout, poate fi îmbunătățită prin îndeplinirea misiunilor\\\\n- Recompense misiuni\\\\n- 45 de noi arme ca potențiale recompense pentru misiuni\\\\n- Cutii Breakout\\\\n- Registru activitate curentă, registru Operațiune Breakout și clasamentul Prietenilor"
+ "CSGO_Item_Desc_Knife_Butterfly" "Acesta e un balisong personalizat, cunoscut și drept cuțit fluture. Caracteristica definitorie a acestei arme este deschiderea tip evantai a lamei, ce permite o ascundere sau deschidere rapidă. Din această cauză, cuțitele fluture sunt ilegale în multe țări."
+ "CSGO_community_crate_key_4" "Cheie cutie Operațiune Breakout"
+ "CSGO_community_crate_key_4_desc" "Această cheie deschide doar cutii Operation Breakout"
+ "CSGO_crate_community_4" "Cutie armă Operațiune Breakout"
+ "CSGO_set_community_4" "Colecția Breakout"
+ "CSGO_set_baggage" "Colecția Baggage"
+ "CSGO_set_cobblestone" "Colecția Cobblestone"
+ "CSGO_set_overpass" "Colecția Overpass"
+ "SEASONX_Coin_LevelUp_Silver" " %s1 și-a îmbunătățit moneda Operațiunii Challenge. Nivel nou: ARGINT!"
+ "SEASONX_Coin_LevelUp_Gold" " %s1 și-a îmbunătățit moneda Operațiunii Challenge. Nivel nou: AUR!!"
+ "crate_community_4_unusual_lootlist" "sau un Cuțit Fluture extrem de rar!"
+ "crate_community_4_unusual_itemname" "★ Cuțit Fluture ★"
+ "SFUI_Mapgroup_active" "Grup Active Duty"
+ "SFUI_Mapgroup_reserves" "Grup Reserves"
+ "SFUI_mapgroup_op_breakout" "Operațiunea Breakout"
+ "SFUI_Map_Type_Title" "Tipul hărții:"
+ "SFUI_Maps_In_Group_Title" "Hărți în grup:"
+ "SFUI_Missions_In_Group_Title" "Misiune disponibilă:"
+ "SFUI_Map_Tooltip_Desc_Operation" "Această hartă a fost creată de comunitate. \\\\n\\\\nEa va fi disponibilă tuturor jucătorilor pe durata Operațiunii Breakout în meciurile organizate automat."
+ "CSGO_Journal_Badge_Deply" "01iulie2014"
+ "CSGO_Journal_Badge_EndDate_Title" "Data expirării"
+ "CSGO_set_esports_2014_summer" "Colecția eSports 2014 Summer"
+ "CSGO_MatchInfoTeam_WinPrevMap" "A câștigat pe %map%"
+ "CSGO_MatchInfoTeam_LossPrevMap" "A pierdut pe %map%"
+ "CSGO_MatchInfoTeam_LossScoreMap" "A pierdut %map% %low%:%high%"
+ "CSGO_set_cache" "Colecția Cache"
+ "CSGO_set_cache_desc" ""
+ "lootlist_1" "Conține un obiect din colecția Arms Deal:"
+ "lootlist_2" "Conține un obiect din colecția eSports 2013:"
+ "lootlist_3" "Conține un suvenir din colecția Bravo:"
+ "lootlist_4" "Conține un suvenir din colecția Arms Deal 2:"
+ "lootlist_5" "Conține un suvenir din colecția eSports 2013 Winter:"
+ "lootlist_7" "Conține un obiect din cutia de armă Winter Offensive:"
+ "lootlist_10" "Conține un obiect din colecția Arms Deal 3:"
+ "lootlist_11" "Conține un obiect din colecția Phoenix:"
+ "lootlist_17" "Conține un obiect din colecția Huntsman:"
+ "lootlist_18" "Conține un obiect din colecția Breakout:"
+ "lootlist_19" "Conține un obiect din colecția eSports 2014 Summer:"
+ "lootlist_22" "Conține un suvenir din colecția Dust 2:"
+ "lootlist_23" "Conține un suvenir din colecția Inferno:"
+ "lootlist_24" "Conține un suvenir din colecția Mirage:"
+ "lootlist_25" "Conține un suvenir din colecția Nuke:"
+ "lootlist_26" "Conține un suvenir din colecția Cache:"
+ "lootlist_27" "Conține un suvenir din colecția Cobblestone:"
+ "lootlist_28" "Conține un suvenir din colecția Overpass:"
+ "SFUI_Picked_Start_Team" "Facțiune: %s1"
+ "SFUI_Picked_Veto" "Veto %s1"
+ "SFUI_Picked_Map" "Alegere: %s1"
+ "SFUI_List_Title" "Selecție"
+ "CSGO_Watch_Tournament_Matches_T2" "Meciuri"
+ "CSGO_Scoreboard_CasterControl_Voice_On" "** Voce comentator: Activă"
+ "CSGO_Scoreboard_CasterControl_Voice_Off" "** Voce comentator: Inactivă"
+ "SFUI_Tournament_Pick_Opponent" "Alege oponentul"
+ "SFUI_Tournament_PickFirst" "Primul veto"
+ "SFUI_Tournament_Veto" "Confirmă Veto"
+ "SFUI_Tournament_ChooseMap" "Alege harta pentru Veto"
+ "SFUI_Tournament_ChooseMapPick" "Alege o hartă"
+ "SFUI_Tournament_Pick" "Confirmă alegerea"
+ "SFUI_Tournament_Starting_Side" "Alege facțiunea de început"
+ "SFUI_Tournament_Change" "Schimbă selecția"
+ "SFUI_InitalPick_Maps_Picks_One" "Echipa ta are prima acțiune în faza selecției.\\\\nPoți elimina o hartă prin veto și apoi alege facțiunea pe harta aleasă pentru meci.\\\\nAlternativ, poți lăsa adversarii să folosească veto-ul și să aleagă facțiunile.\\\\n\\\\nTrebuie să decizi dacă echipa ta vrea să folosească prima veto-ul sau nu."
+ "SFUI_Tournament_Wait" "Se așteaptă o acțiune din partea echipei adverse..."
+ "SFUI_Tournament_Upcoming_Veto" "Veto hartă"
+ "SFUI_Tournament_Upcoming_Pick" "Alegerea următoarei hărți"
+ "SFUI_Tournament_Upcoming_Side_Pick" "Alegerea facțiunii de început"
+ "SFUI_Tournament_Veto_Title" "Veto hartă"
+ "SFUI_Tournament_Vetoed_Title" "%s1 a refuzat prin veto %s2"
+ "SFUI_Tournament_Picked_Title" "%s1 a ales %s2"
+ "SFUI_Tournament_PickedTeam_Title" "%s1 au ales să înceapă ca %s2"
- "SFUIHUD_Spectate_SpecMode_Cameraman" "[Caméra de %s1]"
- "Player_Point_Award_Assist_Enemy" " %s1 point pour avoir aidé à la neutralisation de %s2."
- "Player_Point_Award_Assist_Enemy_Plural" " %s1 points pour avoir aidé à la neutralisation de %s2."
- "Rarity_Mythical_Weapon" "Limité"
- "Rarity_Legendary_Weapon" "Classifié"
- "Rarity_Ancient_Weapon" "Secret"
+ "SFUIHUD_Spectate_SpecMode_Cameraman" "[Caméra : %s1]"
+ "Player_Point_Award_Assist_Enemy" " %s1 point pour avoir aidé à neutraliser %s2."
+ "Player_Point_Award_Assist_Enemy_Plural" " %s1 points pour avoir aidé à neutraliser %s2."
+ "Rarity_Mythical_Weapon" "Limitée"
+ "Rarity_Legendary_Weapon" "Classifiée"
+ "Rarity_Ancient_Weapon" "Secrète"
- "SFUI_GameModeGGProgressive" "ประชันอาวุธ"
- "SFUI_GameModeGGBomb" "ทำลายล้าง"
- "SFUI_GunGameProgressiveMap" "ประชันอาวุธ"
- "SFUI_GunGameTRMap" "ทำลายล้าง"
- "SFUI_DisconnectReason_PlayerRemovedFromSession" "ไคลเอนท์ถูกลบออกจากโฮสเซสชั่น"
- "TR_BOMB_DEFUSE_LOW_DESC" "กู้ระเบิด 5 ลูกในโหมดทำลายล้าง"
- "TR_BOMB_PLANT_LOW_DESC" "วางระเบิดห้าลูกในโหมดทำลายล้าง"
- "BOMB_PLANT_IN_25_SECONDS_DESC" "วางระเบิดภายในเวลา 25 วินาที (ไม่อยู่ในโหมดทำลายล้าง)"
- "BASE_SCAMPER_DESC" "ฆ่าศัตรูที่การป้องกันตอนเกิดเพิ่งหมดพอดีในโหมด ประชันอาวุธ"
- "STILL_ALIVE_DESC" "เอาชีวิตรอดนานกว่า 30 วินาทีในขณะที่มีชีวิตเหลือต่ำกว่า 10 แต้มในโหมดประชันอาวุธ หรือโหมดทำลายล้าง"
- "SFUI_Rules_TRBomb_Header" "ทำลายล้าง"
- "winpanel_mvp_award_gungame" "ผู้ชนะโหมดประชันอาวุธ: %s1"
- "SFUI_SteamOverlay_Text" " " [$WIN32]
- "SFUI_SteamOverlay_Text" " " [$OSX]
- "SFUI_MsgBx_GamerCardNotAvailable" " " [$PS3]
- "SFUI_Lobby_HelpClientInvite" "${cancel} ออกจากล๊อบบี้ ${altstart} เชิญเพื่อน" [$PS3]
- "SFUI_GameModeGungameProgressive" "ประชันอาวุธ"
- "SFUI_GameModeGungameTrBomb" "ทำลายล้าง"
+ "SFUI_DisconnectReason_PlayerRemovedFromSession" "ไคลเอนต์ถูกลบออกจากเซสชันของโฮส"
+ "TR_BOMB_DEFUSE_LOW_DESC" "กู้ระเบิด 5 ลูกในโหมด Demolition"
+ "TR_BOMB_PLANT_LOW_DESC" "วางระเบิดห้าลูกในโหมด Demolition"
+ "BOMB_PLANT_IN_25_SECONDS_DESC" "วางระเบิดภายในเวลา 25 วินาที (ไม่อยู่ในโหมด Demolition)"
+ "BASE_SCAMPER_DESC" "ฆ่าศัตรูที่การป้องกันตอนเกิดเพิ่งหมดพอดีในโหมด Arms Race"
+ "STILL_ALIVE_DESC" "เอาชีวิตรอดนานกว่า 30 วินาทีในขณะที่มีชีวิตเหลือต่ำกว่า 10 แต้มในโหมด Arms Race หรือ Demolition"
+ "SFUI_Rules_TRBomb_Header" "Demolition"
+ "SFUI_Settings_Calibrate_Nav" "${cancel} กลับ ${west} ปรับเทียบ ${north} ใช้ค่าเริ่มต้น ${confirm} แก้ไข ${dpad} สลับ/แก้ไข"
+ "winpanel_mvp_award_gungame" "ผู้ชนะโหมด Arms Race: %s1"
+ "TR_BombBExplode_30" "ระเบิดจะระเบิดในเวลาไม่ถึง 30 วินาที!"
+ "SFUI_Lobby_HelpClientInvite" "${cancel} ออกจากล็อบบี้ ${altstart} เชิญเพื่อน ${lshoulder} โปรไฟล์ Steam" [$WIN32||$OSX]
+ "SFUI_Lobby_HelpClientInvite" "${cancel} ออกจากล็อบบี้ ${altstart} เชิญเพื่อน" [$PS3]
+ "SFUI_Lobby_HelpClientShowGameInfo" "${cancel} ออกจากล็อบบี้ ${altstart} แสดงรายละเอียดเกม" [$PS3]
+ "SFUI_Settings_ViewmodelPos" "ตำแหน่งดูโมเดล"
+ "SFUI_Settings_ClanTag_In_Death_Notice" "แสดงแท็กทีมในการแจ้งเตือนการตาย"
+ "SFUI_vote_passed_not_ready_for_match_chat" " %s1 ได้ยกเลิกการนับถอยหลัง"
+ "SFUI_vote_passed_pause_match_chat" " %s1 ได้เริ่มการหยุดเวลาชั่วคราว"
+ "SFUI_Settings_ScoreboardMouseEnable" "เปิดการใช้งานเมาส์บนกระดานคะแนน"
+ "SFUI_Tournament_Picked_Title" "%s1 เลือก %s2"